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Homotopy of EVIIQUAST, Peter.Comptes rendus. Mathématique. 2012, Vol 350, Num 7-8, pp 425-426, issn 1631-073X, 2 p.Article

NILPOTENCY OF SELF HOMOTOPY EQUIVALENCES WITH COEFFICIENTSCUVILLIEZ, Maxence; MURILLO, Aniceto; VIRUEL, Antonio et al.Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 2011, Vol 61, Num 1, pp 351-364, issn 0373-0956, 14 p.Article

NOTE ON BETA ELEMENTS IN HOMOTOPY, AND AN APPLICATION TO THE PRIME THREE CASESHIMOMURA, Katsumi.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2010, Vol 138, Num 4, pp 1495-1499, issn 0002-9939, 5 p.Article

An alternative approach to homotopy operationsBÖKSTEDT, Marcel; OTTOSEN, Iver.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2006, Vol 358, Num 9, pp 3985-3995, issn 0002-9947, 11 p.Article

A Robust Homotopy Continuation Method for Seeking All Real Roots of Unconstrained Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic and Transcendental EquationsSAEED KHALEGHI RAHIMIAN; JALALI, Farhang; SEADER, J. D et al.Industrial & engineering chemistry research. 2011, Vol 50, Num 15, pp 8892-8900, issn 0888-5885, 9 p.Article

BFV-Complex and Higher Homotopy StructuresSCHÄTZ, Florian.Communications in mathematical physics. 2009, Vol 286, Num 2, pp 399-443, issn 0010-3616, 45 p.Article

The homotopy type of the cobordism categoryGALATIUS, SØren; TILLMANN, Ulrike; MADSEN, I. B et al.Acta mathematica. 2009, Vol 202, Num 2, pp 195-239, issn 0001-5962, 45 p.Article

An intrinsic characterization of the shape of paracompacta by means of non-continuous single-valued mapsKIEBOOM, R. W.Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society. Simon Stevin. 1994, Vol 1, Num 5, pp 701-711, issn 1370-1444Article

Cappell-Shaneson homotopy spheres are standardAKBULUT, Selman.Annals of mathematics. 2010, Vol 171, Num 3, pp 2171-2175, issn 0003-486X, 5 p.Article

Classification de certains espaces stratifiés = The classification of some stratified spacesCAPPELL, S; WEINBERGER, S.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique. 1991, Vol 313, Num 6, pp 399-401, issn 0764-4442Article

Nonlinear filters with particle flow induced by log-homotopyDAUM, Fred; HUANG, Jim.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2009, Vol 7336, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-7602-9 0-8194-7602-1, 1Vol, 733603.1-733603.12Conference Paper

A suspension theorem for the proper homotopy and strong shape theoriesELVIRA-DONAZAR, C; HERNANDES-PARICIO, L. J.Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle. 1995, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 98-126, issn 0008-0004Article

Gradient estimation for particle flow induced by log-homotopy for nonlinear filtersDAUM, Fred; HUANG, Jim; NOUSHIN, A. J et al.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2009, Vol 7336, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-7602-9 0-8194-7602-1, 1Vol, 733602.1-733602.11Conference Paper

The stable homotopy category is rigidSCHWEDE, Stefan.Annals of mathematics. 2007, Vol 166, Num 3, pp 837-863, issn 0003-486X, 27 p.Article

Homotopy methods for equations over finite fieldsLAUDER, Alan G. B.Lecture notes in computer science. 2003, pp 18-23, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-40111-3, 6 p.Conference Paper

Prolongement des homotopies Q-variétés & cycles tangents = Homotopy extension, Q-varieties and tangent cyclesMEIGNIEZ, G.Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 1997, Vol 47, Num 3, issn 0373-0956, VII, XI, 945-965 [23 p.]Article

Continuity of the support of A stateANDRUCHOW, Esteban.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2002, Vol 130, Num 12, pp 3565-3570, issn 0002-9939, 6 p.Article

ON THE HOMOTOPY OF FINITE CW-COMPLEXES WITH POLYCYCLIC FUNDAMENTAL GROUPDAMIAN, Mihai.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2009, Vol 361, Num 4, pp 1791-1809, issn 0002-9947, 19 p.Article

CODIMENSION ONE MINIMAL FOLIATIONS AND THE FUNDAMENTAL GROUPS OF LEAVESYOKOYAMA, Tomoo; TSUBOI, Takashi.Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 2008, Vol 58, Num 2, pp 723-731, issn 0373-0956, 9 p.Article

On certain CO-H spaces related to moore spacesSTELZER, Manfred.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2002, Vol 354, Num 8, pp 3085-3093, issn 0002-9947Article

THE INCIDENCE CORRESPONDENCE AND ITS ASSOCIATED MAPS IN HOMOTOPYLOPEZ, Luis E.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2011, Vol 139, Num 9, pp 3127-3133, issn 0002-9939, 7 p.Article

The Goldman bracket characterizes homeomorphismsGADGIL, Siddhartha.Comptes rendus. Mathématique. 2011, Vol 349, Num 23-24, pp 1269-1272, issn 1631-073X, 4 p.Article

Some adjoints in homotopy categoriesNEEMAN, Amnon.Annals of mathematics. 2010, Vol 171, Num 3, pp 2143-2155, issn 0003-486X, 13 p.Article

Connecting rational homotopy type singularitiesHARDT, Robert; RIVIERE, Tristan.Acta mathematica. 2008, Vol 200, Num 1, pp 15-83, issn 0001-5962, 69 p.Article

Encoding homotopy of paths in the planeBESPAMYATNIKH, Sergei.Lecture notes in computer science. 2004, pp 329-338, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-21258-2, 10 p.Conference Paper

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