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A partially coherent slowly diffracting beamMENDEZ, E. R; GARCIA-GUERRERO, E. E; GU, Zu-Han et al.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2010, Vol 7792, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-8288-4, 77920T.1-77920T.8Conference Paper

Vergleich von linearer und quadratischer Gleichrichtung bei der Messung von Rauschleistungsdichtespektren = Comparison of linear and square rectification in the measurement of noise power density spectraKANTELBERG, G.Nachrichtentechnik. Elektronik. 1984, Vol 34, Num 6, pp 224-225, issn 0323-4657Article

Prediction from part of the past of a stationary processHAYASHI, E.Illinois journal of mathematics. 1983, Vol 27, Num 4, pp 571-577, issn 0019-2082Article

The short FFT database and the peak map for the hierarchical search of periodic sourcesASTONE, P; FRASCA, S; PALOMBA, C et al.Classical and quantum gravity (Print). 2005, Vol 22, Num 18, pp S1197-S1210, issn 0264-9381Conference Paper

Coherent multifrequency optical fieldsTUDOR, Tiberiu.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2004, Vol 73, Num 1, pp 76-85, issn 0031-9015, 10 p.Article

A novel approach to characterizing the surface topography of niobium superconducting radio frequency (SRF) accelerator cavitiesHUITIAN; RIBEILL, Guilhem; CHENXU et al.Applied surface science. 2011, Vol 257, Num 11, pp 4781-4786, issn 0169-4332, 6 p.Article

Roughness analysis for textured surfaces over several orders of magnitudesVEPSÄLÄINEN, Laura; STENBERG, Petri; PÄÄKKÖNEN, Pertti et al.Applied surface science. 2013, Vol 284, pp 222-228, issn 0169-4332, 7 p.Article

Cassie state robustness of plasma generated randomly nano-rough surfacesDI MUNDO, Rosa; BOTTIGLIONE, Francesco; CARBONE, Giuseppe et al.Applied surface science. 2014, Vol 316, pp 324-332, issn 0169-4332, 9 p.Article

Kernel smoothing of periodograms under Kullback-Leibler discrepancyHANNIG, Jan; LEE, Thomas C. M.Signal processing. 2004, Vol 84, Num 7, pp 1255-1266, issn 0165-1684, 12 p.Article

Decomposition of spectral density in individual eigenvalue contributionsBOHIGAS, O; PATO, M. P.Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical (Print). 2010, Vol 43, Num 36, issn 1751-8113, 365001.1-365001.24Article

An AR spectral analysis of non-stationary signalsMARTIN, N.Signal processing. 1986, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 61-74, issn 0165-1684Article

A general class of models for stationary two-dimensional random processesVECCHIA, A. V.Biometrika. 1985, Vol 72, Num 2, pp 281-291, issn 0006-3444Article

Estimation statistique des spectres d'ordre élevéZHURBENKO, I. G.Teoriâ verojatnostej i eë primeneniâ. 1985, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 66-77, issn 0040-361XArticle

Spatial variability: geostatistical methodsGUTJAHR, A.Soil spatial variability. Workshop. 1985, pp 9-34, isbn 90-220-0891-6Conference Paper

Density dependence of solar emission lines of Si(X) and S (XII)CHANDRA, S.Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer. 1983, Vol 30, Num 6, pp 537-545, issn 0022-4073Article

Sine-fit procedure for unevenly sampled, multiply clocked signalsMILOTTI, Edoardo.Journal of computational physics (Print). 2005, Vol 202, Num 1, pp 134-149, issn 0021-9991, 16 p.Article

On the effective spectral densities for a superconductor with paramagnonsZARATE, H. G; CARBOTTE, J. P.Journal of low temperature physics. 1984, Vol 57, Num 3-4, pp 291-305, issn 0022-2291Article

Lag window estimates of the spectral densityZURBENKO, I. G.Lecture notes in mathematics. 1983, Vol 1021, pp 726-746, issn 0075-8434Article

Experimental confirmation of the Rayleigh-Rice obliquity factorSTOVER, John C.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2010, Vol 7792, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-8288-4, 77920J.1-77920J.5Conference Paper

Analogy between dielectric relaxation and dielectric mixtures: application of the spectral density representationTUNCER, Enis.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 2005, Vol 17, Num 12, pp L125-L128, issn 0953-8984Article

Automatic local smoothing for spectral density estimationJIANQINQ FAN; KREUTZBERGER, E.Scandinavian journal of statistics. 1998, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 359-369, issn 0303-6898Article

On the convergence of spectral densities of arrays of weakly stationary processesFALK, M.Annals of probability. 1984, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 918-921, issn 0091-1798Article

Discrimination of the spectral density of multitone complexesSTOELINGA, Christophe N. J; LUTFI, Robert A.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2011, Vol 130, Num 5, pp 2882-2890, issn 0001-4966, 9 p., 1Article

Noise spectroscopy of new silicon solar cells with double-sided textureCHOBOLA, Zdenek; JURARKOVA, Vlasta; VANEK, Jiri et al.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2007, pp 66001M.1-66001M.6, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-6737-9, 1VolConference Paper

Modélisation de signaux sonores par transformées temps-échelle et temps-fréquence = Modelization of sound signals by time-scale and time-frequency transformationCOURBEBAISSE, G; ESCUDIE, B; GUILLEMAIN, P et al.Journal de physique. IV. 1994, Vol 4, Num 5, pp C5.1315-C5.1318, issn 1155-4339, 2Article

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