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Some observations on the the question is ventricular fibrillation «chaos»?GOLDBERGER, A. L; BHARGAVA, V; WEST, B. J et al.Physica. D. 1986, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 282-289, issn 0167-2789Article

Detection of ventricular fibrillation with a ventricular monopolar catheter electrodeVOELZ, M. B; WESSALE, J. L; GEDDES, L. A et al.Biomedical instrumentation & technology. 1991, Vol 25, Num 5, pp 387-392, issn 0899-8205Article

Pediatric defibrillation: importance of paddle size in determining transthoracic impedanceATKINS, D. L; SIRNA, S; KIESO, R et al.Pediatrics (Evanston). 1988, Vol 82, Num 6, pp 914-918, issn 0031-4005Article

Effect of procainamide on the induction of ventricular fibrillation by sequential ventricular stimulationMARAKAWA, Y; SUGIMOTO, T.Japanese Circulation Journal. 1987, Vol 51, Num 2, pp 203-207, issn 0047-1828Article

Algorithm use in the treatment of pre-hospital ventricular fibrillation: an analysis of 160 casesHOFFMAN, J. R; O'NEILL, N; LUO, J et al.Resuscitation. 1989, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 131-141, issn 0300-9572Article

Ventricular fibrillation in six adults without overt heart diseaseLEMERY, R; BRUGADA, P; DELLA BELLA, P et al.Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 1989, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 911-916, issn 0735-1097Article

Le traitement des arythmies ventriculaires = Treatment of ventricular arrythmiaGROLLEAU, R.Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux. Pratique. 1999, Num 84, pp 15-16, issn 1261-694XArticle

A computer model study of the ventricular fibrillation vulnerable windows: sensitivity to regional conduction depressionsFISHLER, M. G; THAKOR, N. V.Annals of biomedical engineering. 1994, Vol 22, Num 6, pp 610-621, issn 0090-6964Article

Elektrophysiologische Kriterien zur Vermeidung von ElektrounfällenKUPFER, J.Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete. 1990, Vol 36, Num 11, pp 586-588, issn 0049-8610Article

Fibrillation ventriculaire idiopathique. Implantation d'un défibrillateur automatique = Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation. Implantation of an automatic defibrillatorCLEMENTY, J; FERNANDEZ, F; BENCHIMOL, H et al.Médecine et hygiène. 1988, Vol 46, Num 1773, pp 3485-3488, issn 0025-6749, 3 p.Article

La défibrillation cardiaque = Heart défibrillationCANSELL, A.RBM. Revue européenne de biotechnologie médicale. 1987, Vol 9, Num 4, pp 175-180, issn 0222-0776Article

Chaos in the heart : implications for clinical cardiologySKINNER, J. E; GOLDBERGER, A. L; MAYER-KRESS, G et al.Bio/technology (New York, N.Y. 1983). 1990, Vol 8, Num 11, pp 1018-1024, issn 0733-222X, 7 p.Article

The frequency of occult ventricular fibrillation masquerading as a flat line in prehospital cardiac arrestCUMMINS, R. O; AUSTIN, D. JR.Annals of emergency medicine. 1988, Vol 17, Num 8, pp 813-817, issn 0196-0644Article

Non-invasive monitoring during ventricular fibrillationBROWN, C. G; DZWONCYK, R.ACP. Applied cardiopulmonary pathophysiology. 1991, Vol 4, Num 4, pp 293-299, issn 0920-5268Article

Antiarrhythmic efficacy, clinical electrophysiology, and pharmacokinetics of 3-methoxy-O-desmethyl encainide (MODE) in patients with inducible ventricular tachycardia or fibrillationRODEN, D. M; LEE, J. T; WOOSLEY, R. L et al.Circulation (New York, N.Y.). 1989, Vol 80, Num 5, pp 1247-1258, issn 0009-7322, 12 p.Article

Silent myocardial ischemia as a predisposing factor of ventricular fibrillationHOHNLOSER, S. H; KASPER, W; ZEHENDER, M et al.The American journal of cardiology. 1988, Vol 61, Num 6, pp 461-463, issn 0002-9149Article

Artifically induced venticular fibrillation in the management of through-and-through penetrating wounds of the aortic arch : a case reportROBICSEK, F; MATOS-CRUZ, M.Surgery. 1991, Vol 110, Num 3, pp 544-545, issn 0039-6060Article

Ajmalin bei therapierefraktärem KammerflimmernKÖPPEL, C.Intensivmedizin + Notfallmedizin. 1990, Vol 27, Num 8, pp 476-479, issn 0175-3851Article

The role of arrhythmogenic auditory stimuli in sudden cardiac deathTOPAZ, O; CASTELLANOS, A; GROBMAN, L. R et al.The American heart journal. 1988, Vol 116, Num 1, pp 222-226, issn 0002-8703, 1Article

Spontaneous reversion of ventricular fibrillationPATT, M. V; PODRID, P. J; FRIEDMAN, P. L et al.The American heart journal. 1988, Vol 115, Num 4, pp 919-923, issn 0002-8703Article

Decision making in prehospital sudden cardiac arrestAPRAHAMIAN, C; THOMPSON, B. M; GRUCHOW, H. W et al.Annals of emergency medicine. 1986, Vol 15, Num 4, pp 445-449, issn 0196-0644Article

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A current perspectiveHAMASHIRO, P. K; WILSON, J. R.The Medical clinics of North America. 1986, Vol 70, Num 4, pp 729-747, issn 0025-7125Article

Changes in the incidence and duration of ventricular fibrillation in dependence on the extraneuronal accumulation of isoprenaline in the perfused rat heartSONO, K; KURAHASHI, K; FUJIWARA, M et al.Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. 1985, Vol 331, Num 1, pp 76-81, issn 0028-1298Article

Self-adhesive monitor/defibrillation pads improve prehospital defibrillation successSTULTS, K. R; BROWN, D. D; COOLEY, F et al.Annals of emergency medicine. 1987, Vol 16, Num 8, pp 872-877, issn 0196-0644Article

Refibrillation managed by EMT-Ds: incidence and outcome without paramedic back-upSTULTS, K. R; BROWN, D. D.The American journal of emergency medicine. 1986, Vol 4, Num 6, pp 491-495, issn 0735-6757Article

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