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Characterizing Ethical Cases: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual Differences, Organisational Climate, and Leadership on Ethical Decision-MakingKUNTZ, J. R. C; KUNTZ, J. R; ELENKOV, Detelin et al.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 113, Num 2, pp 317-331, issn 0167-4544, 15 p.Article

Understanding Pay Satisfaction: Effects of Supervisor Ethical Leadership on Job Motivating Potential InfluenceRUIZ-PALOMINO, Pablo; SAEZ-MARTINEZ, Francisco J; MARTINEZ-CANAS, Ricardo et al.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 118, Num 1, pp 31-43, issn 0167-4544, 13 p.Article

The Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: Linear or Curvilinear Effects?MIAO, Q; NEWMAN, A; YU, J et al.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 116, Num 3, pp 641-653, issn 0167-4544, 13 p.Article

A Family Affair: A Case of Altruism or Aggrandizement?BOYD, David P; HALFOND, Jay A; JOHNSON, Peder C et al.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 113, Num 1, pp 157-161, issn 0167-4544, 5 p.Article

Dirty Hands Make Dirty Leaders?! The Effects of Touching Dirty Objects on Rewarding Unethical Subordinates as a Function of a Leader's Self-interestCRAMWINCKEL, Florien M; DE CREMER, David; VAN DIJKE, Marius et al.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 115, Num 1, pp 93-100, issn 0167-4544, 8 p.Article

Ethical Leadership and Subordinates' Occupational Well-Being: A Multi-level Examination in ChinaYANPING LI; JIA XU; YIDONG TU et al.Social indicators research. 2014, Vol 116, Num 3, pp 823-842, issn 0303-8300, 20 p.Article

How Ethical Leadership Influence Employees' Innovative Work Behavior: A Perspective of Intrinsic MotivationTU YIDONG; LU XINXIN.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 116, Num 2, pp 441-455, issn 0167-4544, 15 p.Article

It's all a matter of consensus: Leader role modeling strength as a moderator of the links between ethical leadership and employee outcomesOGUNFOWORA, Babatunde.Human relations (New York, NY). 2014, Vol 67, Num 12, pp 1467-1490, issn 0018-7267, 24 p.Article

Ethical leadership, moral equity judgments, and discretionary workplace behaviorRESICK, Christian J; HARGIS, Michael B; PING SHAO et al.Human relations (New York, NY). 2013, Vol 66, Num 7, pp 951-972, issn 0018-7267, 22 p.Article

Ethical Leadership and Subordinate Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Organizational Politics and the Moderating Role of Political SkillKACMAR, K. Michele; ANDREWS, Martha C; HARRIS, Kenneth J et al.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 115, Num 1, pp 33-44, issn 0167-4544, 12 p.Article

Does the Ethical Leadership of Supervisors Generate Internal Social Capital?PASTORIZA, David; ARINO, Miguel A.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 118, Num 1, pp 1-12, issn 0167-4544, 12 p.Article

Ethical leadership and followers' helping and initiative: The role of demonstrated responsibility and job autonomyKALSHOVEN, Karianne; DEN HARTOG, Deanne N; DE HOOGH, Annebel H. B et al.European journal of work and organizational psychology (Print). 2013, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 165-181, issn 1359-432X, 17 p.Article

Ethical Leadership: Assessing the Value of a Multifoci Social Exchange PerspectiveHANSEN, S. Duane; ALGE, Bradley J; BROWN, Michael E et al.Journal of business ethics. 2013, Vol 115, Num 3, pp 435-449, issn 0167-4544, 15 p.Article

Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader-member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identificationWALUMBWA, Fred O; MAYER, David M; PENG WANG et al.Organizational behavior and human decision processes (Print). 2011, Vol 115, Num 2, pp 204-213, issn 0749-5978, 10 p.Article

Ethics, a neglected dimension of power relationships of physician leadersCHERVENAK, Frank A; MCCULLOUGH, Laurence B; BARIL, Thomas E et al.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 2006, Vol 195, Num 3, pp 651-656, issn 0002-9378, 6 p.Article

(Un)Ethical Behavior in OrganizationsTREVINO, Linda Klebe; DEN NIEUWENBOER, Niki A; KISH-GEPHART, Jennifer J et al.Annual review of psychology (Print). 2014, Vol 65, pp 635-660, issn 0066-4308, 26 p.Article

Managerial modes of influence and counterproductivity in organizations : A longitudinal business-unit-level investigationDETERT, James R; TREVINO, Linda K; BURRIS, Ethan R et al.Journal of applied psychology. 2007, Vol 92, Num 4, pp 993-1005, issn 0021-9010, 13 p.Article

Fostering Good Citizenship Through Ethical Leadership: Exploring the Moderating Role of Gender and Organizational PoliticsKACMAR, K. Michele; BACHRACH, Daniel G; HARRIS, Kenneth J et al.Journal of applied psychology. 2011, Vol 96, Num 3, pp 633-642, issn 0021-9010, 10 p.Article

Leader Personality Traits and Employee Voice Behavior: Mediating Roles of Ethical Leadership and Work Group Psychological SafetyWALUMBWA, Fred O; SCHAUBROECK, John.Journal of applied psychology. 2009, Vol 94, Num 5, pp 1275-1286, issn 0021-9010, 12 p.Article

Interactive Effect of Leaders' Influence Tactics and Ethical Leadership on Work Effort and Helping BehaviorKACMAR, K. Michele; CARLSON, Dawn S; HARRIS, Kenneth J et al.The Journal of social psychology. 2013, Vol 153, Num 5, pp 577-597, issn 0022-4545, 21 p.Article

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