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Kinetics of the enzymatic resolution of racemic compounds in BI-BI reactionsSTRAATHOF, A. J. J; RAKELS, J. L. L; HEIJNEN, J. J et al.Biocatalysis. 1992, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 13-27, issn 0886-4454Article

Effects of excess enantiomer on the crystal properties of a racemic compound : ephedrinium 2-naphthalenesulfonateLI, Z. J; GRANT, D. J. W.International journal of pharmaceutics. 1996, Vol 137, Num 1, pp 21-32, issn 0378-5173, 11 p.Article

N-(n-butylamide) of (S)-2-(phenylcarbamoyloxy)propionic acid : a new chiral solvating agent, derived from L-lactic acid, for the enantiomeric purity determination of derivatized amino acidsPINI, D; UCCELLO-BARRETTA, G; ROSINI, C et al.Chirality (New-York, NY). 1991, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 174-176, issn 0899-0042Article

Determination of the enantiometric excesses of chiral acids by 19F NMR studies of their esters deriving from (R)-(+)-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzhydrolBROWN, E; CHEVALIER, C; HUET, F et al.Tetrahedron : asymmetry (Print). 1994, Vol 5, Num 7, issn 0957-4166, XIX, 1191-1194 [5 p.]Article

Effects of substrate structure on the enantioselectivity and stereochemical course of sulfoxidation catalyzed by cyclohexanone monooxygenaseCARREA, G; REDIGOLO, B; RIVA, S et al.Tetrahedron : asymmetry (Print). 1992, Vol 3, Num 8, pp 1063-1068, issn 0957-4166Article

Estimation of the distribution of enantiomers of γ-decalactone and γ-dodecalactone in malt whiskyWANIKAWA, Akira; HOSOI, Kenji; SHOJI, Hiroshi et al.Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2001, Vol 107, Num 4, pp 253-259, issn 0046-9750Article

Calorimetric determination of the enantiomeric purity of (1R,2R)-2-amino-1-(4-nitrophenyl)-1,3-propanediolPITRE, D; NEBULONI, M; FERRI, V et al.Archiv der Pharmazie (Weinheim). 1991, Vol 324, Num 6, pp 325-327, issn 0365-6233, 3 p.Article

Chiral resolutions, asymmetric synthesis and amplification of enantiomeric excessDE MIN, M; LEVY, G; MICHEAU, J. C et al.Journal de chimie physique. 1988, Vol 85, Num 5, pp 603-619, issn 0021-7689Article

Asymmetric synthesis. Kinetic amplification of enantiomeric excessBERGENS, S; BOSNICH, B.Comments on modern chemistry. Part A, Comments on inorganic chemistry. 1987, Vol 6, Num 2, pp 85-90, issn 0260-3594Article

Dependence of the SmC* layer reorientation dynamics on enantiomeric excessDIERKING, I; LAGERWALL, S. T.Ferroelectrics (Print). 1999, Vol 227, Num 1-4, pp 97-104, issn 0015-0193Article

Two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic system for the determination of enantiomeric excess in complex amino acid mixtures : single amino acid analysisDOSSENA, A; GALAVERNA, G; CORRADINI, R et al.Journal of chromatography. 1993, Vol 653, Num 2, pp 229-234, issn 0021-9673Article

Synthesis of (R)- and (S)-isopropylidene glycerolPALLAVICINI, M; VALOTI, E; VILLA, L et al.Tetrahedron : asymmetry (Print). 1994, Vol 5, Num 1, issn 0957-4166, V, 5-8 [5 p.]Article

Nouveaux cristaux liquides smectiques C* ferroélectriques contenant le groupe sulfinyle comme unique source de chiralité: synthèse asymétrique et caractérisation = New ferroelectric smectic C* liquid crystal compounds containing a sulfinyl group as the unique source of chirality: asymmetric synthesis and characterizationCherkaoui, Sidi Mohammed Zoubair; Guillon, Daniel; Nicoud, Jean-François et al.1993, 300 p.Thesis

31P NMR non-equivalence of the diastereoisomeric phosphonodidepsipeptides. IIGŁOWACKI, Z; HOFFMANN, M.Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon and the related elements (Print). 1991, Vol 63, Num 1-2, pp 171-175, issn 1042-6507Article

Synthesis and properties of the enantiomers of the two artificial fragrances lilial and methylundecanalENDERS, D; DYKER, H.Liebigs Annalen der Chemie. 1990, Num 11, pp 1107-1110, issn 0170-2041Article

Asymmetric electrophilic α-amidoalkylation. VI: Syntheses of tetrahydroisoquinolines of high enantiomeric purityWANNER, K. T; PRASCHAK, I.Heterocycles (Sendai). 1989, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 29-33, issn 0385-5414Article

Mass balancing in kinetic resolution : calculating yield and enantiomeric excess using chiral balanceSTRAATHOF, A. J. J; RAKELS, J. L. L; HEIJNEN, J. J et al.Biotechnology and bioengineering. 1995, Vol 45, Num 6, pp 536-538, issn 0006-3592Article

Separation of the enantiomers of coumarinic anticoagulant drugs by capillary electrophoresis using maltodextrins as chiral modifiersD'HULST, A; VERBEKE, N.Chirality (New-York, NY). 1994, Vol 6, Num 4, pp 225-229, issn 0899-0042Conference Paper

Synthesis of all four isomers of disparlure using osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylationKEINAN, E; SINHA, S. C; ANJANA SINHA-BAGCHI et al.Tetrahedron letters. 1992, Vol 33, Num 43, pp 6411-6414, issn 0040-4039Article

Direct, highly efficient synthesis from (S)-(+)-phenylglycine of the taxol and taxotere side chainsDENIS, J.-N; CORREA, A; GREENE, A. E et al.Journal of organic chemistry. 1991, Vol 56, Num 24, pp 6939-6942, issn 0022-3263Article

Enantiopure cyanohydrins : a versatile extension of the chiral poolKRUSE, C. G; GELUK, H. W; VAN SCHARRENBURG, G. J. M et al.Chimica oggi. 1992, Vol 10, Num 1-2, pp 59-63, issn 0392-839XArticle

Synthesis of α-amino and α-alkoxy aldehydes via oxoammonium oxidationROBERT LEANNA, M; SOWIN, T. J; MORTON, H. E et al.Tetrahedron letters. 1992, Vol 33, Num 35, pp 5029-5032, issn 0040-4039Article

The 31 P-NMR spectroscopic determination of the enantiomeric excess of unprotected amino acidsHULST, R; KOEN DE VRIES, N; FERINGA, B. L et al.Angewandte Chemie. International edition in English. 1992, Vol 31, Num 8, pp 1092-1093, issn 0570-0833Article

Enantioselective alkylation of N-(trimethylsilyl)benzaldehyde imineITSUNO, S; YANAKA, H; HACHISUKA, C et al.Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. I. 1991, Num 5, pp 1341-1342, issn 0300-922XArticle

A concise synthesis of (S ) -N -ethoxycarbonyl -a -methylvalineKUETHE, Jeffrey T; GAUTHIER, Donald R; BEUTNER, Gregory L et al.Journal of organic chemistry. 2007, Vol 72, Num 19, pp 7469-7472, issn 0022-3263, 4 p.Article

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