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Results 1 to 25 of 395

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Class and Cultural Division in the UKLE ROUX, Brigitte; ROUANET, Henry; SAVAGE, Mike et al.Sociology (Oxford. Print). 2008, Vol 42, Num 6, pp 1049-1071, issn 0038-0385, 23 p.Article

Becoming a 'real' smoker : cultural capital in young women's accounts of smoking and other substance useHAINES, Rebecca J; POLAND, Blake D; JOHNSON, Joy L et al.Sociology of health & illness (Print). 2009, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 66-80, issn 0141-9889, 15 p.Article

Constructing globalized ethnicity: Migrants from India in Hong Kong = Construction d'une ethnicité mondialisée: migrants d'Inde à Hong KongPLÜSS, Caroline.International sociology. 2005, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 201-224, issn 0268-5809, 24 p.Article

Rethinking cultural capital and community-based artsKHAN, Rimi.Journal of sociology (South Melbourne). 2013, Vol 49, Num 2-3, pp 357-372, issn 1440-7833, 16 p.Article

Legitimacy as a social process = Légitimité comme processus socialJOHNSON, Cathryn; DOWD, Timothy J; RIDGEWAY, Cecilia L et al.Annual review of sociology. 2006, Vol 32, pp 53-78, issn 0360-0572, 26 p.Article

A critical reflection on the use of an embedded academic literacy program for teaching sociologyBLACK, Michelle; RECHTER, Sue.Journal of sociology (South Melbourne). 2013, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 456-470, issn 1440-7833, 15 p.Article

Homologies of social space and elective affinities : Researching cultural capital : Education and social reproduction = Homologies de l'espace social et des affinités électives : a la recherche du capital culturel : Éducation et reproduction socialeSILVA, Elizabeth B.Sociology (Oxford. Print). 2006, Vol 40, Num 6, pp 1171-1189, issn 0038-0385, 19 p.Article

The interactive relationship between class identity and the college experience : The case of lower income students = Relation interactive entre identité de classe et expérience de l'enseignement supérieur: le cas des étudiants aux faibles ressourcesARIES, Elizabeth; SEIDER, Maynard.Qualitative sociology. 2005, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 419-443, issn 0162-0436, 25 p.Article

Revisiting the Role of Cultural Capital in East Asian Educational Systems: The Case of South KoreaBYUN, Soo-Yong; SCHOFER, Evan; KIM, Kyung-Keun et al.Sociology of education. 2012, Vol 85, Num 3, pp 219-239, issn 0038-0407, 21 p.Article

Culture Shock Revisited: The Social and Cultural Contingencies to Class MarginalityJACK, Anthony Abraham.Sociological forum (Randolph, N.J.). 2014, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 453-475, issn 0884-8971, 23 p.Article

The influence of racial histories on economic development strategiesCROWE, Jessica.Ethnic and racial studies. 2012, Vol 35, Num 11, pp 1955-1973, issn 0141-9870, 19 p.Article

New directions for civil renewal in Britain: Social capital and culture for all?MESSAGE, Kylie.International journal of cultural studies (Print). 2009, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 257-278, issn 1367-8779, 22 p.Article

School transfer and the diffraction of learning trajectories = Passage de classe et diffraction des trajectoires d'apprentissageNOYES, Andrew.Research papers in education. 2006, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 43-62, issn 0267-1522, 20 p.Article

Literary tourism : Constructions of value, celebrity and distinctionEARL, Benjamin.International journal of cultural studies (Print). 2008, Vol 11, Num 4, pp 401-417, issn 1367-8779, 17 p.Article

The Educational Achievement of Brazilian Adolescents: Cultural Capital and the Interaction between Families and SchoolsMARTELETO, Leticia; ANDRADE, Fernando.Sociology of education. 2014, Vol 87, Num 1, pp 16-35, issn 0038-0407, 20 p.Article

Scrapbooking: Family Capital and the Construction of Family Discourse = Scrapbooking : le capital familial et la construction du discours de la familleGOODSELL, Todd L; SEITER, Liann.Journal of contemporary ethnography. 2011, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 318-341, issn 0891-2416, 24 p.Article

The cultural currency of a 'good' sense of humour: British comedy and new forms of distinctionFRIEDMAN, Sam.The British journal of sociology. 2011, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 347-370, issn 0007-1315, 24 p.Article

Black cultural advancement: racial identity and participation in the arts among the black middle classBANKS, Patricia A.Ethnic and racial studies. 2010, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 272-289, issn 0141-9870, 18 p.Article

Class and feminine excess : the strange case of Anna Nicole Smith = Classe et exès féminin: le cas étrange d'Anna Nicole SmithBROWN, Jeffrey A.Feminist review. 2005, Num 81, pp 74-94, issn 0141-7789, 21 p.Article

Social and cultural capital in an Urban Latino School Community = Capital social et culturel dans une communauté scolaire urbaine latinoMONKMAN, Karen; RONALD, Margaret; DELIMON THERAMENE, Florence et al.Urban education (Beverly Hills, Calif.). 2005, Vol 40, Num 1, pp 4-33, issn 0042-0859, 30 p.Article

A New Model of Social Class? Findings from the BBC's Great British Class Survey ExperimentSAVAGE, Mike; DEVINE, Fiona; CUNNINGHAM, Niall et al.Sociology (Oxford. Print). 2013, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 219-250, issn 0038-0385, 32 p.Article

Confucius or Mozart? Community Cultural Wealth and Upward Mobility Among Children of Chinese ImmigrantsLU, Wei-Ting.Qualitative sociology. 2013, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 303-321, issn 0162-0436, 19 p.Article

The emotional labour process: An essay on the economy of feelingsVINCENT, Steve.Human relations (New York, NY). 2011, Vol 64, Num 10, pp 1369-1392, issn 0018-7267, 24 p.Article

Innovaciones tecnológicas y viejos debates ¿Aprenden las audiencias infantiles con los medios? : Audiencias y pantallas en América = Do young audiences learn from media? New communication technologies and old debatesLOPEZ DE LA ROCHE, Maritza.Comunicar (Huelva). 2008, Num 30, pp 55-59, issn 1134-3478, 5 p.Article

Effects of immigrant parents' participation in society on their children's school performance = Effets de la participation sociale de parents immigrés sur le rendement scolaire de leurs enfantsDRIESSEN, Geert; SMIT, Frederik.Acta sociologica (Trykt utg.). 2007, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 39-56, issn 0001-6993, 18 p.Article

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