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Periphere Rieseninterneurone in den Tastbeinen von Geisselspinnen (Amblypygi, Arachnida) = Interneurone géant périphérique de la patte antérieure de l'amblypyge (Amblypygi, Arachnida) = Peripheral giant interneurons in the forelegs of whip spiders (Amblypygi, Arachnida)IGELMUND, P; WENDLER, G.Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. 1985, Vol 78, issn 0070-4342, 287Article

Responses of cricket leg motoneurons to air-current stimuli: velocity dependent inhibition and acceleration dependent excitationKANOU, M; SHIMOZAWA, T.Zoological science. 1985, Vol 2, Num 5, pp 629-639, issn 0289-0003Article

Die Verteilung von Trichobothrien und lyraförmigen Organen an den Laufbeinen von Spinnen mit unterschiedlicher Lebensweise = Répartition des Trichobothries et des organes lyriformes sur les pattes des araignées = Distribution of trichobothria and lyriform organs on spider legs with different habitsPETERS, W; PFREUNDT, C.Zoologische Beiträge. 1986, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 209-225, issn 0044-5150Article

Relative growth of leg segments of the german cockroach, Blattella germanicaTANAKA, A; OGAWA, E; OHTAKE, M et al.Growth. 1986, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 273-286, issn 0017-4793Article

An unusual aberration of leg structure in Cheilosia albitarsis meigen (Dipt., Syrphidae)CLEMENTS, D. K.Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 1987, Vol 123, pp 107-108, issn 0013-8908Article

Time course of the houseflies' landing responseBORST, A.Biological cybernetics. 1986, Vol 54, Num 6, pp 379-383, issn 0340-1200Article

Zur Systemanalyse des Coxa-Trochanter-Regelkreises der Stabheuschrecke Carausius morosus = Analyse du système contrôlant la boucle de rétroaction de l'articulation trochanter-coxa du phasme Carausius morosus = System analysis of the feedback loop controlling the coxa-trochanteral joint in the stick insect Carausius morosusSCHMITZ, J.Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. 1985, Vol 78, issn 0070-4342, 241Article

The morphology of the digits of the golden gecko, Calodactylodes aureus and its implications for the occupation of rupicolous habitatsRUSSEL, A. P; BAUER, A. M.Amphibia-reptilia. 1989, Vol 10, Num 2, pp 125-140, issn 0173-5373Article

Effect of leg type and sex on autotomy in the Texas bush katydid, Scudderia texensisDIXON, K. A.Canadian journal of zoology. 1989, Vol 67, Num 6, pp 1607-1609, issn 0008-4301Article

A biological feedback control system with electronic input: the artificially closed femur-tibia control system of stick insectsWEILAND, G; BÄSSLER, U; BRUNNER, M et al.Journal of experimental biology. 1986, Vol 120, pp 369-385, issn 0022-0949Article

The growth of supernumerary legs in the cockroachTRUBY, P. R.Journal of embryology and experimental morphology. 1986, Vol 92, pp 115-131, issn 0022-0752Article

Strand receptors associated with the femoral chordotonal organs of locust legsBRÄUNIG, P.Journal of experimental biology. 1985, Vol 116, pp 331-341, issn 0022-0949Article

Cell division during intercalary regeneration in the cockroach legANDERSON, H; FRENCH, V.Journal of embryology and experimental morphology. 1985, Vol 90, pp 57-78, issn 0022-0752Article

La couleur des pattes: un critère d'âge chez la tourterelle à queue carrée (Zenaida a, aurita) = The color of the legs : an age criterion for Zenaida doves (Zenaida a. aurita)GARRIGUES, R; FERRAND, Y; ANSELME, M et al.Gibier faune sauvage. 1989, Vol 6, pp 315-319, issn 0761-9243Article

Behaviour and motor output for an insect walking on a slippery surfaceGRAHAM, D; EPSTEIN, S.Journal of experimental biology. 1985, Vol 118, pp 287-296, issn 0022-0949Article

A new method for depicting animal step patternsCOCATRE-ZILGIEN, J. H; DELCOMYN, F.Animal behaviour. 1993, Vol 45, pp 820-824, issn 0003-3472, 4Article

First instar larvae of Corethrella appendiculata Grabham have a prothoracic proleg (Diptera: Corethrellidae)BORKENT, A; MCKEEVER, S.Entomologica Scandinavica. 1990, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 219-223, issn 0013-8711Article

Properties of the feedback system controlling the coxa-trochanter joint in the stick insect Carausius morosusSCHMITZ, J.Biological cybernetics. 1986, Vol 55, Num 1, pp 35-42, issn 0340-1200Article

Chetotaksja odnóż krocznych Oodinychus karawaiewi Berl., 1903 (Acari: Uropodina) w świetle obserwacji Evansa (1972) oraz badań własnych = Chetotaxie des pattes d'Oodinychus karawaiewi Berl., 1903 (Acari, Uropodina) basée sur les observations d'Evans (1972) et les données de l'auteur = Leg chaetotaxy of Oodinychus karawaiewi Berl., 1903 (Acari: Uropodina) based on observations by Evans (1972) and author's dataBŁOSZYK, J; LEONIAK, B.Przeglad Zoologiczny. 1986, Vol 30, Num 4, pp 391-401, issn 0033-247XArticle

Processing by local interneurons of mechanosensory signals involved in a leg reflex of the locustBORROWS, M; PFLÜGER, H.-J.The Journal of neuroscience. 1986, Vol 6, Num 9, pp 2764-2777, issn 0270-6474Article

Etude de la denture des doigts des pédipalpes chez les scorpions du genre Lychas C. L. Koch, 1845 (Arachnida, Scorpiones, Buthidae) = Study of the denture of the fingers of the pedipalps in the scorpions belonging to genus Lychas C. L. Koch 1845 (Arachnida, Scorpiones, Buthidae)VACHON, M.Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Section A, Zoologie, biologie et écologie animales. 1986, Vol 8, Num 4, pp 835-850, issn 0181-0626Article

External proprioceptors of the legs of the wingless grasshopper Podisma pedestris L. (Orthoptera, Catantopinae)KNYAZEVA, N. I.1985, Num 3, pp 74-84Article

Strains in the exoskeleton of spidersBLICKHAN, R; BARTH, F. G.Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology. 1985, Vol 157, Num 1, pp 115-147, issn 0340-7594Article

A remarkable secondary sexual structure of the male of Anacrabro fritzi Leclercq (Hym., Sphecidae)COOPER, M.Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 1987, Vol 123, Num 1480-83, pp 223-224, issn 0013-8908Article

External morphology of the legs of two species of bed bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)WALPOLE, D. E.Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. 1987, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 193-201, issn 0013-8789Article

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