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Research facilities in aeolian geosciences : an inventoryGOOSSENS, D.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1996, Vol 21, Num 11, pp 1041-1047, issn 0197-9337Article

The aeolian dust accumulation curveGOOSSENS, D.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2001, Vol 26, Num 11, pp 1213-1219, issn 0197-9337Article

Advances in Permafrost and Periglacial Research in AntarcticaGUGLIELMIN, Mauro.Geomorphology (Amsterdam). 2012, Vol 155-56, issn 0169-555X, 112 p.Conference Proceedings

Soil collapseKLUKANOVA, A; FRANKOVSKA, J.International Congress International Association for Engineering Geology and the EnvironmentCongrès international Association internationale de géologie de l'ingénieur et de l'environnement. 1998, pp 3349-3355, isbn 90-5410-990-4Conference Paper

The identification of eolian sands and sandstones = L'identification des sables et grès éoliensSWEZEY, C.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2. Sciences de la terre et des planètes. 1998, Vol 327, Num 8, pp 513-518, issn 1251-8050Article

Evidence for perchlorates and the origin of chlorinated hydrocarbons detected by SAM at the Rocknest aeolian deposit in Gale CraterGLAVIN, Daniel P; FREISSINET, Caroline; CABANE, Michel et al.Journal of geophysical research. Planets (Print). 2013, Vol 118, Num 10, pp 1955-1973, issn 2169-9097, 19 p.Article

Challenges in geomorphological methods and techniquesLANG, Andreas; GLADE, Thomas.Geomorphology (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 93, Num 1-2, issn 0169-555X, 156 p.Serial Issue

Wind blown sediment mass budget of Sahelian village land unit in NigerRAJOT, J.-L.Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. 2001, Vol 172, Num 5, pp 523-531, issn 0037-9409Article

Potential of the slow component of quartz OSL for age determination of sedimentary samplesSINGARAYER, J. S; BAILEY, R. M; RHODES, E. J et al.Radiation measurements. 2000, Vol 32, Num 5-6, pp 873-880, issn 1350-4487Conference Paper

Wind regimes windward of a shelterbelt protecting gravity irrigated crop land from moving sand in the Gezira scheme (Sudan)MOHAMMED, A. E; STIGTER, C. J; ADAM, H. S et al.Theoretical and applied climatology. 1999, Vol 62, Num 3-4, pp 221-231, issn 0177-798XArticle

Genesis and classification of a sequence of soils formed from aeolian parent materials in East Otago, New ZealandMCINTOSH, P. D.Australian journal of soil research. 1984, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 219-242, issn 0004-9573Article

Major bounding surfaces in aeolian sanstones: a climatic model = Surfaces de fixation majeures dans des grès éoliens: un modèle climatiqueTALBOT, M. R.Sedimentology. 1985, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 257-265, issn 0037-0746Article

Eolian deposition determined by the oxygen plasma furnace = La détermination des dépôts éoliens par la méthode du four à plasma d'oxygèneJONES, P. S. A.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1984, Vol 9, Num 5, pp 479-484, issn 0197-9337Article

Hurricanes, Storms and Tornadoes: Geographic characteristics and geological activity = Ouragans, tempêtes et tornades: Caractéristiques géographiques et influence sur la géologieNALIVKIN, D. V.1983, 580 p., isbn 90-6191-408-6Book

Patterns of permeability in eolian depositsGOGGIN, D. J; CHANDLER, M. A; KOCUREK, G. A et al.SPE/DOE symposium on enhanced oil recovery. 5. 1986, pp 181-198Conference Paper

Wind sedimentation in the Jafurah sand sea, Saudi Arabia = Sédimentation éolienne dans la mer de sable de Jafurah, Arabie SéouditeFRYBERGER, S. G; AL-SARI, A. M; CLISHAM, T. J et al.Sedimentology. 1984, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 413-431, issn 0037-0746Article

Eolian dust deposition on the Giara di Gesturi basalt Plateau, Sardinia = Les dépôts de poussières éoliennes sur le plateau basaltique de Giara di Gesturi, SardaigneSEVINK, J; KUMMER, E. A.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1984, Vol 9, Num 4, pp 357-364, issn 0197-9337Article

The effect of dust deposition on the soils of the land of Israel = Influence du dépôt de poussières sur les sols d'IsraëlDAN, J.Quaternary international. 1990, Vol 5, pp 107-113, issn 1040-6182, 7 p.Conference Paper

A kinematic model for the structure of lee-side deposits = Modèle cinématique pour les structures de dépôts côté sous le ventHUNTER, R. E.Sedimentology. 1985, Vol 32, Num 3, pp 409-422, issn 0037-0746Article

African ice-age aridity = Aridité de l'âge glaciaire africainFAIRBRIDGE, R.W.Problems in palaeoclimatology. NATO paleoclimatologic conference. 1964, pp 356-360, 5 p.Conference Paper

Critère de mise en suspension de particules dans une couche limite turbulente = A criterion for particle suspension in a turbulent boundary layerFOUCAUT, J.-M; TANIERE, A; STANISLAS, M et al.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série II, Mécanique, physique, chimie, astronomie. 1996, Vol 322, Num 4, pp 291-294, issn 1251-8069Article

Histoire d'un massif de dunes, le Grand Erg Occidental (Algérie) = History of a sand-dune massif, the Great Western Erg (Algeria)CALLOT, Y.Sécheresse (Montrouge). 1991, Vol 2, Num 1, pp 26-39, issn 1147-7806, 14 p.Article

Introduction ― The SLEADS project = Introduction. Le projet SLEADSCHIVAS, A. R; BOWLER, J. M.Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. 1986, Vol 54, Num 1-4, pp 3-6, issn 0031-0182Article

Accumulation of aerosolic quartz in an andept chronosequence, North Island, New Zealand = Accumulation de quartz éolien dans une chronoséquence d'andept de l'île Nord de la Nouvelle ZélandeSTEWART, R.B; NEALL, V.E; SYERS, J.K et al.Geoderma (Amsterdam). 1986, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 331-340, issn 0016-7061Article

Applications of morphology and genesis of desert soils to Quaternary studies in Southwestern United StatesREHEIS, M.C.International geological congress. 28. 1989, pp 684-685, 2 p.Conference Paper

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