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Results 1 to 25 of 344

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Molecular Diagnostics—An Emerging Frontier in DermatopathologyDADZIE, Ophelia E; NEAT, Michael; EMLEY, Andrew et al.The American journal of dermatopathology. 2011, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 1-13, issn 0193-1091, 13 p.Article

Towards diagnostic guidelines for biofilm-associated infectionsHALL-STOODLEY, Luanne; STOODLEY, Paul; KATHJU, Sandeep et al.FEMS immunology and medical microbiology (Print). 2012, Vol 65, Num 2, pp 127-145, issn 0928-8244, 19 p.Article

The Updated Concept of Genome and Its Implications in Biotechnological Research and Molecular DiagnosticsLI XIAO; SALDIVAR, Juan-Sebastian; CUILAN ZHOU et al.Molecular biotechnology. 2009, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 152-156, issn 1073-6085, 5 p.Article

Dielectrophoresis-based sample handling in general-purpose programmable diagnostic instrumentsGASCOYNE, Peter R. C; VYKOUKAL, Jody V.Proceedings of the IEEE. 2004, Vol 92, Num 1, pp 22-42, issn 0018-9219, 21 p.Article

Molecular detection of antibiotic resistance : when and where?WOODFORD, Neil; SUNDSFIORD, Arnfinn.Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (Print). 2005, Vol 56, Num 2, pp 259-261, issn 0305-7453, 3 p.Article

Branched DNA technology in molecular diagnosticsTSONGALIS, Gregory J.American journal of clinical pathology. 2006, Vol 126, Num 3, pp 448-453, issn 0002-9173, 6 p.Article

Real-time PCR and pyrosequencing for differentiation of medically relevant Bartonella speciesBUSS, Sarah N; GEBHARDT, Linda L; MUSSER, Kimberlee A et al.Journal of microbiological methods. 2012, Vol 91, Num 2, pp 252-256, issn 0167-7012, 5 p.Article

European quality clearance of new microbiological diagnostics : Emerging new technologies in clinical virologyLEVEN, M; FINCH, R; BELKUM, A. Van et al.Clinical microbiology and infection. 2013, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 29-38, issn 1198-743X, 10 p.Article

A Multisite Assessment of the Quantitative Capabilities of the Xpert MTB/RIF AssayBLAKEMORE, Robert; NABETA, Pamela; RUESCH-GERDES, Sabine et al.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2011, Vol 184, Num 9, pp 1076-1084, issn 1073-449X, 9 p.Article

Novel approaches toward preferential detection of viable cells using nucleic acid amplification techniquesNOCKER, Andreas; CAMPERL, Anne K.FEMS microbiology letters. 2009, Vol 291, Num 2, pp 137-142, issn 0378-1097, 6 p.Article

Implications of micro-RNA profiling for cancer diagnosisCUMMINS, J. M; VELCULESCU, V. E.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 2006, Vol 25, Num 46, pp 6220-6227, issn 0950-9232, 8 p.Article

Implementation of a novel microarray-based diagnostic test for cancer of unknown primaryVAN LAAR, Ryan K; MA, Xiao-Jun; GLAS, Annuska M et al.International journal of cancer (Print). 2009, Vol 125, Num 6, pp 1390-1397, issn 0020-7136, 8 p.Article

DETECTION OF NH1N1 INFLUENZA VIRUS IN NONRESPIRATORY SITES AMONG CHILDRENWOOTTON, Susan H; AGUILERA, Elizabeth A; WANGER, Audrey et al.The Pediatric infectious disease journal. 2014, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 95-96, issn 0891-3668, 2 p.Article

Exploiting FOXM1-Orchestrated Molecular Network for Early Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis and PrognosisTEH, Muy-Teck; HUTCHISON, Lain L; WASEEM, Ahmad et al.International journal of cancer (Print). 2013, Vol 132, Num 9, pp 2095-2106, issn 0020-7136, 12 p.Article

The utility of molecular diagnostics to predict recurrence of head and neck carcinomaMURILLO, C. Pena; HUANG, X; SHERRIFF, M et al.British journal of cancer. 2012, Vol 107, Num 7, pp 1138-1143, issn 0007-0920, 6 p.Article

Comparison of Human Parechovirus and Enterovirus Detection Frequencies in Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples Collected Over a 5-Year Period in Edinburgh: HPeV Type 3 Identified as the Most Common Picornavirus TypeHARVALA, Heli; MCLEISH, Nigel; KONDRACKA, Jasmina et al.Journal of medical virology. 2011, Vol 83, Num 5, pp 889-896, issn 0146-6615, 8 p.Article

Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Diagnostics of Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)SZALANSKI, Allen L; TRIPODI, Amber D; AUSTIN, James W et al.Journal of medical entomology. 2011, Vol 48, Num 4, pp 937-940, issn 0022-2585, 4 p.Article

Detection and quantification of airborne inoculum of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using quantitative PCRROGERS, S. L; ATKINS, S. D; WEST, J. S et al.Plant pathology. 2009, Vol 58, Num 2, pp 324-331, issn 0032-0862, 8 p.Article

Monitoring of Venturia inaequalis harbouring the Qol resistance G143A mutation in French orchards as revealed by PCR assaysFONTAINE, Séverine; REMUSON, Florent; FRAISSINET-TACHET, Laurence et al.Pest management science. 2009, Vol 65, Num 1, pp 74-81, issn 1526-498X, 8 p.Article

Molecular diagnostics in acute leukemiasBACHER, Ulrike; SCHNITTGER, Susanne; HAFERLACH, Claudia et al.Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. 2009, Vol 47, Num 11, pp 1333-1341, issn 1434-6621, 9 p.Article

Micro arrays for rapid identification of plant virusesBOONHAM, Neil; TOMLINSON, Jenny; MUMFORD, Rick et al.Annual review of phytopathology. 2007, Vol 45, pp 307-328, issn 0066-4286, 22 p.Article

Selective detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato using dot blot hybridization and real-time PCRFANELLI, V; CARIDDI, C; FINETTI-SIALER, M et al.Plant pathology. 2007, Vol 56, Num 4, pp 683-691, issn 0032-0862, 9 p.Article

Changing needs, opportunities and constraints for the 21st century microbiology laboratoryVAN ELDERE, J.Clinical microbiology and infection. Supplement. 2005, Vol 11, Num 1, pp 15-18, issn 1470-9465, 4 p.Conference Paper

Use of a multiplex PCR/sequencing strategy to detect both connexin 30 (GJB6) 342 kb deletion and connexin 26 (GJB2) mutations in cases of childhood deafnessWU, Bai-Lin; KENNA, Margaret; LIP, Va et al.American journal of medical genetics. 2003, Vol 121A, Num 2, pp 102-108, issn 0148-7299, 7 p.Article

Target enrichment and high-throughput sequencing of 80 ribosomal protein genes to identify mutations associated with Diamond-Blackfan anaemiaGERRARD, Gareth; VALGANON, Mikel; FORONI, Letizia et al.British journal of haematology. 2013, Vol 162, Num 4, pp 530-536, issn 0007-1048, 7 p.Article

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