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Purification and characterization of transcription factor IIIC2YOSHINAGA, S. K; L'ETOILE, N. D; BERK, A. J et al.The Journal of biological chemistry (Print). 1989, Vol 264, Num 18, pp 10726-10731, issn 0021-9258, 6 p.Article

Characterization of a bimobile DNA junctionLU, M; GUO, Q; MUELLER, J. E et al.The Journal of biological chemistry (Print). 1990, Vol 265, Num 28, pp 16778-16785, issn 0021-9258, 8 p.Article

Protection against UV-induced pyrimidine dimerization in DNA by triplex formationLYAMICHEV, V. I; FRANK-KAMENETSKII, M. D; SOYFER, V. N et al.Nature (London). 1990, Vol 344, Num 6266, pp 568-570, issn 0028-0836, 3 p.Article

Non-random spontaneous chain breakage occur in DNA methylated with dimethyl sulfateDÖLLE, A; STRÄTLING, W. H.FEBS letters. 1989, Vol 255, Num 2, pp 451-454, issn 0014-5793, 4 p.Article

A T cell-specific transcriptional enhancer within the human T cell receptor δ locusREDONDO, J. M; HATA, S; BROCKLEHURST, C et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 1990, Vol 247, Num 4947, pp 1225-1229, issn 0036-8075, 5 p.Article

Chemical nucleasesSIGMAN, D. S.Biochemistry (Easton). 1990, Vol 29, Num 39, pp 9097-9105, issn 0006-2960, 9 p.Article

Structural motif of the GCN4 DNA binding domain characterized by affinity cleavingOAKLEY, M. G; DERVAN, P. B.Science (Washington, D.C.). 1990, Vol 248, Num 4957, pp 847-850, issn 0036-8075, 4 p.Article

Footprinting analysis of sequence-specific DNA-drug interactionsPORTUGAL, J.Chemico-biological interactions. 1989, Vol 71, Num 4, pp 311-324, issn 0009-2797, 14 p.Article

Effects of DNA sequence and histone-histone interactions on nucleosome placementSHRADER, T. E; CROTHERS, D. M.Journal of molecular biology. 1990, Vol 216, Num 1, pp 69-84, issn 0022-2836, 16 p.Article

The prosgesterone receptor can regulate transcription in the absence of a functional TATA box elementTHOMSON, A. A; HAM, J; BAKKER, O et al.The Journal of biological chemistry (Print). 1990, Vol 265, Num 28, pp 16709-16712, issn 0021-9258, 4 p.Article

A novel nucleoprotein complex at a replication originSERRANO, M; SALAS, M; HERMOSO, J. M et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 1990, Vol 248, Num 4958, pp 1012-1016, issn 0036-8075, 5 p.Article

Asymmetric structure of a three-arm DNA junctionQIU GUO; MIN LU; CHURCHILL, M. E. A et al.Biochemistry (Easton). 1990, Vol 29, Num 49, pp 10927-10934, issn 0006-2960, 8 p.Article

A TATA-like sequence located downstream of the transcription initiation site is required for expression of an RNA polymerase II transcribed geneCARCAMO, J; MALDONADO, E; CORTES, P et al.Genes & development. 1990, Vol 4, Num 9, pp 1611-1622, issn 0890-9369, 12 p.Article

Laser photofootprinting of d(C).d(G).d(G) intramolecular triplexKOVALSKY, O. I; DVORYANKIN, G. A; BUDOWSKY, E. I et al.Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics. 1993, Vol 10, Num 6, pp 933-943, issn 0739-1102Conference Paper

Studies of the interaction of a meta-hydroxy analogue of hoechst 33258 with DNA by melting temperature, footprinting and high-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopySADAT EBRAHIMI, S. E; PARKINSON, J. A; FOX, K. R et al.Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications. 1992, Num 19, pp 1398-1399, issn 0022-4936Article

Genome-wide functional element detection using pairwise statistical alignment outperforms multiple genome footprinting techniquesSATIJA, R; HEIN, J; LUNTER, G. A et al.Bioinformatics (Oxford. Print). 2010, Vol 26, Num 17, pp 2116-2120, issn 1367-4803, 5 p.Article

Elicitor-inducible and constitutive in vivo DNA footprints indicate novel cis-acting elements in the promoter of a parsley gene encoding pathogenesis-related protein 1MEIER, I; HAHLBROCK, K; SOMSSICH, I. E et al.Plant cell. 1991, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 309-315Article

An expansive human regulatory lexicon encoded in transcription factor footprintsNEPH, Shane; VIERSTRA, Jeff; MAURANO, Matthew T et al.Nature (London). 2012, Vol 489, Num 7414, pp 83-90, issn 0028-0836, 8 p.Article

Footprinting with an automated capillary DNA sequencerYINDEEYOUNGYEON, Wandee; SCHELL, Mark A.BioTechniques. 2000, Vol 29, Num 5, pp 1034-1041, issn 0736-6205, 5 p.Article

The fimbrin and alpha-actinin footprint on actinMATSUDAIRA, P.The Journal of cell biology. 1994, Vol 126, Num 2, pp 285-287, issn 0021-9525Article

Identification of molecular contacts between the U1 a small ribonucleoprotein and U1 RNAJESSEN, T.-H; OUBRIDGE, C; HIANG TEO, C et al.EMBO journal (Print). 1991, Vol 10, Num 11, pp 3447-3456, issn 0261-4189Article

Mesoscale energy deposition footprint model for kiloelectronvolt cluster bombardment of solidsRUSSO, Michael F; GARRISON, Barbara J.Analytical chemistry (Washington, DC). 2006, Vol 78, Num 20, pp 7206-7210, issn 0003-2700, 5 p.Article

Probing the nature of chromosomal DNA-protein contacts by in vivo footprintingCARTWRIGHT, I. L; KELLY, S. E.BioTechniques. 1991, Vol 11, Num 2, pp 188-203, issn 0736-6205, 12 p.Article

Hydroxyl radical footprintingDIXON, W. J; HAYES, J. J; LEVIN, J. R et al.Methods in enzymology. 1991, Vol 208, pp 380-413, issn 0076-6879Article

Genomic footprinting of a yeast tRNA gene reveals stable complexes over the 5'-flanking regionHUIBREGTSE, J. M; ENGELKE, D. R.Molecular and cellular biology (Print). 1989, Vol 9, Num 8, pp 3244-3252, issn 0270-7306, 9 p.Article

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