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Theory on extended X-ray emission spectraFUJIKAWA, T; KAWAI, J.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1999, Vol 68, Num 12, pp 4032-4036, issn 0031-9015Article

Magnetic circular dichroism of resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy in the transverse geometryFUKUI, Keiji; OGASAWARA, Haruhiko; KOTANI, Akio et al.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2001, Vol 70, Num 5, pp 1230-1232, issn 0031-9015Article

Fe K pre-edges as revealed by resonant x-ray emissionRUEFF, J.-P; JOURNEL, L; PETIT, P.-E et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2004, Vol 69, Num 23, pp 235107.1-235107.9, issn 1098-0121Article

Satellite lines induced by electrons of near-threshold energy in the x-ray emission band spectra of 3d, 4d, and 5d transition metalsJONNARD, P; JARRIGE, I; BONNELLE, C et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2005, Vol 71, Num 15, pp 155107.1-155107.12, issn 1098-0121Article

Spectre d'émission X et liaison chimique = X-ray emission spectrum and chemical bondHOCHU, F; LENGLET, M; DÜRR, J et al.Journal de physique. IV. 1998, Vol 8, Num 5, pp 399-404, issn 1155-4339Conference Paper

Ultrafast core-hole-induced dynamics in water probed by X-ray emission spectroscopyODELIUS, Michael; OGASAWARA, Hirohito; DENLINGER, Jonathan D et al.Physical review letters. 2005, Vol 94, Num 22, pp 227401.1-227401.4, issn 0031-9007Article

Physico-chemical environment of Al impurity atoms in amorphous silicaJONNARD, Ph; MORREEUW, J.-P; BERCEGOL, H et al.EPJ. Applied physics (Print). 2003, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 147-149, issn 1286-0042, 3 p.Article

Magnetic circular dichroism of X-ray emission for gadolinium in 4d-4f excitation regionTAKAYAMA, Yasuhiro; SHINODA, Motoki; OBU, Kenji et al.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2002, Vol 71, Num 1, pp 340-346, issn 0031-9015Article

Electronic structure of single-wall carbon nanotubes studied by resonant inelastic X-ray scatteringEISEBITT, S; KARL, A; EBERHARDT, W et al.Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing (Print). 1998, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 89-93, issn 0947-8396Article

Stimulated X-ray emission for materials scienceBEYE, M; SCHRECK, S; SORGENFREI, F et al.Nature (London). 2013, Vol 501, Num 7466, pp 191-194, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

X-ray line shapes of metals : Exact solutions of a final-state interaction modelSWARTS, Coenraad A; DOW, John D.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2005, Vol 72, Num 15, pp 155119.1-155119.22, issn 1098-0121Article

Theory of X-ray absorption and resonant X-ray emission spectra by electric quadrupole excitation in light rare-earth systemsNAKAZAWA, M; FUKUI, K; KOTANI, A et al.Journal of solid state chemistry (Print). 2003, Vol 171, Num 1-2, pp 295-298, issn 0022-4596, 4 p.Conference Paper

Insulator gap states at the Cu/MgO(001) interface by X-ray emission spectroscopyJONNARD, P; BONNELLE, C.Surface science. 1999, Vol 436, Num 1-3, pp L724-L728, issn 0039-6028Article

Mesures des densités ioniques dans un plasma de source d'ions à résonance cyclotronique électronique par spectroscopie X haute résolution = Highly charged ion density measurements in an electron cyclotron resonance ion source using high resolution X-ray spectroscopyDouysset, Guilhem; Briand, Jean-Pierre.1998, 158 p.Thesis

Resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy reveals d-d ligand-field states involved in the self-assembly of a square-planar platinum complexGARINO, Claudio; GALLO, Erik; SMOLENTSEV, Nikolay et al.PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics (Print). 2012, Vol 14, Num 44, pp 15278-15281, issn 1463-9076, 4 p.Article

Soft X-ray emission spectroscopy of Co nanoislands on a nitrogen-adsorbed Cu(001) surfaceTAKAGI, Yasumasa; NAKATSUJI, Kan; SHIN, Shik et al.Surface science. 2008, Vol 602, Num 12, issn 0039-6028, L65-L68Article

Resonantly excited cascade x-ray emission from LaMOEWES, A; WILKS, R. G; KOCHUR, A. G et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2005, Vol 72, Num 7, pp 075129.1-075129.6, issn 1098-0121Article

Investigation of Coster-Kronig Transition Probabilities (L1 → L2, L1 → L3, and L2 → L3) for Hf and Hf CompoundsCENGIZ, Erhan; APAYDIN, Gokhan; AYLIKCI, Volkan et al.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2008, Vol 77, Num 5, issn 0031-9015, 054801.1-054801.5Article

Pressure induced magnetic transition in siderite FeCO3 studied by x-ray emission spectroscopyMATTILA, A; PYLKKÄNEN, T; RUEFF, J.-P et al.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 2007, Vol 19, Num 38, issn 0953-8984, 386206.1-386206.8Article

Direct observation of a neutral Mn acceptor in Ga1-xMnxAs by resonant x-ray emission spectroscopyISHIWATA, Y; TAKEUCHI, T; SOUMA, I et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2005, Vol 71, Num 12, pp 121202.1-121202.4, issn 1098-0121Article

Probabilities for radiative vacancy transfer from Li (i= 1, 2, 3) sub-shells to the M, N and higher shells for elements with 77≤Z≤92SHARMA, Manju; KUMAR, Sanjeev; SINGH, Prem et al.The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 2005, Vol 66, Num 12, pp 2220-2222, issn 0022-3697, 3 p.Conference Paper

X-ray emission spectroscopy of NO adsorbates on Ru(001)STICHLER, M; KELLER, C; HESKE, C et al.Surface science. 2000, Vol 448, Num 2-3, pp 164-178, issn 0039-6028Article

An interpretation of magnetic circular dichroism in 3d-2p X-ray emission for ferromagnetic Fe, Co and NiJO, T; PARLEBAS, J.-C.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1999, Vol 68, Num 4, pp 1392-1397, issn 0031-9015Article

Valence band density of states of the manganese silicides studied by soft X-ray emission spectroscopyWANG, J; HIRAI, M; KUSAKA, M et al.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1998, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 230-233, issn 0031-9015Article

α-γ transition in metallic Ce studied by resonant x-ray spectroscopiesDALLERA, C; GRIONI, M; PALENZONA, A et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2004, Vol 70, Num 8, pp 085112.1-085112.8, issn 1098-0121Article

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