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Sedimentology and fabric characteristics of subaerial slope and alluvial cone deposits in Northen Calabria (Southern Italy)ROBUSTELLI, G; SCARCIGLIA, F; MUTO, F et al.Geografia fisica e dinamica quaternaria. 2005, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 219-227, issn 0391-9838, 9 p.Article

Zur Frage der Merkmalcharakteristik und Gliederung periglazialer Deckschichten am Beispiel des Bayerischen Waldes = La question des caractéristiques et de la répartition des couches de couverture périglaciaires dans l'exemple de la forêt bavaroiseVÖLKEL, J.Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen. 1994, Vol 138, Num 4, pp 207-217, issn 0031-6229Article

Stratified debris deposits on the southern slope of the Magaliesberg in the vicinity of HornsnekREYNHARDT, J. H.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband. 1992, Num 84, pp 159-172, issn 0044-2798Conference Paper

Cambisols developed from cover-beds in the Pieniny Mts. (southern Poland) and their mineral compositionKACPRZAK, A; DERKOWSKI, A.Catena (Giessen). 2007, Vol 71, Num 2, pp 292-297, issn 0341-8162, 6 p.Article

Snow-push processes in pronival (protalus) rampart formation : geomorphological evidence from Smørbotn, Romsdalsalpane, southern NorwaySHAKESBY, R.A; MATTHEWS, J.A; MCEWEN, L.J et al.Geografiska annaler. Series A. Physical geography. 1999, Vol 81, Num 1, pp 31-45, issn 0435-3676Article

Determining sediment thickness of talus slopes and valley fill deposits using seismic refraction - a comparison of 2D interpretation toolsHOFFMANN, T; SCHROTT, L.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband. 2003, Vol 132, pp 71-87, issn 0044-2798, 17 p.Article

Hogback and glacis pediment in Mount Dalma, KoreaMATSUKURA, Y; TANAKA, Y; HACHINOHE, S et al.Annual report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba. 1998, Num 24, pp 13-17, issn 0285-3175, 5 p.Article

Occupation de l'Age du Fer au Touar, les Arcs-sur-Argens, (Var) = Iron Age settlement from the Touar, les Arcs-sur-Argens, (Var)BERATO, J.Annales de la Société des sciences naturelles et d'archéologie de Toulon et du Var. 1996, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 212-216, issn 0373-7039Article

Are there geomorphic indicators of permafrost in the Tatra Mountains ?RĄCZKOWSKA, Z.Geographia polonica. 2008, Vol 81, Num 1, pp 117-133, issn 0016-7282, 17 p.Article

Character, age, ecological significance of Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits in GermanyRAAB, T; LEOPOLD, M; VÖLKEL, J et al.Physical geography. 2007, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 451-473, issn 0272-3646, 23 p.Article

Relict blockfields in the Ligurian Alps (Mount Beigua, Italy)FIRPO, M; GUGLIELMIN, M; QUEIROLO, C et al.Permafrost and periglacial processes. 2006, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 71-78, issn 1045-6740, 8 p.Article

Peryglacjalna rzeźba wzgórz bazaltowych Pogórza Kaczawskiego = Morphologie périglaciaire de collines de basalte dans les terres hautes de Kaczawa (Sudètes occidentales)MIGOŃ, P; MACIEJAK, K; ZYGMUNT, M et al.Przegląd geograficzny. 2002, Vol 74, Num 4, pp 491-508, issn 0033-2143, 18 p.Article

Glacial debris transport and moraine deposition : a case study of the Jardalen cirque complex, Sogn-og-Fjordane, western NorwayEVANS, D.J.A.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 1999, Vol 43, Num 2, pp 203-234, issn 0372-8854Article

Observations on stratified slope deposits, Gesso Valley, Italian Maritime AlpsPAPPALARDO, M.Permafrost and periglacial processes. 1999, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 107-111, issn 1045-6740Article

I depositi del versante del Monte dell'Ascensione (Marche meridionali, Italia) = Les dépôts de versant du Monte dell'Ascensione (Marches méridionales, Italie)GENTILI, B; MATERAZZI, M; PAMBIANCHI, G et al.Geografia fisica e dinamica quaternaria. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 205-214, issn 0391-9838Article

Depositional origin of an adverse delta surface slope at Altermarka, northern NorwayGUSTAVSON, K; OLSEN, L.Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. 2006, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 129-138, issn 0029-1951, 10 p.Article

Modelling sediment thickness and rockwall retreat in an alpine valley using 2D-seismic refraction (Reintal, Bavarian Alps)HOFFMANN, T; SCHROTT, L.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband. 2002, Num 127, pp 153-173, issn 0044-2798, 21 p.Article

Die IRSL-Datierung von periglazialen Hangsedimenten - Ergebnisse aus dem Bayerischen Wald = La datation IRSL de sédiments de pente périglaciaires. Résultats en forêt bavaroiseVÖLKEL, J; MAHR, A.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 2001, Vol 45, Num 3, pp 295-305, issn 0372-8854Article

The wied : a representative Mediterranean landformANDERSON, E.W.GeoJournal. 1997, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 111-114, issn 0343-2521Article

Grèzes, grèzes litées: historique des définitionsOZOUF, J.-C; COUTARD, J.-P; LAUTRIDOU, J.-P et al.Permafrost and periglacial processes. 1995, Vol 6, Num 2, pp 85-87, issn 1045-6740Conference Paper

Heavy metals in the slope deposits of loess areas of the Lublin Upland (E Poland)ZGLOBICKI, W; RODZIK, J.Catena (Giessen). 2007, Vol 71, Num 1, pp 84-95, issn 0341-8162, 12 p.Article

Origin and palaeoclimatic significance of the Pleistocene slope covers in the Cracow Upland, southern PolandPAWELEC, H.Geomorphology (Amsterdam). 2006, Vol 74, Num 1-4, pp 50-69, issn 0169-555X, 20 p.Article

Fan, fill or covered pediment ? Seismic investigation of alluvial cover thickness, Hayward Pediment, Flinders Ranges, South AustraliaBOURNE, J.A; HILLIS, R; RUTTY, M et al.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 2002, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 193-201, issn 0372-8854, 9 p.Article

Hydrological characteristics of slope deposits in high tropical mountains (Cordillera Real, Bolivia)CABALLERO, Y; JOMELLI, V; CHEVALIER, P et al.Catena (Giessen). 2002, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 101-116, issn 0341-8162Article

La dynamique paraglaciaire des versants du SvalbardMERCIER, D.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 2002, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 203-222, issn 0372-8854, 20 p.Article

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