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Photoinduced absorption in trans-(CD)xi isotope energy shiftsVARDENY, Z; TANAKA, J; FUJIMOTO, H et al.Solid state communications. 1984, Vol 50, Num 10, pp 937-941, issn 0038-1098Article

Analysis of diffusion in polymers by forward recoil spectrometryMILLS, P. J; GREEN, P. F; PALMSTRØM, C. J et al.Applied physics letters. 1984, Vol 45, Num 9, pp 957-959, issn 0003-6951Article

Small-angle neutron scattering of partially segregated blends of polyethylene and deuteropolyethyleneWU, W; WIGNALL, G. D.Polymer (Guildford). 1985, Vol 26, Num 5, pp 661-666, issn 0032-3861Article

Chainlength and temperature dependence of self-diffusion coefficients in polystyreneANTONIETTI, M; COUTANDIN, J; SILLESCU, H et al.Die Makromolekulare Chemie. Rapid communications. 1984, Vol 5, Num 9, pp 525-528, issn 0173-2803Article

Slow tumbling motion of nitroxide spin probe/labelled PMMA studied using saturation transfer ESR amd saturation parameter methodsOHNO, K; ISHII, T; SOHMA, J et al.Japanese journal of applied physics. 1984, Vol 23, Num 10, pp 1385-1388, issn 0021-4922, 1Article

Extinction de la luminescence, du pyrène par l'oxygène comme méthode d'étude de la perméabilité à l'oxygène des polymèresLASHKOV, G. I; UDAL'TSOV, V. S; KAVTREV, A. F et al.Optika i spektroskopiâ. 1987, Vol 63, Num 6, pp 1243-1248, issn 0030-4034Article

Infra-red dichroism investigation of molecular viscoelasticity using isotopically labelled block copolymersTASSIN, J. F; MONNERIE, L; FETTERS, L. J et al.Polymer bulletin (Berlin. Print). 1986, Vol 15, Num 2, pp 165-171, issn 0170-0839Article

Investigation of the curing of phenolic resins by 2H NMR spectroscopyKELUSKY, E. C; FYFE, C. A; MCKINNON, M. S et al.Macromolecules. 1986, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 329-332, issn 0024-9297Article

Kinetics of the conformational transition of poly(methacrylic acid) after changes of its degree of ionizationBEDNAR, B; MORAWETZ, H; SHAFER, J. A et al.Macromolecules. 1985, Vol 18, Num 10, pp 1940-1944, issn 0024-9297Article

Fourier-transform infrared studies of the thermal degradation of isotopically labeled polyacrylonitrilesRAFALKO, J. J.Journal of polymer science. Polymer physics edition. 1984, Vol 22, Num 7, pp 1211-1222, issn 0098-1273Article

Infrared and Raman spectra of poly(α-methyl styrene)NEPPEL, A; BUTLER, I. S.Spectrochimica acta. Part A : Molecular spectroscopy. 1984, Vol 40, Num 11-12, pp 1095-1100, issn 0584-8539Article

Molecular motion of spin-labeled dextrans in dilute aqueous solutionFLORINE, K. I; COWAN, D. L; MAWHINNEY, T. P et al.Macromolecules. 1984, Vol 17, Num 11, pp 2417-2420, issn 0024-9297Article

Preparation of deuterated poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide)WHITE, D. M; NYE, S. A.Macromolecules. 1984, Vol 17, Num 12, pp 2643-2645, issn 0024-9297Article

Deuteron magnetic resonance in (CD)xGREENBAUM, S. G; MATTIX, H. A; WEBER, D. C et al.Physics letters. A. 1983, Vol 98, Num 5-6, pp 299-302, issn 0375-9601Article

A SANS investigation into the role of melting and recrystallization during solid state deformation of polyethyleneWIGNALL, G. D; WU, W.Polymer communications. 1983, Vol 24, Num 12, pp 354-359Article

Theoretical study of the infrared absorption in trans-(CH)x and trans-(CD)xRAKOVIC, D; BOZOVIC, I; STEPANYAN, S. A et al.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1983, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 1997-2000, issn 0163-1829Article

Fluorescence anisotropy decay studies of local polymer dynamics in the melt. I: Labeled polybutadieneVIOVY, J.-L; MONNERIE, L; MEROLA, F et al.Macromolecules. 1985, Vol 18, Num 6, pp 1130-1137, issn 0024-9297Article

Preparative fractionation of fluorescent-dye-labeled poly(ethylene oxide) by aqueous size-exclusion chromatographyMUMBY, S. J; COTTS, P. M; RUSSELL, T. P et al.Journal of chromatography. 1985, Vol 319, Num 2, pp 241-245, issn 0021-9673Article

Self diffusion in concentrated polystyrene solutions measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleachingWANG, F. W; LOWRY, R. E; EN-SHINN WU et al.Polymer (Guildford). 1985, Vol 26, Num 11, pp 1654-1656, issn 0032-3861Article

Raman scattering and infrared phonons in polyacetyleneHOROVITZ, B; VARDENY, Z; EHRENFREUND, E et al.Synthetic metals. 1984, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 215-222, issn 0379-6779Article

Response to comments on crist et al.'s paper on chain dimensions of crystallizable polymers, an alternative interpretation of the experimental datäCRIST, B; GRAESSLEY, W. W; WIGNALL, G. D et al.Polymer communications. 1984, Vol 25, Num 5, pp 136-137Article

Small-angle neutron scattering from a polyurethane block copolymerMILLER, J. A; COOPER, S. L; HAN, C. C et al.Macromolecules. 1984, Vol 17, Num 5, pp 1063-1071, issn 0024-9297Article

A broad-line n.m.r. investigation of methyl motion in poly methylmethacrylateHUMPHREYS, J; DUCKETT, R. A; WARD, I. M et al.Polymer (Guildford). 1984, Vol 25, Num 9, pp 1227-1234, issn 0032-3861Article

Improvement in the compositional analysis of block copolymers of ordinary and deuterated styrenes by high-resolution pyrolysis gas chromatographyOHTANI, H; TSUGE, S; MATSUSHITA, Y et al.Polymer journal. 1984, Vol 16, Num 9, pp 727-729, issn 0032-3896Article

Kritisches Verhalten einer Polymermischung = Comportement critique d'un mélange de polymère = Critical behavior of polymer blendHERKT-MAETZKY, C.Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich. 1984, Num 1907, issn 0366-0885, 80 p.Thesis

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