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Results 1 to 25 of 3819

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Oui, le travail social est de gauche ! Prévention de la délinquance et protection de l'enfanceLE REST, Pascal.LE SOCIOGRAPHE. 2009, Num 30, pp 31-38, issn 1297-6628, 8 p.Article

Les classes relaisTREMINTIN, Jacques; COHN BENDIT, Gabriel.LIEN SOCIAL. 2000, Num 528, pp 4-11, issn 0994-1819Article

Personality in assaultive and non-assaultive juvenile male offendersBERMAN, T; PAISEY, T.Psychological reports. 1984, Vol 54, Num 2, pp 527-530, issn 0033-2941Article

Psychophysiological processes in delinquency-prone young adultsWAID, W. M.Progress in experimental personality research. 1983, Vol 12, pp 181-213, issn 0079-6255Article

Types of neutralization and types of delinquencyMITCHELL, J; DODDER, R. A.Journal of youth and adolescence. 1983, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 307-318, issn 0047-2891Article

Le travail d'intérêt général: peine de substitution = Working for public interest: substitution labour penaltyCLEMENT-BREDIGER, M.Sauvegarde de l'enfance (Paris. 1946). 1983, Vol 38, Num 5, pp 562-573, issn 0036-5041Article

Screening for disruptive behavior of institutionalized juvenile offendersHOOPER, F. A; EVANS, R. G.Journal of personality assessment. 1984, Vol 48, Num 2, pp 159-161, issn 0022-3891Article

Le jeune délinquant et sa mèrePERSON, Tanya; VIAUX, Jean-Luc.Dialogue (Paris. 196?). 2014, Num 203, pp 121-133, issn 0242-8962, 13 p.Article

Delinquency cessation and adolescent development: preliminary dataMULVEY, E. P; LAROSA, J. F. JR.American journal of orthopsychiatry. 1986, Vol 56, Num 2, pp 212-224, issn 0002-9432Article

Vergessene? Jugendliche im Massregelvollzug = Les oubliés? Les adolescents relevant de la justice des mineurs = The forgotten ones? Adolescents under corrective punishmentSCHNIEDERMEYER, P.Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. 1985, Vol 34, Num 6, pp 239-242, issn 0032-7034Article

Prescriptive relationship levels for juvenile delinquents in a psychotherapy analogEDELMAN, E; GOLDSTEIN, A. P.Aggressive behavior (Print). 1984, Vol 10, Num 3, pp 269-278, issn 0096-140XArticle

Zur Problematik der zeitweiligen Ausschliessung des Angeklagten gemäss 51/1 JGG bzw. 247 Satz 3 StPO aus der sicht des jugendpsychiatrischen sachverständigen = Problématique de l'exclusion temporaire des accusés juvéniles selon l'alinéa 51/1 L.J.J. ou l'alinéa 247, paragraphe 3 C.P.C. du point de vue de l'expertise pédopsychiatrique = Problems associated with temporary exclusion of juvenile defendents under Section 51/1 of the Juvenile Court Law or Section 247, Paragraph 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure from the point of view of the child psychiatrist as an expert witnessKLOSINSKI, G.Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. 1983, Vol 11, Num 4, pp 349-354, issn 0301-6811Article

Alcohol use and delinquency among black, white and hispanic adolescent offendersDAWKINS, R. L; DAWKINS, M. P.Adolescence. 1983, Vol 18, Num 72, pp 799-809, issn 0001-8449Article

The end of the road: residential disposals in the Scottish children's hearings systemMARTIN, F. M; MURRAY, K.Journal of adolescence. 1983, Vol 6, Num 3, pp 211-227, issn 0140-1971Article

L'intercommunalité : un atout pour la prévention de la délinquance : perspectives et prospective : rapportLE DORH, Marc; MECHERI, Hervé; DESCHAMPS, Michel et al.2011, 92 p.Report

Delinquency, crime, and development: a case study of IcelandSKINNER, W. F.Journal of research in crime and delinquency. 1986, Vol 23, Num 3, pp 268-294, issn 0022-4278Article

Delinquency prevention in the 1980sFARRINGTON, D. P.Journal of adolescence. 1985, Vol 8, Num 1, pp 3-16, issn 0140-1971Article

Worin besteht der Unterschied von delinquentem Verhalten von Kindern ohne und mit einer prospektiven kriminogen Relevanz? = Qu'est-ce qui distingue la délinquance de l'enfant qui commettra des crimes de celle de l'enfant qui n'en commettra pas? = What distinguishes the delinquent behavior of children who do not later commit crimes from that of children who do?WEINSCHENK, C.Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. 1984, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 342-357, issn 0301-6811Article

Defining juvenile delinquency: specificity of the research sample and the right to treatmentOLCZAK, P. V; PARCELL, S. R; STOTT, M. W. R et al.Journal of clinical psychology. 1983, Vol 39, Num 6, pp 1007-1012, issn 0021-9762Article

Earliest memories and the dynamics of deliquencyBRUHN, A. R; DAVIDOW, S.Journal of personality assessment. 1983, Vol 47, Num 5, pp 476-482, issn 0022-3891Article

Moral judgment in delinquents and nondelinquents: recognition versus production measuresGAVAGHAN, M. P; ARNOLD, K. D; GIBBS, J. C et al.The Journal of psychology. 1983, Vol 114, Num 2, pp 267-274, issn 0022-3980Article

La problématique de la violence durant l'adolescence = Upon violence in youthsBARKER, M; BOISSONNEAULT, R.Union médicale du Canada. 1983, Vol 112, Num 8, pp 675-684, issn 0041-6959Article

Violente adolescence : de la souffrance du corps aux souffrances socialesLARMIGNAT, V.ACTUALITES SOCIALES HEBDOMADAIRES. 1998, Num 2053, pp 23-24Article

Les enfants victimes des autres enfants = Children victim of other childrenLa Médecine infantile (Paris). 1989, Vol 96, Num 3, pp 225-230, issn 0025-6773Article

The cognition of juvenile delinquents to their situations of offensesNAKAMURA, M.Tohoku Psychologica Folia. 1985, Vol 44, Num 1-4, pp 92-100, issn 0040-8743Article

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