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Glucocorticoid-Induced Fetal Programming Alters the Functional Complement of Angiotensin Receptor Subtypes Within the KidneyGWATHMEY, Tanya M; SHALTOUT, Hossam A; ROSE, James C et al.Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. 1979). 2011, Vol 57, Num 3, pp 620-626, issn 0194-911X, 7 p., 2Article

Intrauterine growth retardation : Implications for the animal sciencesWU, G; BAZER, F. W; WALLACE, J. M et al.Journal of animal science. 2006, Vol 84, Num 9, pp 2316-2337, issn 0021-8812, 22 p.Article

The prenatal environment and later cardiovascular disease : Fetal origins of postnatal health and diseaseLOUEY, Samantha; THORNBURG, Kent L.Early human development. 2005, Vol 81, Num 9, pp 745-751, issn 0378-3782, 7 p.Article

Exercise early in life in rats born small does not normalize reductions in skeletal muscle PGC-1α in adulthoodLAKER, Rhianna C; WLODEK, Mary E; WADLEY, Glenn D et al.American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. 2012, Vol 65, Num 5, issn 0193-1849, E1221-E1230Article

Developmental origins of health and disease: experimental and human evidence of fetal programming for metabolic syndromeDE GUSMAO CORREIA, M. L; VOLPATO, A. M; AGUILA, M. B et al.Journal of human hypertension. 2012, Vol 26, Num 7, pp 405-419, issn 0950-9240, 15 p.Article

Exposure to the Chinese famine in early life and the risk of hypertension in adulthoodYANPING LI; JADDOE, Vincent W; HU, Frank B et al.Journal of hypertension. 2011, Vol 29, Num 6, pp 1085-1092, issn 0263-6352, 8 p.Article

Historic and early life origins of hypertension in Africans : A critical evaluation of the fetal origins hypothesis and its implications for developing countriesFORRESTER, Terrence.The Journal of nutrition. 2004, Vol 134, Num 1, pp 211-216, issn 0022-3166, 6 p.Conference Paper

Prenatal hypoxia and cardiac programmingLUBO ZHANG.Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation. 2005, Vol 12, Num 1, pp 2-13, issn 1071-5576, 12 p.Article

Fetal muscle development, mesenchymal multipotent cell differentiation, and associated signaling pathwaysDU, M; ZHAO, J. X; YAN, X et al.Journal of animal science. 2011, Vol 89, Num 2, pp 583-590, issn 0021-8812, 8 p.Article

Reproductive medicine and inheritance of infertility by offspring: the role of fetal programmingDIAZ-GARCIA, César; ESTELLA, Carlos; PERALES-PUCHALT, Alfredo et al.Fertility and sterility. 2011, Vol 96, Num 3, pp 536-545, issn 0015-0282, 10 p.Article

In Utero Exposures, Infant Growth, and DNA Methylation of Repetitive Elements and Developmentally Related Genes in Human PlacentaWILHELM-BENARTZI, Charlotte S; ANDRES HOUSEMAN, E; MACCANI, Matthew A et al.Environmental health perspectives. 2012, Vol 120, Num 2, pp 296-302, issn 0091-6765, 7 p.Article

Maternal antioxidant blocks programmed cardiovascular and behavioural stress responses in adult miceROGHAIR, Robert D; WEMMIE, John A; VOLK, Kenneth A et al.Clinical science (1979). 2011, Vol 121, Num 9-10, pp 427-436, issn 0143-5221, 10 p.Article

A Nationwide Study on the Risk of Autism After Prenatal Stress Exposure to Maternal BereavementJIONG LI; VESTERGAARD, Mogens; OBEL, Carsten et al.Pediatrics (Evanston). 2009, Vol 123, Num 4, pp 1102-1107, issn 0031-4005, 6 p.Article

Effects of pregnancy on obesity-induced inflammation in a mouse model of fetal programmingINGVORSEN, C; THYSEN, A. H; FERNANDEZ-TWINN, D et al.International journal of obesity. 2014, Vol 38, Num 10, pp 1282-1289, issn 0307-0565, 8 p.Article

Metabolic diseases and associated complications: sex and gender matter!KAUTZKY-WILLER, A; HANDISURYA, A.European journal of clinical investigation. 2009, Vol 39, Num 8, pp 631-648, issn 0014-2972, 18 p.Article

Salty taste acceptance by infants and young children is related to birth weight : longitudinal analysis of infants within the normal birth weight rangeSTEIN, L. J; COWART, B. J; BEAUCHAMP, G. K et al.European journal of clinical nutrition. 2006, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 272-279, issn 0954-3007, 8 p.Article

A Mutant Ahr Allele Protects the Embryonic Kidney from Hydrocarbon-induced Deficits in Fetal ProgrammingNANEZ, Adrian; RAMOS, Irma N; RAMOS, Kenneth S et al.Environmental health perspectives. 2011, Vol 119, Num 12, pp 1745-1753, issn 0091-6765, 9 p.Article

Sex Differences in Body Composition Early in LifeFIELDS, David A; KRISHNAN, Sowmya; WISNIEWSKI, Amy B et al.Gender medicine. 2009, Vol 6, Num 2, pp 369-375, issn 1550-8579, 7 p.Article

Metabolic changes, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and oxidative stress after short-term starvation in healthy pregnant womenSCHRAAG, Sabrina; VON MANDACH, Ursula; SCHWEER, Horst et al.Journal of perinatal medicine. 2007, Vol 35, Num 4, pp 289-294, issn 0300-5577, 6 p.Article

Fetal programming of CVD and renal disease: animal models and mechanistic considerations : Transforming the nutrition landscape in AfricaLANGLEY-EVANS, Simon C.Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2013, Vol 72, Num 3, pp 317-325, issn 0029-6651, 9 p.Conference Paper

Eating a high fiber diet during pregnancy increases intake and digestibility of a high fiber diet by offspring in cattleWIEDMEIER, R. W; VILLALBA, J. J; SUMMERS, A et al.Animal feed science and technology. 2012, Vol 177, Num 3-4, pp 144-151, issn 0377-8401, 8 p.Article

Metastable epialleles, imprinting, and the fetal origins of adult diseasesDOLINOY, Dana C; DAS, Radhika; WEIDMAN, Jennifer R et al.Pediatric research. 2007, Vol 61, Num 5, pp 30-37, issn 0031-3998, 8 p., 2Article

Prenatal maternal immune disruption and sex-dependent risk for psychosesGOLDSTEIN, J. M; CHERKERZIAN, S; SEIDMAN, L. J et al.Psychological medicine (Print). 2014, Vol 44, Num 15, pp 3249-3261, issn 0033-2917, 13 p.Article

Prenatal Causes of Kidney DiseaseKOLEGANOVA, N; PIECHA, G; RITZ, E et al.Blood purification. 2009, Vol 27, Num 1, pp 48-52, issn 0253-5068, 5 p.Conference Paper

Poor fetal growth followed by rapid postnatal catch-up growth leads to premature deathOZANNE, Susan E; HALES, C. Nicholas.Mechanisms of ageing and development. 2005, Vol 126, Num 8, pp 852-854, issn 0047-6374, 3 p.Article

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