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Equilibrium polymerization of liquid sulphur from small angel neutron scattering of sulphur solutionsBOUE, F; AMBROISE, J. P; BELLISSENT, R et al.Journal de physique 1, General physics, statistical physics, condensed matter, cross-disciplinary physics. 1992, Vol 2, Num 6, pp 969-980Article

Synthèse, caractérisation et application aux huiles lubrifiantes, d'additifs polymères phosphosoufrés = Dithiophosphorylated polymers additives: synthesis, characterization and application for lube oilsKEROMEST, Catherine; MARECHAL, Ernest.1992, 134 p.Thesis

Transport numbers from initial time and stationary state measurements of EMF in non-ionic polysulphonic membranesCOMPAN, V; SØRENSEN, T. S; ANDRIO, A et al.Journal of membrane science. 1997, Vol 123, Num 2, pp 293-302, issn 0376-7388Article

Adhérence de revêtements de thiokols sur du dural traité superficiellement par une solution aqueuseSHAKHBAZOV, G. M; DOMOLAZOV, A. N; AVERKO-ANTONOVICH, I. YU et al.Lakokrasočnye materialy i ih primenenie. 1987, Num 3, pp 26-27, issn 0130-9013Article

Sulphopolyesters : new resins for water-based inks, overprint lacquers and primersBARTON, K. R.Surface coatings international. 1994, Vol 77, Num 5, pp 180-182, issn 1356-0751Article

Poly(imide)s based on furfuryl-disulfidePATEL, H. S; PATEL, H. D.Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon and the related elements (Print). 1993, Vol 79, Num 1-4, pp 69-76, issn 1042-6507Article

Infrared photoexcitation and doping studies of poly(3-methylthienylene)KIM, Y. H; HOTTA, S; HEEGER, A. J et al.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1987, Vol 36, Num 14, pp 7486-7490, issn 0163-1829Article

Enhancement of epoxy resin/copper heterojunction by introduction of sulfur-containing polymersHIRANO, Hiroshi; OKADA, Takuto; NAKAMURA, Yoshinobu et al.Macromolecular materials and engineering (Print). 2006, Vol 291, Num 3, pp 205-209, issn 1438-7492, 5 p.Article

Radical polymerization of 2-methylene-1,3-dithianeKOBAYASHI, S; KADOKAWA, J; SHODA, S et al.Journal of macromolecular science. Chemistry. 1991, Vol 28, pp 1-5, issn 0022-233X, 5 p., SUP1Article

Electrokinetic characterization of porous membranes made from epoxidized polysulfoneRODEMANN, K; STAUDE, E.Journal of membrane science. 1995, Vol 104, Num 1-2, pp 147-155, issn 0376-7388Article

Electron beam induced degradation of poly(perfluoroethers) and poly(olefin sulfones)PACANSKY, J; WALTMAN, R. J; PACANSKY, G et al.Chemistry of materials. 1993, Vol 5, Num 10, pp 1526-1532, issn 0897-4756Article

Organische Elektronenleiter und Vorstufen. XIII: Untersuchungen zum thermischen Verhalten von Poly(bis-alkylthio-acetylen)en = Organic electron conductors and precursors. XIII. Investigation of the thermal behaviour of poly(bis-alkylthio-acetylene)sRICHTER, A. M; LAUBE, U; MONIAK, F et al.Acta polymerica. 1991, Vol 42, Num 12, pp 615-620, issn 0323-7648Article

Compounding of sulphur ligninKUUSELA, T. A; LAANTERAÊ, M. L. A; LINDBERG, J. J et al.Holzforschung. 1990, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 31-34, issn 0018-3830Article

Photoinduzierte Ringöffnungspolymerisation von 1,4,5-Oxadithiacycloheptan = Polymérisation photochimique avec ouverture de cycle de l'oxadithia-1,4,5 cycloheptane = Photoinduced ring opening polymerization of 1,4,5-oxadithiacycloheptaneKLEMM, E; ILLMER, R.Acta polymerica. 1989, Vol 40, Num 4, issn 0323-7648, 288Article

Synthesis of disulfide polymer by electrochemical polymerization of α, ω-alkanedithiolsENDO, K; BU, H.-B.Polymer (Guildford). 2001, Vol 42, Num 8, pp 3915-3918, issn 0032-3861Article

Synthesis of a novel polymer containing sulfur via polycondensationLEE, Y. K; TSUTSUMI, H; OISHI, T et al.Kobunshi ronbunshu (Tokyo). 1998, Vol 55, Num 2, pp 49-56, issn 0386-2186Article

Acid-promoted electron transfer to facilitate oxidative polymerization of diaryl disulfidesOYAIZU, K; IWASAKI, N; YAMAMOTO, K et al.Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 1994, Vol 67, Num 5, pp 1456-1461, issn 0009-2673Article

Dielectric relaxations in poly(thiocarbonates)CALLEJA, R. D; GARGALLO, L; RADIC, D et al.Journal of polymer science. Part B. Polymer physics. 1994, Vol 32, Num 9, pp 1617-1624, issn 0887-6266Article

Morphologie und Eigenschaften von Schwefel-Dicyclopentadien- und Schwefel-Styren-Polymeren = Morphology and properties of sulphure-dicyclopentadiene and sulfure-styrene polymersHAASER, R; BONGARDT, J; SCHICK, C et al.Plaste und Kautschuk. 1993, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 41-44, issn 0048-4350Article

On the electronic structure of polythieno [3,4-C] thiophene; a polymer with very small band gapBAKHSHI, A. K; LADIK, J.Solid state communications. 1988, Vol 65, Num 10, pp 1203-1206, issn 0038-1098Article

Solid-state 13C-NMR investigations of crosslinked structure modifications in elastomers during heating treatmentBUZARE, Jean-Yves; SILLY, G; EMERY, J et al.Journal of applied polymer science. 2003, Vol 87, Num 1, pp 3-8, issn 0021-8995, 6 p.Conference Paper

Electrochemical syntheses of two doped form of poly(sulfur nitride), {[SN]5[AsF6]}x and {[SN]50[AsF6]}xBANISTER, A. J; HAUPTAMN, Z. V; RAWSON, J. M et al.Journal of material chemistry. 1996, Vol 6, Num 7, pp 1161-1164, issn 0959-9428Article

Refractive index of poly(thiocarbonate)s and poly(dithiocarbonate)sMARIANUCCI, E; BERTI, C; PILATI, F et al.Polymer (Guildford). 1994, Vol 35, Num 7, pp 1564-1566, issn 0032-3861Article

Thermogravimetric analysis of polycarbonates and polythiocarbonates from diphenols with methyl groupsTAGLE, L. H; DIAZ, F. R.Thermochimica acta. 1990, Vol 160, Num 2, pp 161-171, issn 0040-6031, 11 p.Article

Direct writing of a conducting polymer with molecular-level control of physical dimensions and orientationYANG, Minchul; SHEEHAN, Paul E; KING, William P et al.Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2006, Vol 128, Num 21, pp 6774-6775, issn 0002-7863, 2 p.Article

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