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Marginal dietary selenium intakes in the Uk: Are there functional consequences?JACKSON, Malcolm J; BROOME, Caroline S; MCARDLE, Francis et al.The Journal of nutrition. 2003, Vol 133, Num 5, pp 1557S-1559S, issn 0022-3166, SUP1Conference Paper

Effects of Oral Supplementation with Cystine and Theanine on the Immune Function of Athletes in Endurance Exercise: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled TrialMURAKAMI, Shigeki; KURIHARA, Shigekazu; KOIKAWA, Natsue et al.Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2009, Vol 73, Num 4, pp 817-821, issn 0916-8451, 5 p.Article

Dietary modulation of immune function by β-glucansVOLMAN, Julia J; RAMAKERS, Julian D; PLAT, Jogchum et al.Physiology & behavior. 2008, Vol 94, Num 2, pp 276-284, issn 0031-9384, 9 p.Article

An increase in selenium intake improves immune function and poliovirus handling in adults with marginal selenium statusBROOME, Caroline S; MCARDLE, Francis; KYLE, Janet A. M et al.The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2004, Vol 80, Num 1, pp 154-162, issn 0002-9165, 9 p.Article

The effects of sulfur amino acid intake on immune function in humansGRIMBLE, Robert F.The Journal of nutrition. 2006, Vol 136, Num 6S, issn 0022-3166, 1660S-1665S, SUPConference Paper

Modulation of dendritic cells by endurance trainingCHIANG, L.-M; CHEN, Y.-J; CHIANG, J et al.International journal of sports medicine. 2007, Vol 28, Num 9, pp 798-803, issn 0172-4622, 6 p.Article

A Bound on Equitable Partitions of the Hamming SpaceJONG YOON HYUN.IEEE transactions on information theory. 2010, Vol 56, Num 5, pp 2109-2111, issn 0018-9448, 3 p.Article

Lymphocyte and Cytokines after Short Periods of ExercisePRESTES, J; FERREIRA, C. K. De O; CURI, R et al.International journal of sports medicine. 2008, Vol 29, Num 12, pp 1010-1014, issn 0172-4622, 5 p.Article

Soy isoflavones modulate immune function in healthy postmenopausal womenRYAN-BORCHERS, Tracy A; JEAN SOON PARK; CHEW, Boon P et al.The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2006, Vol 83, Num 5, pp 1118-1125, issn 0002-9165, 8 p.Article

The Association Between Periodontal Disease and Periosteal Lesions in the St. Mary Graces Cemetery, London, England A.D. 1350-1538DEWITTE, Sharon N; BEKVALAC, Jelena.American journal of physical anthropology. 2011, Vol 146, Num 4, pp 609-618, issn 0002-9483, 10 p.Article

Healing rates of wing punch wounds in free-ranging little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus)WEAVER, Kimberly N; ALFANO, Sara E; KRONQUIST, Amanda R et al.Acta chiropterologica. 2009, Vol 11, Num 1, pp 220-223, issn 1508-1109, 4 p.Article

Seasonal Redistribution of Immune Function in a Migrant Shorebird : Annual-Cycle Effects Override Adjustments to Thermal RegimeBUEHLER, Deborah M; PIERSMA, Theunis; MATSON, Kevin et al.The American naturalist. 2008, Vol 172, Num 6, pp 783-796, issn 0003-0147, 14 p.Article

Effects of continuous versus intermittent transport on plasma constituents and antibody response of lambsKRAWEZEL, P. D; FRIEND, T. H; CALDWELL, D. J et al.Journal of animal science. 2007, Vol 85, Num 2, pp 468-476, issn 0021-8812, 9 p.Article

Stress, age, and immune function : Toward a lifespan approachGRAHAM, Jennifer E; CHRISTIAN, Lisa M; KIECOLT-GLASER, Janice K et al.Journal of behavioral medicine. 2006, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 389-400, issn 0160-7715, 12 p.Article

Effect of CLA supplementation on immune function in young healthy volunteersSONG, H.-J; GRANT, I; ROTONDO, D et al.European journal of clinical nutrition. 2005, Vol 59, Num 4, pp 508-517, issn 0954-3007, 10 p.Article

Skeleton photoperiods alter delayed-type hypersensitivity responses and reproductive function of siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)GATIEN, M. L; HOTCHKISS, A. K; DHABHAR, F. S et al.Journal of neuroendocrinology. 2005, Vol 17, Num 11, pp 733-739, issn 0953-8194, 7 p.Article

The effects of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on immune function in healthy volunteersNUGENT, A. P; ROCHE, H. M; NOONE, E. J et al.European journal of clinical nutrition. 2005, Vol 59, Num 6, pp 742-750, issn 0954-3007, 9 p.Article

Nutritional status predicts primary subclasses of T cells and the lymphocyte proliferation response in healthy older womenMOLLS, Roshni R; AHLUWALIA, Namanjeet; MASTRO, Andrea M et al.The Journal of nutrition. 2005, Vol 135, Num 11, pp 2644-2650, issn 0022-3166, 7 p.Article

Zinc status and age-related changes in peripheral blood leukocyte subpopulations in healthy men and women aged 55-70y : the ZENITH studyHODKINSON, C. F; KELLY, M; COUDRAY, C et al.European journal of clinical nutrition. Supplement. 2005, Vol 59, Num 2, pp S63-S67, issn 1359-5776Article

Rearing calves outdoors with and without calf jackets compared with indoor housing on calf health and live-weight performanceEARLEY, B; MURRAY, M; FARRELL, J. A et al.Irish journal of agricultural and food research. 2004, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 59-67, issn 0791-6833, 9 p.Article

Effects of cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers on immune function in healthy menALBERS, R; VAN DER WIELEN, R. P. J; BRINK, E. J et al.European journal of clinical nutrition. 2003, Vol 57, Num 4, pp 595-603, issn 0954-3007, 9 p.Article

Carbohydrate supplementation and exercise-induced changes in T-lymphocyte functionGREEN, Katherine J; CROAKER, Susan J; ROWBOTTOM, David G et al.Journal of applied physiology (1985). 2003, Vol 95, Num 3, pp 1216-1223, issn 8750-7587, 8 p.Article

Structured intervention in family caregivers of the demented elderly and changes in their immune functionHOSAKA, Takashi; SUGIYAMA, Yoko.Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences (Carlton. Print). 2003, Vol 57, Num 2, pp 147-151, issn 1323-1316, 5 p.Article

High larval density does not induce a prophylactic immune response in a butterflyPIESK, Matthias; KARL, Isabell; FRANKE, Kristin et al.Ecological entomology (Print). 2013, Vol 38, Num 4, pp 346-354, issn 0307-6946, 9 p.Article

Covariation in Life-History Traits: Differential Effects of Diet on Condition, Hormones, Behavior, and Reproduction in Genetic Finch MorphsPRYKE, Sarah R; ASTHEIMER, Lee B; GRIFFITH, Simon C et al.The American naturalist. 2012, Vol 179, Num 3, pp 375-390, issn 0003-0147, 16 p.Article

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