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Fluorite in YugoslaviaVAKANJAC, B.Quadrennial IAGOD symposium. 1993, pp 219-225Conference Paper

Application of arsenopyrite and arsenopyrite-spahlerite geothermometers to ores of hydrothermal depositsBORTNIKOV, N.S.International geological congress. 1992, p.766Conference Paper

The negative haloes and geochemical field system of hydrothermal depositsJI KEJIANEI; WANG LIBENI; LU FENGXIANGG et al.Dìzhìxué bào. 1992, Vol 66, Num 4, pp 350-361, issn 0001-5717Article

Rol'mineralogii v razrabotke taksonomicheskoj sistemy gidrotermal'nykh rudnykh mestorozhdenijPETROVSKAYA, N. V.Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij. 1982, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 15-27, issn 0016-7770Article

Lineaments and Precambrian mineralization = Les linéaments et la minéralisation antécambrienneWATSON, J.Mezhdunarodnyj geologicheskij kongress. 27. 1984, 407Conference Paper

Problema genzisa gidrotermal'nykh plutogennykh mestorozhdenijPOKALOV, V. T; RUMYANTSEV, V. N.Sovetskaâ geologiâ. 1983, Num 7, pp 28-39, issn 0038-5069Article

Soluciones hidrotermales formadoras de yacimientos minerales = Solutions hydrothermales formatrices de gîtes minérauxZANIN, J.P.Boletin de Geologia (Caracas). 1980, Vol 14, Num 26, pp 348-409, issn 0006-6281Article

Nelinejnaya matematicheskaya model prostranstvenno-vremennoj ehvolyutsii gidrotermal'noj sistemyBELYAEV, A. A; CHERVONENKIS, A. YA.Trudy Instituta geologii i geofiziki (Novosibirsk). 1983, Num 566, pp 13-20, issn 0568-658XArticle

Geneticheskaya model gidrotermal'nogo rudoobrazovaniya na primere zolotorudnykh mestorozhdenijSHCHERBAKOV, YU. G; ROSLYAKOVA, N. V.Geneticheskie modeli ehndogennykh rudnykh formatsii. 1983, pp 132-139Book Chapter

Raznovidnosti ehndogennoj zolotoj mineralizatsii v uglerodistykh otlozheniyakhDOLZHENKO, V. N.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1984, Vol 277, Num 4, pp 932-935, issn 0002-3264Article

Subvulkanicheskie tela i rudoobrazovanieYAKOVLEV, G. F; YAKOVLEVA, E. B.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1985, Num 4, pp 32-37, issn 0016-7762Article

Ideal models of superimposed primary halos in hydrothermal gold depositsLI HUI; WANG ZHINONG; LI GUGUO et al.Journal of geochemical exploration. 1995, Vol 55, Num 1-3, pp 329-336, issn 0375-6742Conference Paper

Thallium in Mineralogie und Geochemie = Thallium in mineralogy and geochemistryZEMANN, Josef.Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. 1993, Vol 138, pp 75-92Conference Paper

Significance od chloride concentration in formation of hydrotheraml zinc-bearing depositsSOROKIN, V.I.International geological congress. 1992, p.765Conference Paper

The interval between the formation of host rock and the mineralization in some hydrothermal deposits of Southeast China with a discussion on some related problemsLI CHANGJIANG; XU BUTAIJIANG; JIANG XULIANG et al.1992, Vol 11, Num 2, pp 106-112, issn 0258-7106Article

Hydrothermal replacement of carbonates by sulfidesBARNES, H.L; GOULD, W.W.International symposium on water-rock interaction. 1992, pp 1565-1567Conference Paper

Magmatic gases in fluid inclusions from hydrothermal ore depositsGRANEY, J.R; KESLER, S.E.Japan - U.S. 1992, Num 279, pp 63-67, issn 0366-5542Conference Paper

O promyshlennom znachenii flyuoritovogo orudeneniya formatsii kory vyvetrivaniyaKOPLUS, A. V.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1986, Num 3, pp 73-80, issn 0016-7762Article

A model of sulfur isotopic equilibrium fractionation between coexisting minerals in hydrothermal ore deposits = Un modèle de l'équilibre de fractionnement du soufre isotope entre les minéraux coexistants dans des gisements hydrothermauxCHU XUELEI.Kexue tongbao (English edition). 1985, Vol 30, Num 6, pp 802-807Article

Fluid inclusions in natural hydrothermal quartz genetically connected with cracks = Inclusions fluides du quartz hydrothermal naturel en relation avec les fluidesPETROV, P. P.Doklady Bolgarskoj akademii nauk. 1985, Vol 38, Num 2, pp 215-218, issn 0366-8681Article

Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya ehndogennogo zolotogo orudeneniya v uglerodistylch otlozheniyakhDOLZHENKO, V. N.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1985, Vol 280, Num 1, pp 162-165, issn 0002-3264Article

Neoidní mineralizac Českého masívu a její ekonomický význam = La minéralisation alpine dans le Massif de Bohême et son importance économiqueMALKOVSKÝ, M.Vysoká škola báňská-mezinárodní konference. 3. 1985, pp 4-82Conference Paper

Novye dannye o vismutovoj mineralizatsii na Novoberezovskom kolchedanno-polimetallicheskom mestorozhdenii (Rudnyj Altaj)DEMIN, YU. I; SERGEEVA, N. E.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1984, Vol 276, Num 2, pp 425-428, issn 0002-3264Article

Ispol'zovanie sfalerita i arsenopirita dlya otsenki temperatur i aktivnostej sery v gidrotermal'nykh mestorozhdeniyakhSKOTT, S. D; SCOTT, S. D.Fiziko-khimicheskie modeli petrogeneza i rudoobrazovaniya. 1984, pp 41-49Book Chapter

Fluid inclusions in minerals and their significance in the study of hydrothermal ore formation = Inclusions fluides dans les minéraux et leur signification dans l'étude de la genèse des gîtes hydrothermauxYERMAKOV, N. P; NAUMOV, V. B; KHITAROV, D. N et al.Mezhdunarodnyj geologicheskij kongress. 27. 1984, pp 205-206Conference Paper

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