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Against Two Modest Conceptions of Hard PaternalismGLOD, William.Ethical theory and moral practice. 2013, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 409-422, issn 1386-2820, 14 p.Article

Autodeterminazione: le paranoie della modernità = Self-determination: the paranoias of modernity = Autodétermination : les paranoïas de la modernitéD'AGOSTINO, Francesco.Medicina e morale. 2009, Vol 59, Num 6, pp 1055-1064, issn 0025-7834, 10 p.Article

Motives for Being Temporary Agency Worker: Validity Study of One Measure According to The Self-Determination TheoryLOPES, Sílvia; CHAMBEL, Maria José.Social indicators research. 2014, Vol 116, Num 1, pp 137-152, issn 0303-8300, 16 p.Article

On the Foundation of Rights to Political Self-Determination : Secession, Nonintervention, and Democratic GovernanceLEFKOWITZ, David.Journal of social philosophy. 2008, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 492-511, issn 0047-2786, 20 p.Article

Unabhängigkeit als Furie des Zerstörens. Die Dialektik der Selbstbestimmung bei Hegel, Stirner und Marx = Independence as Fury of Destruction. The Dialectics of Self-Determination in Hegel, Stirner and MarxTRALAU, Johan.Philosophisches Jahrbuch (Freiburg). 2010, Vol 117, Num 2, pp 251-261, issn 0031-8183, 11 p.Article

Condicionalidad y Autoría. Sobre la verdadera libertad de los seres humanosGIL, Tomas.Isegoría (Madrid). 2005, Num 32, pp 135-143, issn 1130-2097, 9 p.Article

Relationships between value orientations, self-determined motivations types and pro-environmental behavioural intentionsDE GROOT, Judith I. M; STEG, Linda.Journal of environmental psychology. 2010, Vol 30, Num 4, pp 368-378, issn 0272-4944, 11 p.Article

Helpful self-control : Autonomy support, vitality, and depletionMURAVEN, Mark; GAGNE, Marylène; ROSMAN, Heather et al.Journal of experimental social psychology (Print). 2008, Vol 44, Num 3, pp 573-585, issn 0022-1031, 13 p.Article

Indulgence or restraint? Gender differences in the relationship between controlled orientation and the erotophilia-risky sex linkLEWIS, Melissa A; NEIGHBORS, Clayton; MALHEIM, Jeremy E et al.Personality and individual differences. 2006, Vol 40, Num 5, pp 985-995, issn 0191-8869, 11 p.Article

The importance of self-determined motivation towards physical activity in patients with schizophreniaVANCAMPFORT, Davy; DE HERT, Marc; VANSTEENKISTE, Maarten et al.Psychiatry research (Print). 2013, Vol 210, Num 3, pp 812-818, issn 0165-1781, 7 p.Article

Psychological needs, motivation, and well-being: A test of self-determination theory across multiple domainsMILYAVSKAYA, Marina; KOESTNER, Richard.Personality and individual differences. 2011, Vol 50, Num 3, pp 387-391, issn 0191-8869, 5 p.Article

Taking the Self out of Self-RuleGARNETT, Michael.Ethical theory and moral practice. 2013, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 21-33, issn 1386-2820, 13 p.Article

Self-determination and the BrainBRÜNTRUP, Godehard.Gregorianum. 2008, Vol 89, Num 4, pp 816-831, issn 0017-4114, 16 p.Article

The political and cultural self-determination of Ukrainians: Before and since the Orange revolutionDENISOV, D. O; GOVORUKHKA, S. V.Sociological research. 2007, Vol 46, Num 1, pp 65-74, issn 1061-0154, 10 p.Article

Terrorisme et guerres locales en europe centrale = Terrorism and local wars in Central EuropeDE HABSBOURG, Otto.Publications de l'Académie du Royaume du Maroc. 2002, pp 73-81, isbn 9981-46-033-8, 9 p.Conference Paper

MANAGER L'INNOVATION DANS UN GRAND GROUPE PAR L'AUTO-ÉVALUATION DES CENTRES DE PROFITSTOSSAN, Vessélina.Décisions marketing (Bruxelles). 2008, Num 51, pp 39-53, issn 0779-7389, 15 p.Article

Chile : transición pactada y débil autodeterminación colectiva de la sociedad = Chile : Agreed-on transition and weak collective self-determination of societyROVIRA KALTWASSER, Cristobal.Revista mexicana de sociología. 2007, Vol 69, Num 2, pp 343-372, issn 0188-2503, 30 p.Article

Le droit à l'autodétermination des peuples et la politique étrangère allemande (dans l'histoire et au présent) = Right to self-determination of peoples and foreign policy of GermanyMINOW, Hans-Rüdiger; DE L, Traduit; ALLEMAND et al.Cahiers pour l'analyse concrète. 2004, Num 53-54, pp 91-101, issn 0398-0677, 11 p.Article

To be one's own confessor : educational guidance and governmentalityFEJES, Andreas.British journal of sociology of education. 2008, Vol 29, Num 6, pp 653-664, issn 0142-5692, 12 p.Article

Vers une conceptualisation motivationnelle multidimensionnelle du loisir : Construction et validation de l'échelle de motivation vis-a-vis des loisirs (EML) = Towards a multidimensional motivational conception of leisure : Construction and validation of the Scale of Motivation towards Leisure (EML)PELLETIER, L. G; VALLERAND, R. J; GREEN-DEMERS, I et al.Loisir et société. 1996, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 559-585, issn 0705-3436Article

Die Unerträglichkeit groben unberechtigten Tadels.: Zum Verhältnis von Geschätztwerden und Selbstbestimmung bei Adam Smith = The unbearable character of being roughly and wrongly reprimanded: The Relationship of Being Respected and self-determination in Adam SmithSTRUB, Christian.Philosophisches Jahrbuch (Freiburg). 2010, Vol 117, Num 2, pp 235-250, issn 0031-8183, 16 p.Article

Menschenrechte als Grundlage für SelbstbestimmungsrechteSCHNEBEL, Karin B.ARSP. Archiv. für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. 2010, Vol 96, Num 1, pp 77-86, issn 0001-2343, 10 p.Article

Zwischen Flexibilität und Sicherheit : zur aktuellen Entwicklung von Werten in der Arbeitswelt = Between Flexibility and Security : Current Developments of Values in the World of WorkHAUFF, Sven.Soziale Welt. 2008, Vol 59, Num 1, issn 0038-6073, 53-74, 102 [23 p.]Article

Freedom of Will and the Value of ChoiceDUUS-OTTERSTROM, Göran.Social theory and practice. 2011, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 256-284, issn 0037-802X, 29 p.Article

L'enfant negociateur : Désirs de famille, désirs d'enfant = The child as a negotiator : the example of child consumerismHLINGER, Myriam.Revue des sciences sociales (Strasbourg). 2009, Num 41, issn 1623-6572, 74-81, 193, 197, 201 [11 p.]Article

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