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Importance of root derived carbon for soil organic matter storage in a temperate old-growth beech forest - Evidence from C, N and 14C contentTEFS, Cindy; GLEIXNER, Gerd.Forest ecology and management. 2012, Vol 263, Num 1, pp 131-137, issn 0378-1127, 7 p.Article

Quantification of Carbon Assimilation of Plants in Simulated and In Situ InteriorscapesPENNISI, Svoboda V; LERSEL, Marc W. Van.HortScience. 2012, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 468-476, issn 0018-5345, 9 p.Article

Scirpus maritimus leaf pigment profile and photochemistry during senescence: Implications on carbon sequestrationDUARTE, B; COUTO, T; MARQUES, J. C et al.Plant physiology and biochemistry (Paris). 2012, Vol 57, pp 238-244, issn 0981-9428, 7 p.Article

Direct measurement of paraquat in leaf protoplasts indicates vacuolar paraquat sequestration as a resistance mechanism in Lolium rigidumQIN YU; SHAOBAI HUANG; POWLES, Stephen et al.Pesticide biochemistry and physiology (Print). 2010, Vol 98, Num 1, pp 104-109, issn 0048-3575, 6 p.Article

Poplar and its Bacterial Endophytes: Coexistence and HarmonyVAN DER LETTER, Daniel; TAGHAVI, Safiyh; VANGRONSVELD, Jaco et al.Critical reviews in plant sciences. 2009, Vol 28, Num 5, pp 346-358, issn 0735-2689, 13 p.Article

Economic and employment implications of a carbon market for integrated farm forestry and biodiverse environmental plantingsPAUL, K. I; REESON, A; POLGLASE, P et al.Land use policy. 2013, Vol 30, pp 496-506, issn 0264-8377, 11 p.Article

Cadmium uptake and sequestration kinetics in individual leaf cell protoplasts of the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator: Thlaspi caerulescensLEITENMAIER, Barbara; KÜPPER, Hendrik.Plant, cell and environment (Print). 2011, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 208-219, issn 0140-7791, 12 p.Article

The Importance of Determining Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in Ornamental HorticultureMARBLE, S. Christopher; PRIOR, Stephen A; BRETT RUNION, G et al.HortScience. 2011, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 240-244, issn 0018-5345, 5 p.Article

Long-distance transport, vacuolar sequestration, tolerance, and transcriptional responses induced by cadmium and arsenicMENDOZA-COZATL, David G; JOBE, Timothy O; HAUSER, Felix et al.Current opinion in plant biology. 2011, Vol 14, Num 5, pp 554-562, issn 1369-5266, 9 p.Article

Effect of Aluminum-Containing Amendments on Phosphorus Sequestration of Wastewater Treatment Wetland SoilMALECKI-BROWN, Lynette M; WHITE, John R.Soil Science Society of America journal. 2009, Vol 73, Num 3, pp 852-861, issn 0361-5995, 10 p.Article

Contribution of 15N-labelled leaf litter to N turnover, nitrous oxide emissions and N sequestration in a beech forest during eleven yearsEICKENSCHEIDT, Nadine; BRUMME, Rainer.Plant and soil. 2013, Vol 362, Num 1-2, pp 67-77, issn 0032-079X, 11 p.Article

Plant Life History and Residue Chemistry Influences Emissions of CO2 and N2O From Soil ― Perspectives for Genetically Modified Cell Wall MutantsGUL, Shamim; WHALEN, Joann.Critical reviews in plant sciences. 2013, Vol 32, Num 4-6, pp 344-368, issn 0735-2689, 25 p.Article

Does afforestation of pastures increase sequestration of soil carbon in Mediterranean climates?HOOGMOED, M; CUNNINGHAM, S. C; THOMSON, J. R et al.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2012, Vol 159, pp 176-183, issn 0167-8809, 8 p.Article

Plant homeostasis of foliar manganese sinks: specific variation in hyperaccumulatorsFERNANDO, Denise R; WOODROW, Ian E; BAKER, Alan J. M et al.Planta. 2012, Vol 236, Num 5, pp 1459-1470, issn 0032-0935, 12 p.Article

Use of phosphate to avoid uranium toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana leads to alterations of morphological and physiological responses regulated by phosphate availabilityMISSON, Julie; HENNER, Pascale; MORELLO, Marcel et al.Environmental and experimental botany. 2009, Vol 67, Num 2, pp 353-362, issn 0098-8472, 10 p.Article

Sequestering Atmospheric Carbon DioxideLAL, R.Critical reviews in plant sciences. 2009, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 90-96, issn 0735-2689, 7 p.Article

Conservation Agriculture and Soil Carbon Sequestration: Between Myth and Farmer RealityGOVAERTS, B; VERHULST, N; CASTELLANOS-NAVARRETE, A et al.Critical reviews in plant sciences. 2009, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 97-122, issn 0735-2689, 26 p.Article

Dynamic Evolution of Cement Composition and Transport Properties under Conditions Relevant to Geological Carbon Sequestration : ACCELERATING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH INTEGRATED COMPUTATION AND EXPERIMENTATIONLEOPOLD BRUNET, Jean-Patrick; LI LI; KARPYN, Zuleima T et al.Energy & fuels. 2013, Vol 27, Num JULAOU, pp 4208-4220, issn 0887-0624, 13 p.Article

Soil profile carbon and nitrogen in prairie, perennial grass-legume mixture and wheat-fallow production in the central High Plains, USAHURISSO, Tunsisa T; NORTON, Jay B; NORTON, Urszula et al.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2013, Vol 181, pp 179-187, issn 0167-8809, 9 p.Article

Transgenic tobacco plants expressing ectopically wheat H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) gene TaVP1 show enhanced accumulation and tolerance to cadmiumKHOUDI, Habib; MAATAR, Yefa; GOUIAA, Sandra et al.Journal of plant physiology. 2012, Vol 169, Num 1, pp 98-103, issn 0176-1617, 6 p.Article

Growth Properties and Ion Distribution in Different Tissues of Bread Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) Differing in Salt ToleranceRAHNAMA, A; POUSTINI, K; TAVAKKOL-AFSHARI, R et al.Journal of agronomy and crop science (1986). 2011, Vol 197, Num 1, pp 21-30, issn 0931-2250, 10 p.Article

What is the impact of afforestation on the carbon stocks of Irish mineral soils?WELLOCK, Michael L; LAPERLE, Christina M; KIELY, Gerard et al.Forest ecology and management. 2011, Vol 262, Num 8, pp 1589-1596, issn 0378-1127, 8 p.Article

Soil [N] modulates soil C cycling in CO2-fumigated tree stands: a meta-analysisDIELEMAN, W. I. J; LUYSSAERT, S; JARVIS, P. G et al.Plant, cell and environment (Print). 2010, Vol 33, Num 12, pp 2001-2011, issn 0140-7791, 11 p.Article

Sorption and leaching of 14C-glyphosate in agricultural soilsAL-RAJAB, Abdul Jabbar; AMELLAL, Samira; SCHIAVON, Michel et al.Agronomy for sustainable development. 2008, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 419-428, issn 1774-0746, 10 p.Article

Long-term Additions of Organic Amendments in a Loire Valley Vineyard. I. Effects on Properties of a Calcareous Sandy SoilMORLAT, René; CHAUSSOD, Rémi.American journal of enology and viticulture. 2008, Vol 59, Num 4, pp 353-363, issn 0002-9254, 11 p.Article

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