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A test of the generality of leaf trait relationships on the Tibetan PlateauHE, Jin-Sheng; ZHIHENG WANG; XIANGPING WANG et al.New phytologist. 2006, Vol 170, Num 4, pp 835-848, issn 0028-646X, 14 p.Article

In Situ Measurement of Pecan Leaf Nitrogen Concentration using a Chlorophyll Meter and Vis-near Infrared Multispectral CameraHARDIN, James A; SMITH, Michael W; WECKLER, Paul R et al.HortScience. 2012, Vol 47, Num 7, pp 955-960, issn 0018-5345, 6 p.Article

Rate of Nitrogen Fertigation During Vegetative Growth and Spray Applications of Urea in the Fall Alters Growth and Flowering of Florists' HydrangeasGUIHONG BI; SCAGEL, Carolyn F; HARKESS, Richard et al.HortScience. 2008, Vol 43, Num 2, pp 472-477, issn 0018-5345, 6 p.Article

Assessing variations in SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter measurements and their relationships with nutrient content of trembling aspen foliageBONNEVILLE, Marie-Claude; FYLES, James W.Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 2006, Vol 37, Num 3-4, pp 525-539, issn 0010-3624, 15 p.Article

Bottom-up effects on top-down regulation of a floating aquatic plant by two weevil species: the context-specific nature of biological controlCENTER, Ted D; DRAY, F. Allen; MATTISON, Elizabeth D et al.Journal of applied ecology (Print). 2014, Vol 51, Num 3, pp 814-824, issn 0021-8901, 11 p.Article

Weed Control and Organic Mulches Affect Physiology and Growth of Landscape ShrubsCREGG, Bert M; SCHUTZKI, Robert.HortScience. 2009, Vol 44, Num 5, pp 1419-1424, issn 0018-5345, 6 p.Article

PULSES OF DEAD PERIODICAL CICADAS INCREASE HERBIVORY OF AMERICAN BELLFLOWERSYANG, Louie H.Ecology (Durham). 2008, Vol 89, Num 6, pp 1497-1502, issn 0012-9658, 6 p.Article

Controls over foliar N:P ratios in tropical rain forestsTOWNSEND, Alan R; CLEVELAND, Cory C; ASNER, Gregory P et al.Ecology (Durham). 2007, Vol 88, Num 1, pp 107-118, issn 0012-9658, 12 p.Article

Ecosystem N Distribution and δ15N during a Century of Forest Regrowth after Agricultural AbandonmentCOMPTON, Jana E; HOOKER, Toby D; PERAKIS, Steven S et al.Ecosystems (New York, NY. Print). 2007, Vol 10, Num 7, pp 1197-1208, issn 1432-9840, 12 p.Article

Do alien plant species profit more from high resource supply than natives? A trait-based analysisORDONEZ, Alejandro; OLFF, Han.Global ecology and biogeography (Print). 2013, Vol 22, Num 5-6, pp 648-658, issn 1466-822X, 11 p.Article

A New Conceptual Model of Nitrogen Saturation Based on Experimental Nitrogen Addition to an Oak ForestLOVETT, Gary M; GOODALE, Christine L.Ecosystems (New York, NY. Print). 2011, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 615-631, issn 1432-9840, 17 p.Article

Morphology and foliar chemistry of containerized Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir. seedlings as affected by water availability and nutritionNZOKOU, Pascal; CREGG, Bert M.Annals of forest science (Print). 2010, Vol 67, Num 6, issn 1286-4560, 602p.1-602p.9Article

Net primary production and canopy nitrogen in a temperate forest landscape : An analysis using imaging spectroscopy, modeling and field dataOLLINGER, Scott V; SMITH, Marie-Louise.Ecosystems (New York, NY. Print). 2005, Vol 8, Num 7, pp 760-778, issn 1432-9840, 19 p.Article

Photosynthetic capacity increases in Acacia melanoxylon following form pruning in a two- species plantationMEDHURST, J. L; PINKARD, E. A; BEADLE, C. L et al.Forest ecology and management. 2006, Vol 233, Num 2-3, pp 250-259, issn 0378-1127, 10 p.Article

Global to community scale differences in the prevalence of convergent over divergent leaf trait distributions in plant assemblagesFRESCHET, Gregoire T; DIAS, André T. C; ORDONEZ, Jenny C et al.Global ecology and biogeography (Print). 2011, Vol 20, Num 5, pp 755-765, issn 1466-822X, 11 p.Article

The effect of different nutrient concentrations on the growth rate and nitrogen storage of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.)FERNANDEZ-GOING, Barbara; EVEN, Thomas; SIMPSON, Juliet et al.Hydrobiologia (The Hague). 2013, Vol 705, pp 63-74, issn 0018-8158, 12 p.Article

Grasses have larger response than shrubs to increased nitrogen availability: A fertilization experiment in the Patagonian steppeYAHDJIAN, Laura; GHERARDI, Laureano; SALA, Osvaldo E et al.Journal of arid environments. 2014, Vol 102, pp 17-20, issn 0140-1963, 4 p.Article

Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen addition on foliar stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus of five tree species in subtropical model forest ecosystemsWENJUAN HUANG; GUOYI ZHOU; JUXIU LIU et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2012, Vol 168, pp 113-120, issn 0269-7491, 8 p.Article

Nitrogen preferences and plant-soil feedbacks as influenced by neighbors in the alpine tundraASHTON, I. W; MILLER, A. E; BOWMAN, W. D et al.Oecologia. 2008, Vol 156, Num 3, pp 625-636, issn 0029-8549, 12 p.Article

Long-term changes in nitrogen deposition in Finland (1990-2006) monitored using the moss Hylocomium splendensPOIKOLAINEN, J; PIISPANEN, J; KARHU, J et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2009, Vol 157, Num 11, pp 3091-3097, issn 0269-7491, 7 p.Article

The plant stress hypothesis and variable responses by blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis) to water, mineral nitrogen, and insect herbivoryJOERN, Anthony; MOLE, Simon.Journal of chemical ecology. 2005, Vol 31, Num 9, pp 2069-2090, issn 0098-0331, 22 p.Article

Protection of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) trees from ozone injury by ethylenediurea (EDU) : Roles of biochemical changes and decreased stomatal conductance in enhancement of growthPAOLETTI, Elena; CONTRAN, Nicla; MANNING, William J et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2008, Vol 155, Num 3, pp 464-472, issn 0269-7491, 9 p.Article

Historical nitrogen content of bryophyte tissue as an indicator of increased nitrogen deposition in the Cape Metropolitan Area, South AfricaWILSON, D; STOCK, W. D; HEDDERSON, T et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2009, Vol 157, Num 3, pp 938-945, issn 0269-7491, 8 p.Article

Effects of planting density on canopy dynamics and stem growth for intensively managed loblolly pine standsWILL, Rodney E; NARAHARI, Nikhil V; SHIVER, Barry D et al.Forest ecology and management. 2005, Vol 205, Num 1-3, pp 29-41, issn 0378-1127, 13 p.Article

Comparisons between PnET-Day and eddy covariance based gross ecosystem production in two Northern Wisconsin forestsRYU, Soung-Ryoul; JIQUAN CHEN; NOORMETS, Asko et al.Agricultural and forest meteorology. 2008, Vol 148, Num 2, pp 247-256, issn 0168-1923, 10 p.Article

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