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Patientenbefragungen als Bestandteil des Qualitàtsmanagements in Arztpraxen : Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Instrumentes = Patient Surveys as an Element of Quality Management in Outpatient Care : Development and Assessment of a QuestionnaireBRINKMANN, A; STEFFEN, P; PFAFF, H et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2007, Vol 69, Num 11, pp 585-592, issn 0941-3790, 8 p.Article

Aktualisierte Ergebnisse einer Erhebung zur ambulanten Versorgungssituation in der Rheumatologie = Updated results of a survey on outpatient healthcare structures in rheumatologyMITTENDORT, T.Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie (Print). 2010, Vol 69, Num 9, issn 0340-1855, 830-835 [6 p.]Article

Healthcare utilisation and knowledge concerning prescribed drugs among older peopleKRISTENSSON, Jimmie; MODIG, Sara; MIDLÖV, Patrik et al.European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2010, Vol 66, Num 10, pp 1047-1054, issn 0031-6970, 8 p.Article

Waiting Time for Specialist Consultation in TehranAEENPARAST, Afsoon; FARZADI, Faranak; MAFTOON, Farzaneh et al.Archives of Iranian medicine. 2012, Vol 15, Num 12, pp 756-758, 3 p.Article

Selbsthilfefreundlichkeit als Qualitätsziel in der vertragsärztlichen Versorgung1: Bestandsaufnahme und Schlussfolgerungen = Self-Help Friendliness as Quality Target in the SHI Health Care1 Current Status and ConclusionsTROJAN, A; HUBER, E; NICKEL, S et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2009, Vol 71, Num 10, pp 628-637, issn 0941-3790, 10 p.Article

Psychosoziale Krebsberatungsstellen ― eine Analyse der Versorgungsrealität in Sachsen = Counselling Centres for Patients with Cancer ― Analysis of Service Provision in SaxonySINGER, S; BRETSCHNEIDER, N; LEHMANN-LAUE, A et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2012, Vol 74, Num 11, pp 736-741, issn 0941-3790, 6 p.Article

Hausarztzentrierte Versorgung in Deutschland. Der Hausarzt als Lotse? = General Practitioner-Centred Health-Care in Germany. The General Practitioner as GatekeeperHÖHNE, A; JEDLITSCHKA, K; HOBLER, D et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2009, Vol 71, Num 7, pp 414-422, issn 0941-3790, 9 p.Article

Die Überweisung von Patienten mit Abhängigkeitser-krankungen in die ambulante und stationäre professionelle Suchtkrankenhilfe - : Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung unter Hausärzten in Mecklenburg -Vorpommern = Referral behaviour of general practitioners to professionals in outpatient care and in addiction treatment sites in mecklenburg-west pommeraniaULBRICHT, S; CODER, B; RÖSKE, K et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2007, Vol 69, Num 5, pp 306-310, issn 0941-3790, 5 p.Article

Preferences for aspects of a dermatology consultationCOAST, J; SALISBURY, C; DE BERKER, D et al.British journal of dermatology (1951). 2006, Vol 155, Num 2, pp 387-392, issn 0007-0963, 6 p.Article

Four physician communication styles in routine Japanese outpatient medical encountersSLINGSBY, Brian Taylor; YAMADA, Seiji; AKABAYASHI, Akira et al.Journal of general internal medicine. 2006, Vol 21, Num 10, pp 1057-1062, issn 0884-8734, 6 p.Article

Unconventional therapy in multiple sclerosisSASTRE-GARRIGO, Jaume; MUNTEIS, Elvira; RIO, Jordi et al.Multiple sclerosis. 2003, Vol 9, Num 3, pp 320-322, issn 1352-4585, 3 p.Article

The physician as a factor in outpatient medical care after laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy : A multivariate analysisCHANG, Wei-Chun; CHEN, Huey-Yi; CHANG, Cherry Yin-Yi et al.Journal of reproductive medicine. 2005, Vol 50, Num 8, pp 618-620, issn 0024-7758, 3 p.Article

