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Bemerkungen zum Lesbischen Dialektalen WortschatzesSOWA, Wojciech.Emérita. 2006, Vol 74, Num 2, pp 233-258, issn 0013-6662, 26 p.Article

Perceptions of evil and Lesbians = Perceptions du mal et des lesbiennesRICKS, Janice L; DZIEGIELEWSKI, Sophia F.Journal of human behavior in the social environment. 2005, Vol 11, Num 2, pp 61-75, issn 1091-1359, 15 p.Article

Bringing the U-haul : Embracing and resisting sexual stereotypes in a lesbian community = Embrasser et résister aux stéréotypes sexuels dans une communauté lesbienneGORDON, Liahna E.Sexualities (London). 2006, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 171-192, issn 1363-4607, 22 p.Article

Are the Kids Alright? Rawls, Adoption, and Gay ParentsREED, Ryan.Ethical theory and moral practice. 2013, Vol 16, Num 5, pp 969-982, issn 1386-2820, 14 p.Article

Donor insemination and parenting : Concerns and strategies of lesbian couples. A review of international studiesWERNER, Caroline; WESTERSTAHL, Anna.Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica. 2008, Vol 87, Num 7, pp 697-701, issn 0001-6349, 5 p.Article

The Perspectives of Latina Mothers on Latina Lesbian FamiliesRINCON, Maria; TRUNG LAM, Brian.Journal of human behavior in the social environment. 2011, Vol 21, Num 1-4, pp 334-349, issn 1091-1359, 16 p.Article

Silent voices and invisible walls : Exploring end of life care with lesbians and gay menSMOLINSKI, Kathryn M; COLON, Yvette.Journal of psychosocial oncology. 2006, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 51-64, issn 0734-7332, 14 p.Conference Paper

Counseling lesbians = Conseiller les lesbiennesUNTERBERGER, Gail.American journal of pastoral counseling. 2001, Vol 3, Num 3-4, pp 169-186, issn 1094-6098Article

What clergy should do to reduce potential legal abuses in same-sex relationshipsGROSS-SCHAEFER, Rabbi Arthur; DIXON, Robert.Journal of religion & abuse. 2005, Vol 7, Num 3, pp 89-103, issn 1521-1037, 15 p.Article

Complexities of Informal Social Support Arrangements for Black Lesbian CouplesGLASS, Valerie Q; FEW-DEMO, April L.Family relations. 2013, Vol 62, Num 5, pp 714-726, issn 0197-6664, 13 p.Article

'That's Not Really My Scène' : Working-Class Lesbians In (and Out of) PlaceTAYLOR, Yvette.Sexualities (London). 2008, Vol 11, Num 5, pp 523-546, issn 1363-4607, 24 p.Article

Queer studies in the house of anthropology = Les études queer en anthropologieBOELLSTORFF, Tom.Annual review of anthropology. 2007, Vol 36, pp 17-35, issn 0084-6570, 19 p.Article

Protecting the lesbian border: The tension between individual and communal authenticityTABATABAI, Ahoo.Sexualities (London). 2010, Vol 13, Num 5, pp 563-581, issn 1363-4607, 19 p.Article

Speaking the unspoken: the poetry of Mary DorceyQUINN, A.Colby quarterly. 1992, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 227-238, issn 1050-5873Article

Cognitive dissonance and its resolution : A study of lesbian christiansMAHAFFY, K. A.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 1996, Vol 35, Num 4, pp 392-402, issn 0021-8294Article

Le «phénomène queer»: essai de lecture féministe = The «phénomène queer»: essay of feminist readingSAVONA, J. L.Canadian review of comparative literature. 1994, Vol 21, Num 1-2, pp 265-276, issn 0319-051XArticle

Resisting and Conforming to the 'Lesbian Look': The Importance of Appearance Norms for Lesbian and Bisexual WomenHUXLEY, Caroline; CLARKE, Victoria; HALLIWELL, Emma et al.Journal of community & applied social psychology. 2014, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 205-219, issn 1052-9284, 15 p.Article

Sharing motherhood: biological lesbian co-mothers, a new IVF indicationMARINA, S; MARINA, D; MARINA, F et al.Human reproduction (Oxford. Print). 2010, Vol 25, Num 4, pp 938-941, issn 0268-1161, 4 p.Article

Legal recognition of same-sex relationships in the United States : A social science perspectiveHEREK, Gregory M.The American psychologist. 2006, Vol 61, Num 6, pp 607-621, issn 0003-066X, 15 p.Article

Between inclusion and visibility: a (lesbian) diaryHERRMANN, A.Canadian review of comparative literature. 1994, Vol 21, Num 1-2, pp 243-254, issn 0319-051XArticle

Lesbian and gay youth and the question of labelsCOLEMAN-FOUNTAIN, Edmund.Sexualities (London). 2014, Vol 17, Num 7, pp 802-817, issn 1363-4607, 16 p.Article

Comparative Relationship Stability of Lesbian Mother and Heterosexual Mother Families: A Review of EvidenceSCHUMM, Walter R.Marriage & family review. 2010, Vol 46, Num 8, pp 499-509, issn 0149-4929, 11 p.Article

Gay and Lesbian Identity Development: An Overview for Social WorkersLEVY, Denise L.Journal of human behavior in the social environment. 2009, Vol 19, Num 8, pp 978-993, issn 1091-1359, 16 p.Article

Gays and queers : From the centering to the decentering of homosexuality in american filmsDEAN, James Joseph.Sexualities (London). 2007, Vol 10, Num 3, pp 363-386, issn 1363-4607, 24 p.Article

'We're not living on planet lesbian' : Constructions of male role models in debates about lesbian families = Constructions des modèles du rôle masculin dans les débats sur les familles lesbiennesCLARKE, Victoria; KITZINGER, Celia.Sexualities (London). 2005, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 137-152, issn 1363-4607, 16 p.Article

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