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The Origin of Ceratocystis fagacearum, the Oak Wilt FungusJUZWIK, Jennifer; HARRINGTON, Thomas C; MACDONALD, William L et al.Annual review of phytopathology. 2008, Vol 46, pp 13-26, issn 0066-4286, 14 p.Article

Application of slow-release tablets to enhance white pine regeneration : growth response and efficacy against white pine blister rustPITT, Douglas G; MEYER, Timothy; PARK, Mya et al.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2006, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 684-698, issn 0045-5067, 15 p.Article

Influence of Swiss needle cast on foliage age-class structure and vertical foliage distribution in Douglas-fir plantations in north coastal OregonWEISKITTEL, Aaron R; MAGUIRE, Douglas A; GARBER, Sean M et al.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2006, Vol 36, Num 6, pp 1497-1508, issn 0045-5067, 12 p.Article

Distribution of fungal foliage and shoot pathogens in a natural scots pine population in relation to environmental variablesRANTA, Hanna; SALONIEMI, Irma.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2005, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 503-510, issn 0045-5067, 8 p.Article

Incidence of main stem infections of lodgepole pine by western gall rust decreases with tree ageBLENIS, Peter V; WUHAN LI.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2005, Vol 35, Num 6, pp 1314-1318, issn 0045-5067, 5 p.Article

Dépérissement du hêtre : Présentation d'une méthode symptomatologique de suivi = A symptomatological method for monitoring beech diebackNAGELEISEN, Louis-Michel.Revue Forestière Française. 2005, Vol 57, Num 2, pp 255-262, issn 0035-2829, 8 p.Conference Paper

Using crown condition variables as indicators of forest healthZARNOCH, S. J; BECHTOLD, W. A; STOLTE, K. W et al.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2004, Vol 34, Num 5, pp 1057-1070, issn 0045-5067, 14 p.Article

Phytophthora ramorum : Inquiétude légitime sur cultures ornementales et forestières = Phytophthora ramorum legitlmate concern in France for several ornamental nursery speciesJULLIEN, Jérome; CASSET, Céline.Phytoma, la défense des végétaux. 2003, Num 561, pp 16-20, issn 1164-6993, 5 p.Article

Effect of Betula pendula clone and leaf age on Melampsoridium betulinum rust infection in a field trialPOTERI, M; HELANDER, M. L; SAIKKONEN, K et al.Forest pathology (Print). 2001, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 177-185, issn 1437-4781Article

Experiments on the susceptibility of conifers to Heterobasidion annosum in Great BritainGREIG, B. J. W; GIBBS, J. N; PRATT, J. E et al.Forest pathology (Print). 2001, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 219-228, issn 1437-4781Article

Random amplified polymorphic DNA variability among geographic isolates of western gall rust fungus in CanadaCHANGXI LI; YEH, Francis C; HIRATSUKA, Yasu et al.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2001, Vol 31, Num 8, pp 1304-1311, issn 0045-5067Article

In vitro inhibition of Heterobasidion annosum by Phaeotheca dimorphosporaROY, G; BUSSIERES, G; LAFLAMME, G et al.Forest pathology (Print). 2001, Vol 31, Num 6, pp 395-404, issn 1437-4781, 10 p.Article

Presence of double-stranded RNA in Heterobasidion annosumIHRMARK, K; ZHENG, J; STENSTRÖM, E et al.Forest pathology (Print). 2001, Vol 31, Num 6, pp 387-394, issn 1437-4781, 8 p.Article

Finding new ways to fight plant diseases : Plant pathologySIMON MOFFAT, Anne.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2001, Vol 292, Num 5525, pp 2270-2273, issn 0036-8075Article

Susceptibility of species of Juglans to pathovars of Xanthomonas campestrisBELISARIO, A; ZOINA, A; PEZZA, L et al.European journal of forest pathology. 1999, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 75-80, issn 0300-1237Article

La santé des forêts françaises : Actualités de l'année 1997 et nouveaux acquis = Condition of French forests : Major events in 1997 and newly acquired knowledgeLANDMANN, G.Revue Forestière Française. 1999, Vol 51, Num 1, pp 7-19, issn 0035-2829Article

Comparison of vegetative compatibility types in Italian and Swiss subpopulations of Cryphonectria parasiticaCORTESI, P; RIGLING, D; HEINIGER, U et al.European journal of forest pathology. 1998, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 167-176, issn 0300-1237Article

Tiarosporella durmitorensis sp. nov. : a new pathogenic fungus on needles of Abies albaKARADZIC, D. M.European journal of forest pathology. 1998, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 145-152, issn 0300-1237Article

Discoloration following bark stripping wounds on Fraxinus excelsiorVASILIAUSKAS, R; STENLID, J.European journal of forest pathology. 1998, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 383-390, issn 0300-1237Article

Resistance to pitch canker disease, caused by Fusarium subglutinans f.sp. pini, in Monterey pine (Pinus radiata)GORDON, T. R; WIKLER, K. R; CLARK, S. L et al.Plant pathology. 1998, Vol 47, Num 6, pp 706-711, issn 0032-0862Article

Review of oak stand decline with special reference to the role of drought in PolandSIWECKI, R; UFNALSKI, K.European journal of forest pathology. 1998, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 99-112, issn 0300-1237Article

Fusarium canker of Italian cypressMADAR, Z; KIMCHI, M; SOLEL, Z et al.European journal of forest pathology. 1996, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 107-112, issn 0300-1237Article

Assessment of Phaeotheca dimorphospora for biological control of the Dutch elm disease pathogens, Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmiBERNIER, L; YANG, D; OUELLETTE, G. B et al.Plant pathology. 1996, Vol 45, Num 4, pp 609-617, issn 0032-0862Article

Identification of a uninucleate Rhizoctonia sp. by pathogenicity, hyphal anastomosis and RAPD analysisLILJA, A; HIETALA, A. M; KARJALAINEN, R et al.Plant pathology. 1996, Vol 45, Num 5, pp 997-1006, issn 0032-0862Article

Insectes et maladies des arbres, Québec 19941995, isbn 2-550-24203-3, 28 p., isbn 2-550-24203-3Report

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