Clinical Impact of a Home-Based Palliative Care Program: A Hospice-Private Payer PartnershipKERR, Christopher W; TANGEMAN, John C; RUDRA, Carole B et al.Journal of pain and symptom management. 2014, Vol 48, Num 5, pp 883-892, issn 0885-3924, 10 p.Article

Grupos diagnósticos ambulatorios en dermatología. Estudio en un hospital comarcal = Ambulatory diagnostic groups in dermatology. Study at a regional hospitalGRAELLS, Jordi; GARCIA, Daniel.Actas dermo-sifiliográficas (Ed. impresa). 2004, Vol 95, Num 10, pp 613-617, issn 0001-7310, 5 p.Article

Potentially Preventable Hospitalization as a Complication of CKD: A Cohort StudyWIEBE, Natasha; KLARENBACH, Scott W; MICHAEL ALLAN, G et al.American journal of kidney diseases. 2014, Vol 64, Num 2, pp 230-238, issn 0272-6386, 9 p.Article

Longitudinal Patterns in Survival, Comorbidity, Healthcare Utilization and Quality of Care among Older Women Following Breast Cancer DiagnosisHANCHATE, Amresh D; CLOUGH-GORR, Kerri M; ASH, Arlene S et al.Journal of general internal medicine. 2010, Vol 25, Num 10, pp 1045-1050, issn 0884-8734, 6 p.Article

Psychoonkologische Versorgung von Brustkrebspatientinnen im Krankenhaus und im ambulanten Sektor = Psychooncological Care for Breast Cancer Patients in Hospitals and in the Outpatient SectorBERGELT, C; SCHÖLERMANN, C; HAHN, I et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2010, Vol 72, Num 10, pp 700-706, issn 0941-3790, 7 p.Article

Kosten der allgemeinmedizinischen Versorgung von Patienten mit chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen = Costs of ambulant care for patients with inflammatory bowel disease in general practiceBEICHE, A; KÖNIG, H.-H; EBINGER, M et al.Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie. 2003, Vol 41, Num 6, pp 527-536, issn 0044-2771, 10 p.Article

Präventionsstrategien zur Vermeidung der Übertragung multiresistenter Erreger und praktische Umsetzung in der ambulanten Pflege = Strategies to Prevent the Transmission of Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens and their Practical implementation in Oupatient CareADLER, A. C; SPEGEL, H; WILKE, J et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2012, Vol 74, Num 10, pp 653-660, issn 0941-3790, 8 p.Article

Psychosoziale Versorgungssituation in der ambulanten Akne-Behandlung = Psychosocial Issues in Outpatient Care of Acne VulgarisHENSEN, G; SCHILLER, M; LUGER, T. A et al.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 2009, Vol 71, Num 7, pp 405-413, issn 0941-3790, 9 p.Article

Comparison of outpatient services between elderly people with intellectual disabilities and the general elderly population in TaiwanHSU, Shang-Wei; LIN, Jin-Ding; CHIANG, Po-Huang et al.Research in developmental disabilities (Print). 2012, Vol 33, Num 5, pp 1429-1436, issn 0891-4222, 8 p.Article

Copayments, gatekeeping, and the utilization of outpatient public and private care at age 50 and above in EuropeBIRO, Anikó.Health policy (Amsterdam. Print). 2013, Vol 111, Num 1, pp 24-33, issn 0168-8510, 10 p.Article

Passing the Baton: A Grounded Practical Theory of Handoff Communication Between Multidisciplinary Providers in Two Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient SettingsKOENIG, Christopher J; MAGUEN, Shira; DALEY, Aaron et al.Journal of general internal medicine. 2013, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 41-50, issn 0884-8734, 10 p.Article

Medical and non-medical direct costs of chronic low back pain in patients consulting primary care physicians in FranceDEPONT, Fanny; HUNSCHE, Elke; ABOUELFATH, Abdelilah et al.Fundamental & clinical pharmacology. 2010, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 101-108, issn 0767-3981, 8 p.Article

Care in the Months before Death and Hospice Enrollment Among Older Women with Advanced Breast CancerKEATING, Nancy L; LANDRUM, Mary Beth; GUADAGNOLI, Edward et al.Journal of general internal medicine. 2008, Vol 23, Num 1, pp 11-18, issn 0884-8734, 8 p.Article

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