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Cognitive Radio TechnologyPRASAD, Ramjee.Wireless personal communications. 2008, Vol 45, Num 3, issn 0929-6212, 160 p.Serial Issue

Cognitive Radio Part 1: Practical PerspectivesHAYKIN, S; REED, J. H; SHAFI, M et al.Proceedings of the IEEE. 2009, Vol 97, Num 4, issn 0018-9219, 176 p.Serial Issue

Cognitive Radio Part 2: Fundamental IssuesHAYKIN, Simon; REED, Jeffrey H; YE LI, Geoffrey et al.Proceedings of the IEEE. 2009, Vol 97, Num 5, issn 0018-9219, 163 p.Serial Issue

Cognitive Spectrum AccessDOHLER, Jacques; WEBB, William; PALICOT, Jacques et al.IET communications (Print). 2008, Vol 2, Num 6, issn 1751-8628, 149 p.Serial Issue

RF direct orthogonal phase under-sampling technique for software defined radioOKUIZUMI, R; INADA, Y; MURAGUCHI, M et al.Electronics Letters. 2008, Vol 44, Num 18, pp 1074-1075, issn 0013-5194, 2 p.Article

Cognitive radio, software defined radio, and adaptive wireless systemsARSLAN, Hüseyin; MITOLA, Joseph.Wireless communications and mobile computing (Print). 2007, Vol 7, Num 9, issn 1530-8669, 125 p.Serial Issue

Plates-formes matérielles pour la radio logicielle: contraintes et exemples de solutions : Radio logicielle, radio cognitiveNOGUET, Dominique.REE. Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique. 2013, Num 1, pp 81-87, issn 1265-6534, 7 p.Article

Probability-Based Combination for Cooperative Spectrum SensingXIANGWEI ZHOU; JUN MA; YE LI, Geoffrey et al.IEEE transactions on communications. 2010, Vol 58, Num 2, pp 463-466, issn 0090-6778, 4 p.Article

Framework à composants-logiciels pour radio logicielleMENORET, Stéphane; GRESSIER-SOUDAN, Eric.Software & systems engineering and their applications. 2004, pp 1.1-1.3, 3VolConference Paper

A simple survey of knowledge plane approaches for future cognitive wireless networksROLLA, Vitor Guerra; PINTO, Alexandre Miguel; CURADO, Marilia et al.International journal of mobile network design and innovation (Print). 2012, Vol 4, Num 4, pp 179-184, issn 1744-2869, 6 p.Article

Optically controlled reconfigurable antenna for cognitive radio applicationsJIN, G. P; ZHANG, D. L; LI, R. L et al.Electronics letters. 2011, Vol 47, Num 17, pp 948-950, issn 0013-5194, 3 p.Article

Ecoute coopérative de spectre pour la radio cognitive = Spectrum collaborative listening for cognitive radioCARDOSO, Leonardo; BIANCHI, Pascal; DEBBAH, Mérouane et al.Colloque sur le traitement du signal et des images. 2009, 1Vol, p. 78Conference Paper

A proposal for secure software download in SDRDAWOUD, D. S.Africon conference in Africa. 2004, isbn 0-7803-8605-1, vol 1, 77-82Conference Paper

Two Adaptive Energy Detectors for Cognitive Radio SystemsLIU, Siyang; XIE, Gang; ZHANG, Zhongshan et al.IEICE transactions on communications. 2009, Vol 92, Num 6, pp 2332-2335, issn 0916-8516, 4 p.Article

Enabling open-source cognitively-controlled collaboration among software-defined radio nodesTROXEL, Gregory D; BLOSSOM, Eric; HUSSAIN, Talib et al.Computer networks (1999). 2008, Vol 52, Num 4, pp 898-911, issn 1389-1286, 14 p.Article

On the Cooperative Diversity Gain in Underlay Cognitive Radio SystemsHONG, Jun-Pyo; BI HONG; TAE WON BAN et al.IEEE transactions on communications. 2012, Vol 60, Num 1, pp 209-219, issn 0090-6778, 11 p.Article

Optimality of greedy policy for a class of standard reward function of restless multi-armed bandit problemWANG, K; LIU, O; CHEN, L et al.IET signal processing (Print). 2012, Vol 6, Num 6, pp 584-593, issn 1751-9675, 10 p.Article

A propos des applications de la radio cognitive : Radio logicielle, radio cognitiveLE MARTRET, Christophe.REE. Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique. 2013, Num 1, pp 93-102, issn 1265-6534, 10 p.Article

Multiple Antennas Assisted Blind Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio ChannelsLEI SHEN; HAIQUAN WANG; WEI ZHANG et al.IEEE communications letters. 2012, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 92-94, issn 1089-7798, 3 p.Article

Probability-Based Periodic Spectrum Sensing During Secondary CommunicationJUN MA; XIANGWEI ZHOU; YE LI, Geoffrey et al.IEEE transactions on communications. 2010, Vol 58, Num 4, pp 1291-1301, issn 0090-6778, 11 p.Article

Spectral efficiency of spectrum-pooling systemsHADDAD, M; HAYAR, A; DEBBAH, M et al.IET communications (Print). 2008, Vol 2, Num 6, pp 733-741, issn 1751-8628, 9 p.Article

Spectrum sharing with value-orientation for cognitive radioMANGOLD, Stefan; BERLEMANN, Lars; NANDAGOPALAN, Saishankar et al.European transactions on telecommunications. 2006, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 383-394, issn 1124-318X, 12 p.Conference Paper

Application of cognitive radio technology across the wireless stackKOLODZY, Paul.IEICE transactions on communications. 2005, Vol 88, Num 11, pp 4158-4162, issn 0916-8516, 5 p.Article

A LEMP Generator-Simulator CircuitDIAZ CADAVID, Luis Fernando; CANO-PLATA, Eduardo Antonio; YOUNES-VELOSA, Camilo et al.Ingenieria e Investigacion. 2011, Vol 31, pp 27-35, issn 0120-5609, 9 p., SUP2Conference Paper

Advanced Signal Processing for Cognitive Radio NetworksLIANG, Ying-Chang; WANG, Xiaodong; ZENG, Yonghong et al.EURASIP Journal on advances in signal processing (Print). 2010, Vol 2010, Num 1, issn 1687-6172, [95 p.]Serial Issue

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