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Casein degradation by Brevibacterium linensOSMAN, M. M; EI-KHOLY, A. M.Advances in food sciences. 2003, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 65-69, issn 1431-7737, 5 p.Article

Redesign, Reconstruction, and Directed Extension of the Brevibacterium linens C40 Carotenoid Pathway in Escherichia coliSE HYEUK KIM; YUN HEE PARK; SCHMIDT-DANNERT, Claudia et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2010, Vol 76, Num 15, pp 5199-5206, issn 0099-2240, 8 p.Article

Fatty acid production from amino acids and α-Keto acids by Brevibacterium linens BL2GANESAN, Balasubramanian; SEEFELDT, Kimberly; WEIMER, Bart C et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2004, Vol 70, Num 11, pp 6385-6393, issn 0099-2240, 9 p.Article

Transcriptional analysis of L-methionine catabolism in Brevibacterium linens ATCC9175CHOLET, Orianne; HENAUT, Alain; BONNARME, Pascal et al.Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2007, Vol 74, Num 6, pp 1320-1332, issn 0175-7598, 13 p.Article

Extracellular proteinase from Brevibacterium linens. Purification and characterization and characterizationJUHASZ; KNOSKOVA, D;; ZEMANOVIC, J et al.Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications. 1990, Vol 55, Num 3, pp 841-845, issn 0010-0765Article

Questions d'actualité au comité du linge du C.H.R.U. de Saint-Etienne = Questions of the moment of the linen committee of the Saint-Etienne Regional and University Hospital CentreMONTEGUE, L; PIQUET, G; SIMONEAU, E et al.Gestions hospitalières. 1985, Num 243, pp 148-152, issn 0016-9218Article

Ectoine accumulation and osmotic regulation in Brevibacterium linensBERNARD, T; JEBBAR, M; RASSOULI, Y et al.JGM. Journal of general microbiology. 1993, Vol 139, pp 129-136, 1Article

Production of methanethiol in milk fat-coated microcapsules containing Brevibacterium linens and methionine = Production de méthanethiol par des microcapsules renfermant Brevibacterium linens et de la méthionine et enrobées par de la matière grasse du laitKIM, S. C; OLSON, N. F.Journal of dairy research. 1989, Vol 56, Num 5, pp 799-811, issn 0022-0299Article

Recently identified enzymes of Brevibacterium linens ATCC 9174 : A reviewRATTRAY, F. P; FOX, P. F.Journal of food biochemistry. 1998, Vol 22, Num 5, pp 353-373, issn 0145-8884Article


Carnitine acts as a compatible solute in Brevibacterium linensJEBBAR, M; CHAMPION, C; BLANCO, C et al.Research in microbiology (Paris). 1998, Vol 149, Num 3, pp 211-219, issn 0923-2508Article

Occurrence and physical properties of plasmids in brevibacterium linensHOLTZ, C; DOMEYER, N; KUNZ, B et al.Milchwissenschaft. 1992, Vol 47, Num 11, pp 705-708, issn 0026-3788Article

Etude de la formation d'arômes par des microorganismes participant à l'affinage des fromages = Aroma formation by microorganisms during cheese ripeningDESMAZEAUD,, 12 p.Report

Studies about casein degradation by Brevibacterium linensFRINGS, E; HOLTZ, C; KUNZ, B et al.Milchwissenschaft. 1993, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 130-133, issn 0026-3788Article

Purification and characterization of linecin A, a bacteriocin of Brevibacterium linensKATO, F; EGUCHI, Y; NAKANO, M et al.Agricultural and biological chemistry. 1991, Vol 55, Num 1, pp 161-166, issn 0002-1369Article

Formaggi con patina rossa e germi responsabili = Red coloured cheeses and related bacteriaCANTONI, Carlo; STELLA, Simone; IACUMIN, Lucilla et al.Industrie alimentari (Pinerolo). 2003, Vol 42, Num 424, pp 396-399, issn 0019-901X, 4 p.Article

Characterization of Brevibacterium linens pigmentation using spectrocolorimetryGUYOMARC'H, F; BINET, A; DUFOSSE, L et al.International journal of food microbiology. 2000, Vol 57, Num 3, pp 201-210, issn 0168-1605Article

Osmotic adaptation in Brevibacterium linens : differential effect of proline and glycine betaine on cytoplasmic osmolyte poolMOHAMED JEBBAR; GOUESBET, G; SOUAD HIMDI-KABBAB et al.Archives of microbiology. 1995, Vol 163, Num 5, pp 380-386, issn 0302-8933Article

Accelerated ripening of Cheddar cheese with the aminopeptidase of Brevibacterium linens and a commercial neutral proteinaseHAYASHI, K; REVELL, D. F; LAW, B. A et al.Journal of dairy research. 1990, Vol 57, Num 4, pp 571-577, issn 0022-0299Article

Interactive effect of H2S production from cysteine and methanethiol production from methionine in milk-fat-coated microcapsules containing Brevibacterium linensKIM, S. C; KIM, M; OLSON, N. F et al.Journal of dairy research. 1990, Vol 57, Num 4, pp 579-585, issn 0022-0299Article

«Le linge à usage unique: changer les changes, changer la vie. Dignité, innovation, économie». L'expérience de l'hôpital Charles Foix = Disposable linen: a change in life style. Dignity, innovation, economy. Experience at Charles Foix HospitalFESSLER, J.-M; POTONET, E.Techniques hospitalières médico-sociales et sanitaires. 1985, Vol 40, Num 472, pp 52-54, issn 0040-1374Article

Optimized production, purification and characterization of alpha amylase by Brevibacterium linens DSM 20158, using bio-statistical approachSHABBIRI, Khadija; ADNAN, Ahmad; NOOR, Bushra et al.Annals of microbiology. 2012, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 523-532, issn 1590-4261, 10 p.Article

Molecular identification and differentiation of Brevibacterium species and strainsHOPPE-SEYLER, Tobias-Simon; JAEGER, Beate; BOCKELMANN, Wilhelm et al.Systematic and applied microbiology. 2007, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 50-57, issn 0723-2020, 8 p.Article

The last step in the biosynthesis of aryl carotenoids in the cheese ripening bacteria Brevibacterium linens ATCC 9175 (Brevibacterium aurantiacum sp. nov.) involves a cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenaseDUFOSSE, L; DE ECHANOVE, M. C.Food research international. 2005, Vol 38, Num 8-9, pp 967-973, issn 0963-9969, 7 p.Conference Paper

Factors affecting the antifungal properties of Brevibacterium linensOSMAN, Magdy M.International dairy journal. 2004, Vol 14, Num 8, pp 713-722, issn 0958-6946, 10 p.Article

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