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Results 1 to 25 of 1764

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Biobased chemicals: the convergence of green chemistry with industrial biotechnologyPHILP, Jim C; RITCHIE, Rachael J; ALLAN, Jacqueline E. M et al.Trends in biotechnology (Regular ed.). 2013, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 219-222, issn 0167-7799, 4 p.Article

Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award 2009 Recent Advances in Catalysis and Green ChemistryMARTIN, Stephen F.Tetrahedron (Oxford. Print). 2009, Vol 65, Num 26, issn 0040-4020, 194 p.Conference Proceedings

Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using white sugarMESHRAM, Sachin M; BONDE, Shital R; GUPTA, Indarchand R et al.IET nanobiotechnology (Print). 2013, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 28-32, issn 1751-8741, 5 p.Article

Green and sustainable chemistryLATTES, Armand; RICO-LATTES, Isabelle.Comptes rendus. Chimie. 2011, Vol 14, Num 7-8, issn 1631-0748, 168 p.Serial Issue

Development of GSK's reagent guides ― embedding sustainability into reagent selectionADAMS, Joseph P; ALDER, Catherine M; REDMAN, Anikó M et al.Green chemistry (Print). 2013, Vol 15, Num 6, pp 1542-1549, issn 1463-9262, 8 p.Article

Vers un modèle pluriel de bioraffinerie?NIEDDU, Martino; GARNIER, Estelle.Biofutur (Puteaux). 2010, Num 312, pp 65-68, issn 0294-3506, 4 p.Article

Chemical Alternatives Assessment: Enabling Substitution to Safer ChemicalsLAVOIE, Emma T; HEINE, Lauren G; HOLDER, Helen et al.Environmental science & technology. 2010, Vol 44, Num 24, pp 9244-9249, issn 0013-936X, 6 p.Article

Développement des cultures dédiées a la bioénergie : enjeux et défisCADOUX, Stéphane; BOIZARD, Hubert; GOSSE, Ghislain et al.Biofutur (Puteaux). 2007, Num 282, pp 24-27, issn 0294-3506, 4 p.Article

Sonochemistry and the environment : Providing a green link between chemistry, physics and engineeringMASON, Timothy J.Ultrasonics sonochemistry. 2007, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 476-483, issn 1350-4177, 8 p.Conference Paper

Excimer formation of 6-(1-pyrenyl)hexyl-11-(1-pyrenyl)undecanoate within an ionic liquid and cosolvent-modified ionic liquid mixtureRAI, Rewa; PANDEY, Siddharth.PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics (Print). 2013, Vol 15, Num 7, pp 2389-2396, issn 1463-9076, 8 p.Article

Searching for green solvents : Green Solvents for SynthesisJESSOP, Philip G.Green chemistry (Print). 2011, Vol 13, Num 6, pp 1391-1398, issn 1463-9262, 8 p.Article

Materials & Technologies for a Green Chemistry (Tallinn, 2011)MARINAS, Alberto; SHELDON, Roger A; KOEL, Mihkel et al.Catalysis today (Print). 2012, Vol 196, Num 1, issn 0920-5861, 157 p.Conference Proceedings

Hydrolysable tannin as environmentally friendly reducer and stabilizer for graphene oxideYANDA LEI; ZHENGHAI TANG; RUIJUAN LIAO et al.Green chemistry (Print). 2011, Vol 13, Num 7, pp 1655-1658, issn 1463-9262, 4 p.Article

Sustainability as an emerging design criterion in nanoparticle synthesis and applicationsMURPHY, Catherine J.Journal of material chemistry. 2008, Vol 18, Num 19, pp 2173-2176, issn 0959-9428, 4 p.Article

Green Synthesis of Ibuprofen―Nicotinamide Cocrystals and In-Line Evaluation by Raman SpectroscopySOARES, Frederico L. F; CARNEIRO, Renato L.Crystal growth & design. 2013, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 1510-1517, issn 1528-7483, 8 p.Article

Novamont: un modèle de bioraffinerie sans biocarburantsNIEDDU, Martino; VAN NIEL, Johan; YOUSSEF, Ali et al.Biofutur (Puteaux). 2013, Num 344, pp 52-59, issn 0294-3506, 8 p.Article

Synthesis of remarkably stabilized metal nanostructures using polyoxometalatesKEITA, Bineta; TIANBO LIU; NADJO, Louis et al.Journal of material chemistry. 2009, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 19-33, issn 0959-9428, 15 p.Article

Seedless Initiation as an Efficient, Sustainable Route to Anisotropic Gold NanoparticlesSTRANEY, Patrick J; ANDOLINA, Christopher M; MILLSTONE, Jill E et al.Langmuir. 2013, Vol 29, Num 13, pp 4396-4403, issn 0743-7463, 8 p.Article

Catalytic Processes for Clean Energy, Waste Minimization and Green ChemicalsDALAI, Ajay K; YADAV, Ganapati D; ABATZOGLOU, Nicolas et al.Catalysis today (Print). 2013, Vol 207, issn 0920-5861, 230 p.Conference Proceedings

Environmentally friendly functionalization of single walled carbon nanotubes in molten ureaDOYLE, Condell D; TOUR, James M.Carbon (New York, NY). 2009, Vol 47, Num 14, pp 3215-3218, issn 0008-6223, 4 p.Article

An Oasis in the Land of ConfusionPerfumer & flavorist. 2008, Vol 33, Num 5, issn 0272-2666, 36-39 [3 p.]Article

Environmentally benign synthesis of natural glycosides using apple seed meal as green and robust biocatalystYU, Hui-Lei; XU, Jian-He; LU, Wen-Ya et al.Journal of biotechnology. 2008, Vol 133, Num 4, pp 469-477, issn 0168-1656, 9 p.Article

Applications of Ionic Liquids in Green Catalytic ProcessesZHANG, Suojiang; NG, Flora T. T; ROGERS, Robin D et al.Catalysis today (Print). 2013, Vol 200, issn 0920-5861, 126 p.Conference Proceedings

Ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenols from native plants in the Mexican desertWONG PAZ, Jorge E; MUNIZ MARQUEZ, Diana B; MARTINEZ AVILA, Guillermo C. G et al.Ultrasonics sonochemistry. 2015, Vol 22, pp 474-481, issn 1350-4177, 8 p.Article

Simultaneous sonication assistance for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridines and its efficient catalyst ZrP2O7 nanoparticlesJAVIDAN, Abdollah; ZIARATI, Abolfazl; SAFAEI-GHOMI, Javad et al.Ultrasonics sonochemistry. 2014, Vol 21, Num 3, pp 1150-1154, issn 1350-4177, 5 p.Article

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