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Predicting branch to bole volume scaling relationships from varying centroids of tree bole volumeMACFARLANE, David W.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2010, Vol 40, Num 12, pp 2278-2289, issn 0045-5067, 12 p.Article

Tree branch attachment to trunks and branch pruningSHIGO, A. L.HortScience. 1990, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 54-59, issn 0018-5345Conference Paper

Dendrochronological evidence of cockchafer (Melolontha sp.) outbreaks in subfossil tree-trunks from Tovacov (CZ Moravia)KOLAR, Tomas; RYBNICEK, Michal; TEGEL, Willy et al.Dendrochronologia (Verona). 2013, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 29-33, issn 1125-7865, 5 p.Article

How tree branches are attached to trunksSHIGO, A. L.Canadian journal of botany. 1985, Vol 63, Num 8, pp 1391-1401, issn 0008-4026Article

In situ decomposition of northern hardwood tree boles: decay rates and nutrient dynamics in wood and barkJOHNSON, Chris E; SICCAMA, Thomas G; DENNY, Ellen G et al.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 2014, Vol 44, Num 12, pp 1515-1524, issn 0045-5067, 10 p.Article

Sanierung Hangrutsch Valendas = Consolidation du glissement de terrain de Valendas = Consolidation works for the Valendas slideGMUÊR, A. M.Strasse und Verkehr. 1990, Vol 76, Num 12, pp 704-706, issn 0039-2189, 3 p.Article

A form-class tree-grading algorithmLIU, C. J.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 1989, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 137-140, issn 0045-5067Article

A nu approach to measurementMYERS, C. C; MYERS, C; YAMBERT, P. A et al.Journal of forestry. 1986, Vol 84, Num 3, issn 0022-1201, 44Article

The development of stain in wounded Sitka spruce stemsGREGORY, S. C.Forestry (London). 1986, Vol 59, Num 2, pp 199-208, issn 0015-752XArticle

Einsatz eines Kranprozessors zur Entastung von Langholz = Utilisation d'un processeur-grue pour l'ébranchage des troncs d'arbres = Use of a grapple-processor for limbing tree-length logsSTÖCKEL, J.Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden. 1985, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 237-239, issn 0043-6925Article

Epiphytie succession on tree trunks in a mixed oak-cedar forest, Kumaun HimalayaMANJUSHA TEWARI; NEERAJ UPRETI; PREMA PANDEY et al.Vegetatio (The Hague). 1985, Vol 63, Num 3, pp 105-112, issn 0042-3106Article

Retransformation bias in a stem profile modelCZAPLEWSKI, R. L; BRUCE, D.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 1990, Vol 20, Num 10, pp 1623-1630, issn 0045-5067, 8 p.Article

Graphical analysis of stem taper in model buildingCZAPLEWSKI, R. L.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 1989, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 522-524, issn 0045-5067Article

Analysis of trace elements in trunk wood by thick-target PIXE using dry ashing for preconcentrationHARJU, L; LILL, J.-O; SAARELA, K.-E et al.Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry. 1997, Vol 358, Num 4, pp 523-528, issn 0937-0633Article

Analyse du comportement mécanique d'une plante en croissance par la méthode des éléments finis = Mechanical behaviour analysis of a growing plant with the finite element methodFourcaud, Thierry; Joly, J.-L; Morlier, P et al.1995, 148 p.Thesis

Accumulation and distribution of extractives in the living stem of Cryptomeria japonicaOHASHI, H; GOTO, T; IMAI, T et al.1988, Num 53, pp 301-314Article

Conditioning a segmented stem profile model for two diameter measurementsCZAPLEWSKI, R. L; MCCLURE, J. P.Forest science. 1988, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 512-522, issn 0015-749XArticle

Esperienze di lotta al marciume del colletto dell'actinidia mediante iniezioni al tronco = Espoir dans la lutte par injection du fongicide dans le tronc pour lutter contre les champignons chez Actinidia chinensis = Control of fungal diseases of Actinidia by injection of fungicide directly in the trunc of treeCACIOPPO, O.Informatore fitopatologico. 1987, Vol 37, Num 5, pp 33-34, issn 0020-0735Article

XPS study of living treeSHCHUKAREV, Andrei; SUNDBERG, Björn; MELLEROWICZ, Ewa et al.Surface and interface analysis. 2002, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 284-288, issn 0142-2421Conference Paper

A simple mathematical model of growth pattern in tree stemsCHIBA, Y; SHINOZAKI, K.Annals of botany (Print). 1994, Vol 73, Num 1, pp 91-98, issn 0305-7364Article

Evolution fine de la végétation bryo-lichénique corticole avec le diamètre des troncs: une analyse phytosociologique quantifiée = A fine evolution of corticolous bryo-lichenic vegetation with trunk diameter : a quantitative phytosociological analysisBEGUINOT, J.Bulletin trimestriel de la Société d'histoire naturelle et des amis du Muséum d'Autun. 1993, Vol 145, pp 7-16, issn 0291-8390Article

Sur des quinones lipophiles du bois de tronc de Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl.) Nichols = Lipophilic quinones of Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl.) Nichols trunk woodVIDAL-TESSIER, A. M; DELAVEAU, P; CHAMPION, B et al.Annales pharmaceutiques françaises. 1988, Vol 46, Num 1, pp 55-57, issn 0003-4509Article

Productivity, costs, and levels of butt damage with a bell model T feller-buncherGREENE, W. D; MCNEEL, J. F.Forest products journal. 1987, Vol 37, Num 11-12, pp 70-74, issn 0015-7473Article

Assessment of discretely measured indicators and maximum daily trunk shrinkage for detecting water stress in pomegranate treesGALINDO, A; RODRIGUEZ, P; MELLISHO, C. D et al.Agricultural and forest meteorology (Print). 2013, Vol 180, pp 58-65, issn 0168-1923, 8 p.Article

Combined effect of irrigation regime and fruit load on the patterns of trunk-diameter variation of 'Hass' avocado at different phenological periodsSILBER, A; NAOR, A; ISRAELI, Y et al.Agricultural water management (Print). 2013, Vol 129, pp 87-94, issn 0378-3774, 8 p.Article

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