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Results 1 to 25 of 1785
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Channeling the end-user computing initiative: a case studySTEELE, J; BOTTOMLEY, D.The Journal of information systems management. 1988, Vol 5, Num 2, pp 49-55, issn 0739-9014Article
Emergence de la nouvelle organisation et logistique = Emergence of the new organization and logisticsMOY, P; NOUMEN, R; SEYE, G et al.Travail et méthodes. 1997, Num 530, pp 3-14, issn 0041-185XArticle
CIM-OSA: architecture for enterprise integration ― A report on current developmentsKOSANKE, K; KLEVERS, T.Computer-integrated manufacturing systems. 1990, Vol 3, Num 1, pp 47-52, issn 0951-5240, 6 p.Article
The state of JIT implementation and development in the USAGILBERT, J. P.International journal of production research. 1990, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 1099-1109, issn 0020-7543, 11 p.Article
La flexibilité dans les organisations industrielles = The flexibility in the industrial organizationEVERAERE, Christophe; PERRIER, Patrick.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 1999, Vol 1, Num AG3100, pp AG3100.1-AG3100.16, issn 1282-9072Article
Organizational fit and acquisition performance: effects of post-acquisition integrationDATTA, D. K.Strategic management journal. 1991, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 281-297, issn 0143-2095, 17 p.Article
Les maisons de jeunes à l'état de veille = What about youth homes to day and to morrow?LAMOUREUX, M.-C.Apprentissage et socialisation. 1987, Vol 10, Num 3, pp 173-176, issn 0704-7517Article
Reorganisation der Instandhaltung = Reorganization of maintenanceHAUK, Bernd.VDI-Berichte. 2003, pp 31-56, issn 0083-5560, isbn 3-18-091763-6, 26 p.Conference Paper
Factors influencing the growth of the MIS department: a surveyFARZAD FARHOOMAND; GATEHOUSE, M.The Journal of information systems management. 1988, Vol 5, Num 2, pp 56-60, issn 0739-9014Article
PERSPECTIVES DES NOUVEAUX CHAMPS DE LA COMMUNICATION DES ORGANISATIONS: Éléments à partir du projet européen Fire Paradox = Perspectives of new fields in organisational communication. Elements from the Fire Paradox European projectBADILLO, Patrick-Yves; BOURGEOIS, Dominique; ASDOURIAN, Bruno et al.Les Cahiers du numérique. 2010, Vol 6, Num 4, pp 167-180, issn 1622-1494, 14 p.Article
Umwelt-Audit aus Sicht von Bäckereibetrieben = Environmental auditing for bakeriesHUBEL, C.Getreide, Mehl und Brot (1972). 1996, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 230-232, issn 0367-4177Article
The business of imageWHITE, T.Glass (Redhill). 1996, Vol 73, Num 8, pp 353-354, issn 0017-0984Article
A clinical laboratory management elective for pathology residentsWEISS, R. L.Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine (1976). 1992, Vol 116, Num 1, pp 108-110, issn 0363-0153Article
Organisationales Lernen in der Instandhaltung = Organization learning in the maintenanceSAGADIN, Jochen.VDI-Berichte. 2003, pp 131-162, issn 0083-5560, isbn 3-18-091763-6, 32 p.Conference Paper
Structure et organisation de l'entreprise = Enterprise structure and organizationHERARD, Jacques.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 2001, Vol AGB1, Num AG1400, pp AG1400.1-AG1400.12, issn 1282-9072Article
Building businessNATHAN, Stuart.Process engineering. 2000, Vol 81, Num 9, issn 0370-1859, p. 23Article
Une profession qui bouge : Chimie fine = A profession on the move : Fine chemicalsSAVOSTIANOFF, D.Informations chimie (Paris). 1997, Num 393, issn 0020-045X, 8, 12, 70-72 [5 p.]Article
Revitalizing business by rejuvenating peopleBARTLETT, C. A; GHOSHAL, S.Chemtech. 1996, Vol 26, Num 6, pp 9-15, issn 0009-2703Article
Expert systems and forecastingSYED SHAHABUDDIN.International journal of systems science. 1990, Vol 21, Num 10, pp 1997-2004, issn 0020-7721Article
Marktführerschaft durch kundenorientierte Servicestrukturen = Market leadership through customer oriented service structuresWIEGERSHAUS, U; HAGEN, A; LACKNER, U et al.VDI-Z. 1996, Vol 138, Num 6, pp 94-97, issn 0042-1766Article
Aspects psychologiques de la reconstruction des instituts de recherche départementauxURCHUKIN, V. G.Psihologičeskij žurnal. 1988, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 74-76Article
Une étude de cas en programmation et maintien d'un mode organisationnel en établissement = A Case study in planning and keeping of organizational ways in institutionCHRISTIAN, W. P.Revue de modification du comportement. 1986, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 23-44, issn 0383-056XArticle
Use of weaponeer marksmanship trainer in predicting M16A1 rifle qualification performanceSCHENDEL, J. D; HELLER, F. H; FINLE, D. L et al.Human factors. 1985, Vol 27, Num 3, pp 313-325, issn 0018-7208Article
Savoir faire évoluer son organisation : un atout stratégique pour l'entreprise = Letting organization develop and change : a strategic card for firmsSIEGLER, N.PCM le pont. 1999, Num 8-9, pp 25-27, issn 0986-1793Article
Anios et APV, un partenariat pour la qualité = Anios and APV - partnership in qualityInfo chimie magazine. 1998, Num 399, pp 61-62, issn 1286-0921Article