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Results 1 to 25 of 1264

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The Matching of Motivations to Affordances in the Volunteer Environment : An Index for Assessing the Impact of Multiple Matches on Volunteer OutcomesSTUKAS, Arthur A; WORTH, Keilah A; GIL CLARY, E et al.Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly. 2009, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 5-28, issn 0899-7640, 24 p.Article

Core/periphery structure models : An alternative methodological proposal = Modèles de structure périphérie/centreGARCIA MUNIZ, Ana Salomé; CARVAJAL, Carmen Ramos.Social networks. 2006, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 442-448, issn 0378-8733, 7 p.Article

ROMI : Une révolution dans la pensée et les pratiques en marketing = ROMI: a revolution in marketing thinking and implementationMERUNKA, Dwight; KAZMIERCZAK, Jean-Bernard.Décisions marketing (Bruxelles). 2005, Num 40, pp 9-15, issn 0779-7389, 7 p.Article

Many diversities for many services : Theorizing diversity (management) in service companies = Théoriser la diversité (management) dans les compagnies de servicesJANSSENS, Maddy; ZANONI, Patrizia.Human relations (New York, NY). 2005, Vol 58, Num 3, pp 311-340, issn 0018-7267, 30 p.Article

Health technology assessment, research, and implementation within a health region in Alberta, CanadaLEE, Robert C; MARSHALL, Deborah; WADDELL, Cam et al.International journal of technology assessment in health care. 2003, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 513-520, issn 0266-4623, 8 p.Article

Egocentric, sociocentric, or dyadic? Identifying the appropriate level of analysis in the study of organizational networks = Identifier le niveau approrié d'analyse dans l'étude des réseaux organisationnelsMIZRUCHI, Mark S; MARQUIS, Christopher.Social networks. 2006, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 187-208, issn 0378-8733, 22 p.Article

Knowledge sharing in inter-unit cooperative episodes : The impact of organizational structure dimensionsWILLEM, Annick; BUELENS, Marc.International journal of information management. 2009, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 151-160, issn 0268-4012, 10 p.Article

Determinants of environmental audit frequency: The role of firm organizational structureEARNHART, Dietrich; MARK LEONARD, J.Journal of environmental management. 2013, Vol 128, pp 497-513, issn 0301-4797, 17 p.Article

Because I'm worth It? Understanding inequality in a performance-based pay system = Comprendre l'inégalité dans un système de paie basé sur la performanceROTH, Louise Marie.Sociological inquiry. 2006, Vol 76, Num 1, pp 116-139, issn 0038-0245, 24 p.Article

Engagement organisationnel et comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle = Organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavioursPAILLE, Pascal.Revue de gestion des ressources humaines. 2006, Num 60, issn 1163-913X, 35-47, 71 [14 p.]Article

Experts et praticiens : vers une meilleure concertation ? = Experts and practicians: towars a better concertation?BADACHE, Laurine.Pour. 2005, Num 187, pp 27-31, issn 0245-9442, 5 p.Article

Le télétravail des cadres : entre suractivité et apprentissage de nouvelles temporalités = White-collar telework: Between an overload and learning a new organization of timeMETZGER, Jean-Luc; CLEACH, Olivier.Sociologie du travail. 2004, Vol 46, Num 4, pp 433-450, issn 0038-0296, 18 p.Article

Mouvement et dyschronies dans les organisations = Movement and dyschronies in organisationsALTER, Norbert.L' Année sociologique (1949). 2003, Vol 53, Num 2, pp 489-514, issn 0066-2399, 26 p.Article

Toward an organizational perspective on identifying and managing formal gatekeepers = Vers une perspective organisationnelle concernant l'identification et la gestion des structures formelles de régulationMORRILL, C; BULLER, D. B; BULLER, M. K et al.Qualitative sociology. 1999, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 51-72, issn 0162-0436Article

Political process perspectives on organization and technological change = Perspectives du processus politique dans le changement technologique et organisationnelMCLOUGHLIN, Ian; BADHAM, Richard; PREECE, David et al.Human relations (New York, NY). 2005, Vol 58, Num 7, issn 0018-7267, 118 p.Serial Issue

Mechanisms of organizational sex segregation: Organizational characteristics and the sex of newly recruited employees = Mécanismes organisationnels de ségrégation sexuelleBYGREN, Magnus; KUMLIN, Johanna.Work and occupations. 2005, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 39-65, issn 0730-8884, 27 p.Article

Towards the social reconstruction of an interdisciplinary turf war = Vers une reconstruction sociale d'une guerre interdisciplinaire de territoireZUCKERMAN, Ezra W; ZAJAC, Edward J; WESTPHAL, James D et al.American sociological review. 2004, Vol 69, Num 3, pp 458-471, issn 0003-1224, 14 p.Article

The production of culture perspective = La production de perspective de culturePETERSON, Richard A; ANAND, N.Annual review of sociology. 2004, Vol 30, pp 311-334, issn 0360-0572, 24 p.Article

Le système de valeurs de l'armée turque : Jeune recherche (II) = Value system of Turkish armyÜNSALDI, Lèvent.CEMOTI. Cahiers d'études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien. 2004, Num 37, pp 177-208, issn 0764-9878, 32 p.Article

The canadianization movement in contextCORMIER, Jeffrey J.Canadian journal of sociology. 2005, Vol 30, Num 3, pp 351-370, issn 0318-6431, 20 p.Article

Le positionnement distancié de Greenpeace = Greenpeace remotenessFREOUR, Nadège.Revue française de science politique. 2004, Vol 54, Num 3, pp 421-442, issn 0035-2950, 22 p.Article

L'église orthodoxe russe et le territoire = The Russian Orthodox Church and the territoryROUSSELET, Kathy.Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest. 2004, Vol 35, Num 4, pp 149-171, issn 0338-0599, 23 p.Article

Chicago à l'heure du christianisme post-dénominationnel : l'exemple de Willow Creek Community Church = The Willow Creek community Church, a non-denimated corganization in ChicagoBEN BARKA, Mokhtar.Mondes anglophones. 2004, pp 123-136, issn 1765-7849, isbn 2-85399-555-0, 14 p.Conference Paper

Organisational competence: The study of a school council in action = Compétence organisationnelle: l'étude d'un conseil d'école en actionCOTMORE, Richard.Children & society. 2004, Vol 18, Num 1, pp 53-65, issn 0951-0605, 13 p.Article

Structural incoherence and stock market activity = Incohérence structurelle et activité du marché des valeursZUCKERMAN, Ezra W.American sociological review. 2004, Vol 69, Num 3, pp 405-432, issn 0003-1224, 28 p.Article

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