kw.\*:("Human capital")
Results 1 to 25 of 4111
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The measurement of human capital: a multivariate macro-approachKLOMP, Jeroen.Quality & quantity. 2013, Vol 47, Num 1, pp 121-136, issn 0033-5177, 16 p.Article
Knowledge asset management : A systems approach for human capital managementJACKSON, Patrice.VINE. Very informal newsletter on library automation. 2007, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 399-403, issn 0305-5728, 5 p.Article
Job Volatility of Rural, Low-income Mothers : A Mixed Methods ApproachBERRY, Ann A; KATRAS, Mary Jo; SANO, Yoshie et al.Journal of family and economic issues. 2008, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 5-22, issn 1058-0476, 18 p.Article
How to measure human capital? The relationship between numeracy and literacyHIPPE, Ralph.Economies et sociétés (Paris). 2012, Vol 46, Num 8, pp 1627-1654, issn 0013-0567, 28 p.Article
Immigrant Self-Employment: Testing Hypotheses About the Role of Origin- and Host-Country Human Capital and Bonding and Bridging Social CapitalKANAS, Agnieszka; VAN TUBERGEN, Frank; VAN DER LIPPE, Tanja et al.Work and occupations. 2009, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 181-208, issn 0730-8884, 28 p.Article
Conditional Cash Transfers as Social Policy in Latin America : An Assessment of their Contributions and LimitationsLOMELI, Enrique Valencia.Annual review of sociology (Print). 2008, Vol 34, pp 475-499, issn 0360-0572, 25 p.Article
Commitment, flexibility and the choice of employment contracts = Engagement, flexibilité et le choix des contrats d'embaucheKULKARNI, Subodh P; RAMAMOORTHY, Nagarajan.Human relations (New York, NY). 2005, Vol 58, Num 6, pp 741-761, issn 0018-7267, 21 p.Article
L'agent fait le bonheur : Du bon usage de la ressource humaineLAHARY, Dominique.Bibliothèques (Paris. 2002). 2008, Num 40, pp 34-38, issn 1632-9201, 5 p.Article
L'esprit de réussite : l'expèrience BouyguesCHAUCHARD, J.L.1987, 142 p.Book
Update of the review: Cultivation of energy crops in Poland against socio-demographic factorsCHODKOWSKA-MISZCZUK, Justyna; SZYMANSKA, Daniela.Renewable & sustainable energy review. 2011, Vol 15, Num 9, pp 4242-4247, issn 1364-0321, 6 p.Article
Rola kapitału ludzkiego w kształtowaniu gospodarki opartej na wiedzy w Polsce = Le rôle du capital humain dans la formation d'une économie de la connaissance en PologneCHOJNICKI, Z; CZYŻ, T.Przegląd geograficzny. 2007, Vol 79, Num 3-4, pp 423-438, issn 0033-2143, 16 p.Article
The people side of technology managementLOCKINGTON, J. N.Journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society. 1995, Vol 64, Num 2, pp 89-91, issn 0068-8444Article
La salida del desempleo de extranjeros y españoles. Efectos del contexto económico = Unemployment Outflows of Foreigners and Spaniards. Effects of the Economic ContextMUNOZ COMET, Jacobo.Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas (Ed. en español). 2013, Num 142, pp 45-67, issn 0210-5233, 23 p.Article
Three models of education : Rights, capabilities and human capital = Trois modèles d'éducation : droits, capacités et capital humainROBEYNS, Ingrid.Theory and research in education. 2006, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 69-84, issn 1477-8785, 16 p.Article
A model of social interactions and endogenous poverty trapsFRYER, Roland G.Rationality and society. 2007, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 335-366, issn 1043-4631, 32 p.Article
Worker Displacement and Occupation-Specific Human CapitalORMISTON, Russell.Work and occupations. 2014, Vol 41, Num 3, pp 350-384, issn 0730-8884, 35 p.Article
Utilize structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore the influence of corporate environmental ethics: the mediation effect of green human capitalCHEN, Yu-Shan; CHANG, Ching-Hsun.Quality & quantity. 2013, Vol 47, Num 1, pp 79-95, issn 0033-5177, 17 p.Article
Religious human capital revisited: Testing the effect of religious human capital on religious participationCORCORAN, Katie E.Rationality and society. 2012, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 343-379, issn 1043-4631, 37 p.Article
Differential Effects of Human Capital on the Poor and Near-Poor : Evidence of Social ExclusionHONG, Philip Young P; PANDEY, Shanta.Journal of poverty. 2008, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 456-480, issn 1087-5549, 25 p.Article
The formation of human capital : (The systemic conceptual approach)KOCHETKOVA, A.Russian education and society. 2006, Vol 48, Num 2, pp 5-16, issn 1060-9393, 12 p.Article
Glossaire du management des ressources humaines : français-anglais-allemandBOURNOIS, F; DUVAL-HAMEL, J; TORCHY, V et al.1993, 222 p.Book
L'Infirmier Général et le management participatif: un aspect: la direction participative par objectifsLAUNOIS, C; BOYER, C.1988, 107 p.Thesis
A learning curve explanatory theory for team learning valuationZORGIOS, Yannis; VLISMAS, Orestes; VENIERIS, George et al.VINE. Very informal newsletter on library automation. 2009, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 20-39, issn 0305-5728, 20 p.Conference Paper
Human capital, social support, and economic well-being among rural, low-income mothers : A latent growth curve analysisSIMMONS, Leigh Ann; BRAUN, Bonnie; WRIGHT, David W et al.Journal of family and economic issues. 2007, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 635-652, issn 1058-0476, 18 p.Article
Political Regime and Human Capital: A Cross-Country AnalysisKLOMP, Jeroen; DE HAAN, Jakob.Social indicators research. 2013, Vol 111, Num 1, pp 45-73, issn 0303-8300, 29 p.Article