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The role of endoscopically placed feeding or decompression tubesMCCLAVE, Stephen A; RITCHIE, Christine S.Gastroenterology clinics of North America. 2006, Vol 35, Num 1, issn 0889-8553, viii, 83-100 [19 p.]Article

Endoscopic Clip-Assisted Feeding Tube Placement Reduces Repeat Endoscopy Rate: Results from a Randomized Controlled TrialHIRDES, Meike M. C; MONKELBAAN, Jan F; HARINGMAN, Jasper J et al.The American journal of gastroenterology. 2012, Vol 107, Num 8, pp 1220-1227, issn 0002-9270, 8 p.Article

Prevention of feeding tube dislodgement with the Wiesbaden rein : a case seriesMANNER, H; PECH, O; HENRICH, R et al.Endoscopy (Stuttgart). 2009, Vol 41, Num 4, pp 377-379, issn 0013-726X, 3 p.Article

Reflections in front of a case of ventral hernia after PEG tube removalBOLDO-RODA, Enrique; PERIS-TRIAS, Antonio; PEREZ DE LUCIA-PENALVER, Guillermo et al.Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 2005, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 323-324, issn 0016-5107, 2 p.Article

Endoscopic Position Control of Nasoenteral Feeding Tubes by Transnasal Re-endoscopy : A Prospective Study in Intensive Care PatientsWIEGAND, Nico; BAUERFEIND, Peter; DELCO, Fabiola et al.The American journal of gastroenterology. 2009, Vol 104, Num 5, pp 1271-1276, issn 0002-9270, 6 p.Article

Ethical and medicolegal aspects of PEG-tube placement and provision of artificial nutritional therapyDELEGGE, Mark H; MCCLAVE, Stephen A; DISARIO, James A et al.Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 2005, Vol 62, Num 6, pp 952-959, issn 0016-5107, 8 p.Article

Evaluation of a new technique for endoscopic nasojejunal feeding-tube placementWIGGINS, Travis F; DELEGGE, Mark H.Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 2006, Vol 63, Num 4, pp 590-595, issn 0016-5107, 6 p.Article

A Team-Based Protocol and Electromagnetic Technology Eliminate Feeding Tube Placement ComplicationsKOOPMANN, Matthew C; KUDSK, Kenneth A; SZOTKOWSKI, Molly J et al.Annals of surgery. 2011, Vol 253, Num 2, pp 297-302, issn 0003-4932, 6 p.Article

Complete esophageal obstruction due to anterior cervical plate erosion diagnosed by retrograde endoscopy via a PEG tube tractDUGAN, John T; O'SHEA, C. Noelle; WOLF, David S et al.Gastrointestinal endoscopy (Print). 2011, Vol 73, Num 6, pp 1281-1282, issn 0016-5107, 2 p.Article

Endoscopic Placement of a Novel Feeding TubeBLACK, Hugh; YONEDA, Ken; MILLAR, John et al.Chest (American College of Chest Physicians). 2010, Vol 137, Num 5, pp 1028-1032, issn 0012-3692, 5 p.Article

Enhancing Patient Safety: The Effect of Process Improvement on Bedside Fluoroscopy Time Related to Nasoduodenal Feeding Tube Placement in Pediatric Burn PatientsCONE, Lois C; GILLIGAN, Mary F; KAGAN, Richard J et al.Journal of burn care & research. 2009, Vol 30, Num 4, pp 606-611, issn 1559-047X, 6 p.Article

Nasoenteral feeding tube placement by nurses using an electromagnetic guidance system (with video)MATHUS-VLIEGEN, Elisabeth M. H; DUFLOU, Ann; SPANIER, Marcel B. W et al.Gastrointestinal endoscopy (Print). 2010, Vol 71, Num 4, pp 728-736, issn 0016-5107, 9 p.Article

Endoscopic feeding tube placement in patients with cancer : a prospective clinical audit of 2055 procedures in 1866 patientsSHASTRI, Y. M; SHIRODKAR, M; MALLATH, M. K et al.Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2008, Vol 27, Num 8, pp 649-658, issn 0269-2813, 10 p.Article

Endoscopic placement of jejunal feeding tubes by using the resolution clip : report of 2 casesFRIZZELL, Eric; DARWIN, Peter.Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 2006, Vol 64, Num 3, pp 454-456, issn 0016-5107, 3 p.Article

Covering the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube prevents peristomal infectionSUZUKI, Yutaka; URASHIMA, Mitsuyoshi; ISHIBASHI, Yoshio et al.World journal of surgery. 2006, Vol 30, Num 8, pp 1450-1458, issn 0364-2313, 9 p.Article

An unusual case of a ventral Richter's hernia at the site of a previous PEG tubeKAPLAN, Rya; DELEGGE, Mark.Digestive diseases and sciences. 2006, Vol 51, Num 12, pp 2389-2392, issn 0163-2116, 4 p.Article

Tube feeding in advanced dementia : The metabolic perspectiveHOFFER, L John.BMJ. British medical journal (International ed.). 2006, Vol 333, Num 7580, pp 1214-1215, issn 0959-8146, 2 p.Article

Transnasal endoscopy vs. fluoroscopy for the placement of nasoenteric feeding tubes in critically ill patientsFANG, John C; HILDEN, Kristen; HOLUBKOV, Richard et al.Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 2005, Vol 62, Num 5, pp 661-666, issn 0016-5107, 6 p.Article

Fluoroscopic insertion of post-pyloric feeding tubes : success rates and complicationsTHURLEY, P. D; HOPPER, M. A; JOBLING, J. C et al.Clinical radiology. 2008, Vol 63, Num 5, pp 543-548, issn 0009-9260, 6 p.Article

Medication absorption considerations in patients with postpyloric enteral feeding tubesMCINTYRE, Chelsey M; MONK, Heather M.American journal of health-system pharmacy. 2014, Vol 71, Num 7, pp 549-556, issn 1079-2082, 8 p.Article

Variables associated with feeding tube placement in head and neck cancerCHENG, Sara S; TERRELL, Jeffrey E; BRADFORD, Carol R et al.Archives of otolaryngology, head & neck surgery. 2006, Vol 132, Num 6, pp 655-661, issn 0886-4470, 7 p.Article

Improved radiological assessment of neonatal feeding tubesQUANDT, Daniel; BRØNS, Egil; MEYER SCHIFFER, Philipp et al.Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition. 2013, Vol 98, Num 1, issn 1359-2998, F78-F80Article

An in vitro comparison of different providers to deliver four proton pump inhibitor products through a feeding tubeDEVLIN, J. W; BAKSHI, A; BUNGAY, K et al.Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2006, Vol 24, Num 11-12, pp 1603-1611, issn 0269-2813, 9 p.Article

Medical and ethical aspects of long-term enteral tube feedingMCMAHON, M. Molly; HURLEY, Daniel L; KAMATH, Patrick S et al.Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2005, Vol 80, Num 11, pp 1461-1476, issn 0025-6196, 16 p.Article

A critical appraisal of indications for endoscopic placement of nasojejunal feeding tubesBOUMAN, G; VAN ACHTERBERG, T; WANTEN, G et al.Netherlands journal of medicine. 2008, Vol 66, Num 2, pp 67-70, issn 0300-2977, 4 p.Article

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