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Stresses induced in GaAs by TiPt ohmic contactsHENEIN, G. E; WAGNER, W. R.Journal of applied physics. 1983, Vol 54, Num 11, pp 6395-6400, issn 0021-8979Article

Mechanical reliability of metallized optical fiber for hermetic terminationsBUBEL, G. M; KRAUSE, T; BICKTA, B. J et al.Journal of lightwave technology. 1989, Vol 7, Num 10, pp 1488-1493, issn 0733-8724Article

Au/Pt/Ti contacts to p-In0.53Ga0.47As and n-InP layers formed by a single metallization common step and rapid thermal processingKATZ, A; WEIR, B. E; DAUTREMONT-SMITH, W. C et al.Journal of applied physics. 1990, Vol 68, Num 3, pp 1123-1128, issn 0021-8979Article

On the bonding types in the mixture TiPtMSCHUBERT, K.Journal of materials science letters. 1992, Vol 11, Num 8, pp 479-481, issn 0261-8028Article

Doping dependence of the Schottky-barrier height of Ti-Pt contracts to n-gallium arsenideBROOM, R. F; MEIER, H. P; WALTER, W et al.Journal of applied physics. 1986, Vol 60, Num 5, pp 1832-1833, issn 0021-8979Article

On the calculation of the heats of formation for the MTi and M3Ti (M=Ni, Pd, Pt) alloysMIKUSIK, P; PICK, S.Solid state communications. 1993, Vol 86, Num 7, pp 467-469, issn 0038-1098Article

Heat of formation of transition-metals alloys : full-potential approach and the Pt-Ti systemFERNANDO, G. W; WATSON, R. E; WEINERT, M et al.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1992, Vol 45, Num 15, pp 8233-8238, issn 0163-1829Article

LEED structural analysis of the (001) surface of the ordered fcc Pt3Ti alloyATREI, A; PEDOCCHI, L; BARDI, U et al.Surface science. 1992, Vol 261, Num 1-3, pp 64-68, issn 0039-6028Article

Preparation and characterization of carbon-supported PtTi alloy electrocatalystsERRUN DING; MORE, Karren L; TING HE et al.Journal of power sources. 2008, Vol 175, Num 2, pp 794-799, issn 0378-7753, 6 p.Article

Characterization of a titanium-promoted supported platinum electrocatalystsBEARD, B. C; ROSS, P. N. JR.Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 1986, Vol 133, Num 9, pp 1839-1845, issn 0013-4651Article

Initial stages of oxidation of the Pt3Ti(111) and (100) single crystal surfaces = Les stades initiaux de l'oxydation de surfaces (100) et (111) des monocristaux de Pt3TiBARDI, U; ROSS, P. N.Journal of vacuum science and technology. A. Vacuum, surfaces, and films. 1984, Vol 2, Num 4, pp 1461-1470, issn 0734-2101Article

Etudes des réactions de réarrangement de squelette des hexanes sur des catalyseurs à base de platine en présence ou non d'interactions métal-supportDauscher, Anne; Maire, Gilbert.1987, 256 p.Thesis

Structure determination of Pt3Ti(111) by automated tensor LEEDWENHUA CHEN; PAUL, J. A. K; BARBIERI, A et al.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 1993, Vol 5, Num 27, pp 4585-4594, issn 0953-8984Article

A 333 ps/800 MHz 7 K-gate bipolar macrocell array employing 4 level metallizationSUZUKI, M; HORIGUCHI, S.IEEE journal of solid-state circuits. 1984, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 474-479, issn 0018-9200Article

Electrocatalysis of the hydrogen oxidation and of the oxygen reduction reactions on Pt and some alloys in alkaline mediumCOUTURIER, G; KIRK, D. W; HYDE, P. J et al.Electrochimica acta. 1987, Vol 32, Num 7, pp 995-1005, issn 0013-4686Article

The bulk and surface core-level shifts in transition-metal alloys with split d bandsPICK, S; MIKUSIK, P.Chemical physics letters. 1992, Vol 189, Num 6, pp 513-517, issn 0009-2614Article

PZT thin film preparation on Pt-Ti electrode by RF sputteringABE, K; TOMITA, H; TOYODA, H et al.Japanese journal of applied physics. 1991, Vol 30, Num 9B, pp 2152-2154, issn 0021-4922, 1Article

CO adsorption on clean and oxidized Pt3Ti(111)LE MOAL, Séverine; MOORS, Marco; ESSEN, Jan Markus et al.Surface science. 2010, Vol 604, Num 19-20, pp 1637-1644, issn 0039-6028, 8 p.Article

Electron-beam fabrication of GaAs low-noise MESFET's using a new trilayer resist techniqueCHAO, P. C; SMITH, P. M; PALMATEER, S. C et al.I.E.E.E. transactions on electron devices. 1985, Vol 32, Num 6, pp 1042-1046, issn 0018-9383Article

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