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The biological functions of low-frequency vibrations (phonons). VI: a possible dynamic mechanism of allosteric transition in antibody moleculesKUO-CHEN CHOU.Biopolymers. 1987, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 285-295, issn 0006-3525Article

A vector-averaging method for locating small differences between nearly identical protein structuresWEBER, I. T.Journal of applied crystallography. 1987, Vol 20, Num 5, pp 388-393, issn 0021-8898Article

Fluorescence anisotropy decay of ethidium bound to nucleosome core particles. II, The torsional motion of the DNA is highly constrained and sensitive to pHWINZELER, E. A; SMALL, E. W.Biochemistry (Easton). 1991, Vol 30, Num 21, pp 5304-5313, issn 0006-2960, 10 p.Article

A model of protein dynamics inferred from X-ray structure analysis and Mössbauer spectroscopy on myoglobinPARAK, F.Comments on molecular and cellular biophysics. 1987, Vol 4, Num 4-5, pp 265-280, issn 0143-8123Article

Davydov soliton dynamics : temperature effectsFORNER, W.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 1991, Vol 3, Num 24, pp 4333-4348, issn 0953-8984, 16 p.Article

Vasopressin conformational fluctuations: a molecular dynamics studySOMOZA, J. R; BRADY, J. W.Biopolymers. 1988, Vol 27, Num 6, pp 939-956, issn 0006-3525Article

Protein structures from distance inequalitiesBOHR, J; BOHR, H; BRUNAK, S et al.Journal of molecular biology. 1993, Vol 231, Num 3, pp 861-869, issn 0022-2836Article

Peptide mechanics : a force field for peptides and proteins working with entire residues as smallest unitsGERBER, P. R.Biopolymers. 1992, Vol 32, Num 8, pp 1003-1017, issn 0006-3525Article

13C-{1H} NMR/NOE and multiplet relaxation data in modeling protein dynamics of a collagen 13C-enriched glycine GXX repeat motif hexadecapeptideDARAGAN, V. A; MAYO, K. H.Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1992, Vol 114, Num 11, pp 4326-4331, issn 0002-7863Article

A theoretical study of the dielectric constant of proteinNAKAMURA, H; SAKAMOTO, T; WADA, A et al.Protein engineering (Print). 1988, Vol 2, Num 3, pp 177-183, issn 0269-2139Article

The normal modes of the gramicidin-A dimer channelROUX, B; KARPLUS, M.Biophysical journal. 1988, Vol 53, Num 3, pp 297-309, issn 0006-3495Article

Multiple conformational states of proteins: a molecular dynamics analysis of myoglobinELBER, R; KARPLUS, M.Science (Washington, D.C.). 1987, Vol 235, Num 4786, pp 318-321, issn 0036-8075Article

Thermal torsion of F-actinGREENE, P. R.Journal of theoretical biology. 1985, Vol 117, Num 3, pp 489-492, issn 0022-5193Article

Open channel noise.I: noise in acetylcholine receptor currents suggests conformational fluctuationsSIGWORTH, F. J.Biophysical journal. 1985, Vol 47, Num 5, pp 709-720, issn 0006-3495Article

Defect-mediated hydrogen-bond instability of poly(dG)-poly(dC)KIM, Y; PROHOFSKY, E. W.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1986, Vol 33, Num 8, pp 5676-5681, issn 0163-1829Article

Protein dynamics and the NMR relaxation time T1 of water in biological systemsRORSCHACH, H. E; HAZLEWOOD, C. F.Journal of magnetic resonance. 1986, Vol 70, Num 1, pp 79-88, issn 0022-2364Article

Calculation of the fourth-order correlation function of a polymer coil (as measured by cross-correlation light scattering)PUSEY, P. N.Macromolecules. 1985, Vol 18, Num 10, pp 1950-1962, issn 0024-9297Article

Active site dynamics in protein molecules: a stochastic boundary molecular-dynamics approachBROOKS, C. L. III; BRUNGER, A; KARPLUS, M et al.Biopolymers. 1985, Vol 24, Num 5, pp 843-865, issn 0006-3525Article

Local Raman tensors of double-helical DNA in the crystal : a basis for determining DNA residue orientationsBENEVIDES, J. M; TSUBOI, M; WANG, A. H.-J et al.Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1993, Vol 115, Num 13, pp 5351-5359, issn 0002-7863Article

Rapidly-frozen polypeptide samples for characterization of high definition dynamics by solid-state NMR spectroscopyLAZO, N. D; HU, W; LEE, K.-C et al.Biochemical and biophysical research communications (Print). 1993, Vol 197, Num 2, pp 904-909, issn 0006-291XArticle

NMR study of haem exchange reaction of native myoglobin and haemoglobinISHIMORI, K; MORISHIMA, I.Magnetic resonance in chemistry. 1993, Vol 31, pp S113-S117, issn 0749-1581, NSArticle

Molecular and stochastic dynamics of proteinsNADLER, W; BRUNGER, A. T; SCHULTEN, K et al.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1987, Vol 84, Num 22, pp 7933-7937, issn 0027-8424Article

Fluctuations and supercoiling of DNAMARKO, J. F; SIGGIA, E. D.Science (Washington, D.C.). 1994, Vol 265, Num 5171, pp 506-508, issn 0036-8075Article

Sequence dependence of purine C8H exchange kinetics in the dodecamer 5'-d(CGCGAATTCGCG)-3'WALTERS, K. J; RUSSU, I. M.Biopolymers. 1993, Vol 33, Num 6, pp 943-951, issn 0006-3525Article

Structure of a G.T.A triplet in an intramolecular DNA triplexWANG, E; MALEK, S; FEIGON, J et al.Biochemistry (Easton). 1992, Vol 31, Num 20, pp 4838-4846, issn 0006-2960Article

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