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An oculomotor continuum from exploration to fixationOTERO-MILLAN, Jorge; MACKNIK, Stephen L; LANGSTON, Rachel E et al.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013, Vol 110, Num 15, pp 6175-6180, issn 0027-8424, 6 p.Article

Spatial frequency and visual discomfortO'HARE, Louise; HIBBARD, Paul B.Vision research (Oxford). 2011, Vol 51, Num 15, pp 1767-1777, issn 0042-6989, 11 p.Article

How many pixels make an image?TORRALBA, Antonio.Visual neuroscience (Print). 2009, Vol 26, Num 1, pp 123-131, issn 0952-5238, 9 p.Article

Binocular energy responses to natural imagesHIBBARD, Paul B.Vision research (Oxford). 2008, Vol 48, Num 12, pp 1427-1439, issn 0042-6989, 13 p.Article

Is image steganography natural?MARTIN, Alvaro; SAPIRO, Guillermo; SEROUSSI, Gadiel et al.IEEE transactions on image processing. 2005, Vol 14, Num 12, pp 2040-2050, issn 1057-7149, 11 p.Article

Adapting to altered image statistics using processed videoFALCONBRIDGE, Michael; WOZNY, David; SHAMS, Ladan et al.Vision research (Oxford). 2009, Vol 49, Num 14, pp 1757-1764, issn 0042-6989, 8 p.Article

Ecologically valid combinations of first-and second-order surface markings facilitate texture discriminationJOHNSON, Aaron P; PRINS, Nicolaas; KINGDOM, Frederick A. A et al.Vision research (Oxford). 2007, Vol 47, Num 17, pp 2281-2290, issn 0042-6989, 10 p.Article

High-Level Aftereffects to Global Scene PropertiesGREENE, Michelle R; OLIVA, Aude.Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 2010, Vol 36, Num 6, pp 1430-1442, issn 0096-1523, 13 p.Article

Contingent Attentional Capture by Conceptually Relevant ImagesWYBLE, Brad; FOLK, Charles; POTTER, Mary C et al.Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 2013, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 861-871, issn 0096-1523, 11 p.Article

An invariant bayesian model selection principle for gaussian data in a sparse representationFOSSGAARD, Eirik; FLA, Tor.IEEE transactions on information theory. 2006, Vol 52, Num 8, pp 3438-3455, issn 0018-9448, 18 p.Article

Digital Image Sharing by Diverse Image MediaLEE, Kai-Hui; CHIU, Pei-Ling.IEEE transactions on information forensics and security. 2014, Vol 9, Num 1-2, pp 88-98, issn 1556-6013, 11 p.Article

Texture synthesis and perception : Using computational models to study texture representations in the human visual systemBALAS, Benjamin J.Vision research (Oxford). 2006, Vol 46, Num 3, pp 299-309, issn 0042-6989, 11 p.Article

Neural correlates of monocular and binocular depth cues based on natural images : A LORETA analysisFISCHMEISTER, Florian Ph. S; BAUER, Herbert.Vision research (Oxford). 2006, Vol 46, Num 20, pp 3373-3380, issn 0042-6989, 8 p.Article

Interactive image segmentation via adaptive weighted distancesPROTIERE, Alexis; SAPIRO, Guillermo.IEEE transactions on image processing. 2007, Vol 16, Num 4, pp 1046-1057, issn 1057-7149, 12 p.Article

Image denoising using scale mixtures of gaussians in the wavelet domainPORTILLA, Javier; STRELA, Vasily; WAINWRIGHT, Martin J et al.IEEE transactions on image processing. 2003, Vol 12, Num 11, pp 1338-1351, issn 1057-7149, 14 p.Article

Recognition of natural scenes from global properties : Seeing the forest without representing the treesGREENE, Michelle R; OLIVA, Aude.Cognitive psychology (Print). 2009, Vol 58, Num 2, pp 137-176, issn 0010-0285, 40 p.Article

Coding of the contrasts in natural images by populations of neurons in primary visual cortex (V1)CLATWORTHY, P. L; CHIRIMUUTA, M; LAURITZEN, J. S et al.Vision research (Oxford). 2003, Vol 43, Num 18, pp 1983-2001, issn 0042-6989, 19 p.Article

Hysteresis in the Dynamic Perception of Scenes and ObjectsPOLTORATSKI, Sonia; TONG, Frank.Journal of experimental psychology. General. 2014, Vol 143, Num 5, pp 1875-1892, issn 0096-3445, 18 p.Article

Modeling Natural Images Using Gated MRFsRANZATO, Marc'Aurelio; MNIH, Volodymyr; SUSSKIND, Joshua M et al.IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 2013, Vol 35, Num 9, pp 2206-2222, issn 0162-8828, 17 p.Article

Image Reconstruction From Double Random ProjectionQIANG ZHANG; PLEMMONS, Robert J.IEEE transactions on image processing. 2014, Vol 23, Num 5-6, pp 2501-2513, issn 1057-7149, 13 p.Article

Parametric Blur Estimation for Blind Restoration of Natural Images: Linear Motion and Out-of-FocusOLIVEIRA, João P; FIGUEIREDO, Mário A. T; BIOUCAS-DIAS, José M et al.IEEE transactions on image processing. 2014, Vol 23, Num 1-2, pp 466-477, issn 1057-7149, 12 p.Article

The second order local-lmage-structure solidGRIFFIN, Lewis D.IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 2007, Vol 29, Num 8, pp 1355-1366, issn 0162-8828, 12 p.Article

Natural imagesMOORHEAD, Ian; TROSCIANKO, Tom.Perception (London. Print). 2000, Vol 29, Num 9, issn 0301-0066, 127 p.Serial Issue

Efficient stereo coding in the multiscale representationZHAOPING LI; ATICK, J. J.Network (Bristol. Print). 1994, Vol 5, Num 2, pp 157-174, issn 0954-898XArticle

Localized principal components of natural images: an analytic solutionYONG LIU; SHOUVAL, H.Network (Bristol. Print). 1994, Vol 5, Num 2, pp 317-324, issn 0954-898XArticle

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