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A study of electrostatic activity in grain silosSAMPURAN SINGH; CARTWRIGHT, P.IEEE transactions on industry applications. 1984, Vol 20, Num 4, pp 863-868, issn 0093-9994Conference Paper

Explosion protection for bag filters in grain handling, storage & milling industriesACAROGLU, A. V.Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Mechanical engineering. 1988, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 205-213, issn 0727-7369Article

Le système post-récolte du blé en Australie occidentale suite = Post-harvesting system of wheat in western Australia (continued)MULTON, J.-L.1983, Num 26, pp 31-42Article

Effects of grain properties on loads in model siloMOLENDA, M; HORABIK, J; THOMPSON, S. A et al.International agrophysics. 2004, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 329-332, issn 0236-8722, 4 p.Article

Preventing buckling in grain storage silosBUZEK, J. R; EPSTEIN, H. I.Journal of pressure vessel technology. 1988, Vol 110, Num 4, pp 457-460, issn 0094-9930Article

Mobile Getreidespeicher aus PVC-folieSCHICK, J.Kunststoffe. 1986, Vol 76, Num 5, pp 447-454, issn 0023-5563Article

Gonflé le silo! Construction d'un silo-dôme à St Jean-de-Sauves (86300) = Blowing up silo: construction of dome-silo at St Jean-de-Sauves (86300)GIROU, F.1990, Num 6, pp 6-9, 4 p.Article

Rehabilitation of a grain silo complex, IranGHALIBAFIAN, M; AZARIN, R.Structural engineering international. 1997, Vol 7, Num 3, issn 1016-8664, p. 184Article

Structural damage and design considerations resulting from Iowa tornadoes = Détérioration aux structures et considérations de calcul résultant de la tornade IowaWOLDE-TINSAE, A. M; PORTER, M. L; MCKEOWN, D. I et al.Civil engineering for practicing and design engineers. 1985, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 71-92, issn 0277-3775Article

Explosion de silos à grains à Blaye le 20 août 1997 : un extraordinaire effet de blast rendant difficile les identifications = Explosion of cereal silos at Blaye on 20 August 1997 : An extraordinary blast effect that made identification difficultGROSLERON-GROS, N; GROMB, S; BONNAN, C et al.Journal de médecine légale droit médical. 1998, Vol 41, Num 7-8, pp 645-647, issn 0249-6208Conference Paper

Silos: des efforts mesurés sous contraintes = Silos: Measuring forces under stressBUISSON, R; GABRIEL, S; SERRIERE, C et al.Mesures (1983). 1989, Num 611, pp 49-52, issn 0755-219X, 4 p.Article

Integrating vector and satellite data to evaluate the adequacy of a grain silo networkVAN VUUREN, E. J; VAN RENSBURG, P. A. J; VON SOLMS, S. H et al.International geoscience and remote sensing symposium. 1986, pp 1287-1290Conference Paper

Risque de génération de décharges électrostatiques dans les silos à grains = Electrostatic discharge risk in grain silosTOUCHARD, Gérard; HUMEAU, Pierre; BOUDALAA, Mohamed et al.1988, 12 p.Report

Longitudinal study of grain elevator and control workers with demonstration of healthy worker effectBRODER, I; COREY, P; DAVIES, G et al.Journal of occupational medicine. 1985, Vol 27, Num 12, pp 873-880, issn 0096-1736Article

Data modeling to facilitate internal traceability at a grain elevatorTHAKUR, Maitri; MARTENS, Bobby J; HURBURGH, Charles R et al.Computers and electronics in agriculture. 2011, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 327-336, issn 0168-1699, 10 p.Article

Blaye : un silo soufflé par une explosion meurtrière = Blaye : Silo explosionDOSNE, R.Face au risque. 1997, Num 338, pp 32-39, issn 0014-6269Article

Rhéologie d'un riz non décortiqué et ses effets sur un silo de stockage = Rheology of paddy rice and effects on a storage siloLUONG, M. P.Les Cahiers de rhéologie (Paris). 1996, Vol 15, Num 1, pp 336-341, issn 1149-0039Conference Paper

A prototype sensor system for the early detection of microbially linked spoilage in stored wheat grainDE LACY COSTELLO, B. P. J; EWEN, R. J; GUNSON, H et al.Measurement science & technology (Print). 2003, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 397-409, issn 0957-0233, 13 p.Article

Analisis de la distribucion de presiones estaticas en silos cilindricos con tolva excentrica mediante el M.E.F. Influencia de la excentricidad y comparacion con el Eurocodigo 1 = Calcul de la distribution de la pression statique dans les silos cylindriques à goulotte excentrée par la méthode des éléments finis. Influence de l'excentricité et comparaison avec l'Eurocode 1 = Analysis of static pressure distribution in grain silos with eccentric outlets Rigid walls and elasto-plastic behavior in the stored materialCOUTO YANEZ, A; GUAITA FERNANDEZ, M; VIDAL LOPEZ, P et al.Informes de la construcción. 2001, Vol 52, Num 472, pp 17-27, issn 0020-0883Article

Australia leads world in grain controlENGLISH, M.Food Australia. 1997, Vol 49, Num 5, pp 204-206, issn 1032-5298, 2 p.Article

Large steel grain silosJENSEN, H; TURNELL, C.Structural engineering international. 1997, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 49-52, issn 1016-8664Article

Grain-storage tank for Zaïre West Africa = Un silo à grain pour le Zaïre. Afrique de l'OuestGURFINKEL, G.Concrete international. 1989, Vol 11, Num 3, pp 39-49, issn 0162-4075Article

Uptake of carbon dioxide by concrete and implications of this process for grain storage = Absorption de dioxyde de carbone par le béton, et implications de ce processus pour le stockage du bléBANKS, H. J; MCCABE, J. B.Journal of Stored Products Research. 1988, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 183-192, issn 0022-474XArticle

Initiation of grain dust explosions by heat generated during single impact between solid bodies = Amorce d'explosion de poussières de céréales par la chaleur développée par un choc entre corps solidesPEDERSEN, G. H; ECKHOFF, R. K.Fire safety journal. 1987, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 153-164, issn 0379-7112Article

Lateral and vertical pressures in two different full-scale grain bins during loadingTHOMPSON, S. A; GALILI, N; WILLIAMS, R. A et al.Food science and technology international. 1997, Vol 3, Num 5, pp 371-379, issn 1082-0132Article

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