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Bloodlust, salvation or fertile imagination? Human sacrifice in early medieval northern Europe = XXXPATRICK, Philippa.Archaeological review from Cambridge. 2000, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 19-54, issn 0261-4332Article

THE EARLIEST RECORD OF HUMAN ACTIVITY IN NORTHERN EUROPE = Les traces les plus anciennes d'activité humaine dans le nord de l'EuropePARFITT, Simon A; BARENDREGT, Rene W; MUTCH, Robert et al.ATUATUCA. 2006, Vol 2, pp 15-20, issn 2030-5109, isbn 978-2-930495-02-6 978-9-074605-28-1, 1Vol, 6 p.Conference Paper

Cultural Studies and Ireland = Les études culturelles et l'IrlandeHIGGINS, Michael.Cultural studies. 2010, Vol 24, Num 6, issn 0950-2386, 103 p.Serial Issue

The nordic Bronze Age : Chronological dimensionsRANDSBORG, K.Acta archaeologica. 1996, Vol 67, pp 61-72, issn 0065-101XConference Paper

Comparaison et aires culturelles régionales : L'Europe du Sud et les modèles de Rokkan = Comparison and regional cultural areas: southern Europe and the models of Stein RokkanSEILER, Daniel-Louis.Pôle sud (Montpellier). 2004, Num 21, pp 69-80, issn 1262-1676, 12 p.Article

Hunters and AgricultureRAUSING, G.Fornvännen. 1991, Vol 86, Num 4, pp 255-258, issn 0015-7813Article

Redeposition of pollen and spores in pleistocene deposits - Problems and possibilities = Re-dépôts de spores et pollens dans les niveaux pléistocène : Problèmes et apportsLIIVRAND, E.PACT (Rixensart). 1996, Num 50, pp 23-29, issn 0257-8727Article

Genèse d'une frontière d'empire: la frontière nord de l'Empire romain = Genesis of an empire's frontier : the north frontier of the roman empireBRUN, P.Mémoires du Musée de préhistoire d'Ile-de-France. 1993, Num 5, pp 21-31, issn 0991-5761Article

L'âme des abeilles = The Soul of BeesZUKAS, S.Ulysse (Paris). 1993, Num 33, pp 41-43, issn 0990-7068Article

A Comparative Study of Hoarding in the Late Bronze Age and Viking EconomiesBRADLEY, R.Theoretical Approaches to Artefacts, Settlement and Society. Studies in Honour of Mats P. Malmer. BAR. International Series. 1987, Num 366, pp 379-387, IIBook Chapter

: Ethnography of Gypsies = Les problèmes d'intégration des Tsiganes dans la Société lettonne : Ethnographie des Tsiganes = Problems of Integration of Gypsies into the Latvian Society : Ethnographie des TsiganesUSTINOVA, M. Y.Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2011, Num 1, pp 75-88, issn 0869-5415, 14 p.Article

Explaining Social Class Inequalities in Smoking: The Role of Education, Self-Efficacy, and DeprivationLAYTE, Richard; WHELAN, Christopher T.European sociological review. 2009, Vol 25, Num 4, pp 399-410, issn 0266-7215, 12 p.Article

New perspectives on the Bell-Beaker culture = De nouvelles perspectives à propos de la culture des vases campaniformesBRODIE, N.Oxford journal of archaeology. 1997, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 297-314, issn 0262-5253Article

Chew, chew, that ancient chewing gumAVELING, E.British archaeology (York). 1997, Num 21, issn 1357-4442, p. 6Article

Sub-fossil cowry shells in northern Europe : Traces of eastern and western contacts with the Orient = Cauris sub-fossils dans le nord de l'Europe : les traces de contact avec l'OrientJOHANSSON, B. M.PACT (Rixensart). 1996, Num 50, pp 347-352, issn 0257-8727Article

Where did the reindeer go ?RAUSING, G.PACT (Rixensart). 1993, Num 38, pp 201-210, issn 0257-8727Article

Earliest evidence for cheese making in the sixth millennium BC in northern Europe = Premiers témoignages concernant la fabrication du fromage au sixième millénaire av.J.-C. en Europe septentrionalSALQUE, Mélanie; BOGUCKI, Peter I; PYZEL, Joanna et al.Nature (London). 2013, Vol 493, Num 7433, pp 522-525, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

PARADOX OF WRITING FOLK MUSIC NATIONAL REPRESENTATION AND SONG WRITERS IN RUSSIAN KARELIASUUTARI, Pekka.Traditiones - Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana. 2011, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 113-129, issn 0352-0447, 17 p.Article

La transition du Paléolithique moyen au supérieur dans la plaine septentrionale de l'Europe = The transition from the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic in the northern plain of EuropeFLAS, Damien.Anthropologica et praehistorica. 2008, Vol 119, issn 1377-5723, 251 p.Serial Issue

Pointe de Jerzmanowice, Szélétien et Bohunicien = Jerzmanowician point, Szeletian and BohunicianAnthropologica et praehistorica. 2008, Vol 119, pp 93-105, issn 1377-5723, 13 p.Article

Analogies in the Spread of Neolithic and Later Innovations over Europe and AfricaLINDQUIST, C.Theoretical Approaches to Artefacts, Settlement and Society. Studies in Honour of Mats P. Malmer. BAR. International Series. 1987, Num 366, pp 177-197, IBook Chapter

Les origines du LRJ = The origins of LRJAnthropologica et praehistorica. 2008, Vol 119, pp 107-120, issn 1377-5723, 14 p.Article

Postglacial trends in palynological richness in the northern Fennoscandian tree-line area and their ecological interpretation = Evaluation des tendances post-glaciaires à partir de la richesse palynologique dans la zone arbustive Fennoscandienne et leur interprétation écologiqueSEPPÄ, H.The Holocene (Sevenoaks). 1998, Vol 8, Num 1, pp 43-53, issn 0959-6836Article

Decreases in beech pollen in the prealpine foreland : the potential of varved sedimentsAMMANN, B.PACT (Rixensart). 1994, Num 41, pp 137-140, issn 0257-8727Conference Paper

Palaeoenvironmental Developments during the Late Glacial of the WeichselianKOLSTRUP, E.The Late Glacial in North-West Europe : Human Adaptation and Environmental Change at the End of the Pleistocene. CBA Research Report. 1991, Num 77, pp 1-6Book Chapter

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