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Burning rate characteristics of energetic CMDB propellants (I) : Combustion characteristics of basic propellantAOKI, I.Kayaku Gakkaishi. 1997, Vol 58, Num 4, pp 162-168, issn 1340-2781Article

Burning rate characteristics of energetic CMDB propellants (II) : Effect of HMX additionAOKI, I.Kayaku Gakkaishi. 1997, Vol 58, Num 4, pp 169-175, issn 1340-2781Article

Chemical equilibrium constraints in the high temperature formation of metallic nitridesDAVIS, K. A; BREZINSKY, K; GLASSMAN, I et al.Combustion science and technology. 1991, Vol 77, Num 1-3, pp 171-178, issn 0010-2202Article

Uniform magnetic fields and equilibrium flame temperaturesGUPTA, A; BAKER, J.Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer. 2007, Vol 21, Num 3, pp 520-524, issn 0887-8722, 5 p.Article

Use of speckle technique for temperature measurement in gaseous flameSHAKHER, C; NIRALA, A. K; PRAMILA, J et al.Journal of optics. 1992, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 35-39, issn 0150-536XArticle

Méthodes de calcul de la température d'auto-inflammation des mélanges vapeur-airNUZHDA, L. I; POLYAKOVA, N. M.Lakokrasočnye materialy i ih primenenie. 1988, Num 5, pp 68-70, issn 0130-9013Article

Measuring temperature in flamesCHAUVIN, Pyro-Controle.Glass international. 2007, Vol 30, Num 9, pp 38-39, issn 0143-7836, 2 p.Article

A brief history of the prediction of flame extinction based upon flame temperatureBEYLER, Craig.Fire and materials. 2005, Vol 29, Num 6, pp 425-427, issn 0308-0501, 3 p.Article

When using correlations, make sure they fit: A flame temperature calculation did not converge because it involved an inadvertent extrapolationPHADKE, Prasmod S.Chemical engineering (New York, NY). 2001, Vol 108, Num 13, pp 87-90, issn 0009-2460Article

Intensity-ratio and color-ratio thin-filament pyrometry: Uncertainties and accuracyBIN MA; GUANGHUA WANG; MAGNOTTI, Gaetano et al.Combustion and flame. 2014, Vol 161, Num 4, pp 908-916, issn 0010-2180, 9 p.Article

The effects of hydrogen addition on NO formation in atmospheric-pressure, fuel-rich-premixed, burner-stabilized methane, ethane and propane flamesSEPMAN, A. V; MOKHOV, A. V; LEVINSKY, H. B et al.International journal of hydrogen energy. 2011, Vol 36, Num 7, pp 4474-4481, issn 0360-3199, 8 p.Article

Thermocouple Response in Fires, Part 1: Considerations in Flame Temperature Measurements by a ThermocoupleBRUNDAGE, Aaron L; DONALDSON, A. Burl; GILL, Walt et al.Journal of fire sciences. 2011, Vol 29, Num 3, pp 195-211, issn 0734-9041, 17 p.Article

Development of a sensor for temperature and water concentration in combustion gases using a single tunable diode laserXIN ZHOU; XIANG LIU; JEFFRIES, Jay B et al.Measurement science & technology (Print). 2003, Vol 14, Num 8, pp 1459-1468, issn 0957-0233, 10 p.Article

Premixed disilane-oxygen-nitrogen flamesTOKUHASHI, K; HORIGUCHI, S; URANO, Y et al.Combustion and flame. 1990, Vol 81, Num 3-4, pp 317-324, issn 0010-2180, 8 p.Article

Flame temperature estimation of conventional and future jet fuelsGULDER, O. L.Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power. 1986, Vol 108, Num 2, pp 376-380, issn 0742-4795Conference Paper

Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Soot Behavior of Soybean Biodiesel under Ambient Oxygen Dilution in Conventional and Low-Temperature FlamesMAOYU XIAO; HAIFENG LIU; XIAOJIE BI et al.Energy & fuels. 2014, Vol 28, Num 3-4, pp 2663-2676, issn 0887-0624, 14 p.Article

Mesures de températures. IIRevue générale de thermique. 1996, Vol 35, Num 413, issn 0035-3159, 73 p.Serial Issue

On the off-stoichiometric peaking of adiabatic flame temperatureLAW, C. K; MAKINO, A; LU, T. F et al.Combustion and flame. 2006, Vol 145, Num 4, pp 808-819, issn 0010-2180, 12 p.Article

Alexandrite Effect SpectropyrometerYAN LIU.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2006, pp 63100E.1-63100E.8, issn 0277-786X, isbn 0-8194-6389-2, 1VolConference Paper

Flammability of butadiene-acrylonitrile rubbersRYBINSKI, P; JANOWSKA, G; HELWIG, M et al.Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. 2004, Vol 75, Num 1, pp 249-256, issn 1388-6150, 8 p.Article

Combustion of spent lube oil after mixing with kerosene or dieselKHRAISHA, Y. H; HAMDAN, M. A; QUIBIA, J. M et al.Energy sources. 2001, Vol 23, Num 8, pp 757-765, issn 0090-8312Article

A computer program to perform data processing of flame temperatures of pyrotechnic reactionsBRUNEL, D; CASSAN, J; ELEGANT, L et al.Journal of thermal analysis. 1995, Vol 44, Num 4, pp 969-991, issn 0368-4466Article

The combustion of highly preheated fuel-oilGLUKHOV, B. V.Thermal engineering. 1995, Vol 42, Num 9, pp 733-737, issn 0040-6015Article

System evaluation and LBTU fuel combustion studies for IGCC power generationCOOK, C. S; CORMAN, J. C; TODD, D. M et al.Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power. 1995, Vol 117, Num 4, pp 673-677, issn 0742-4795Article

Doprinos kontroli sagorevanja ugljovodonicnih goriva sa ograničenom disocijacijom produkata sagorevanja = Contribution au calcul de composition d'équilibre et de température d'une flamme de prémélange = Contribution to the calculation of equilibrium composition and temperature of a premixed flameSKRBIC, B. D; CVEJANOV, J.Nafta (Zagreb). 1988, Vol 39, Num 6, pp 331-336, issn 0027-755XArticle

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