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Bacterial endotoxin induces IL-20 expression in the glial cellsHOSOI, Toru; WADA, Sachiyo; SUZUKI, Sawako et al.Molecular brain research. 2004, Vol 130, Num 1-2, pp 23-29, issn 0169-328X, 7 p.Article

p38 MAP kinase modulates Smad-dependent changes in human prostate cell adhesionHAYES, Steven A; XIAOKE HUANG; KAMBHAMPATI, Suman et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 2003, Vol 22, Num 31, pp 4841-4850, issn 0950-9232, 10 p.Article

Dysregulation of p38 and MKP-1 in Response to NOD1/TLR4 Stimulation in Sarcoid Bronchoalveolar CellsRASTOGI, Ruchi; WENJIN DU; DONHONG JU et al.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2011, Vol 183, Num 4, pp 500-510, issn 1073-449X, 11 p.Article

Enhancement of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated JNK activity in rat aortic smooth muscle cells by pharmacological and adenovirus-mediated inhibition of inhibitory kappa B kinase signallingMACKENZIE, Christopher J; PAUL, Andrew; WILSON, Susan et al.British journal of pharmacology. 2003, Vol 139, Num 5, pp 1041-1049, issn 0007-1188, 9 p.Article

Involvement of P38 MAP kinase in the augmentation of UVB-mediated apoptosis via the epidermal platelet-activating factor receptorLANDIS, Megan; QIAOFANG YI; HYATT, Ann-Marie et al.Archives of dermatological research (Print). 2007, Vol 299, Num 5-6, pp 263-266, issn 0340-3696, 4 p.Article

Induction of a ribotoxic stress response that stimulates stress-activated protein kinases by 13-deoxytedanolide, an antitumor marine macrolideLEE, Kun-Hyung; NISHIMURA, Shinichi; MATSUNAGA, Shigeki et al.Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2006, Vol 70, Num 1, pp 161-171, issn 0916-8451, 11 p.Article

PPARα and the regulation of cell division and apoptosisROBERTS, R. A; CHEVALIER, S; HASMALL, S. C et al.Toxicology (Amsterdam). 2002, Vol 181-182, pp 167-170, issn 0300-483X, 4 p.Conference Paper

ERK and p38 MAP kinase are involved in downregulation of cell surface TNF receptor 1 induced by acetoxycycloheximideOGURA, Hirotsugu; TSUKUMO, Yoshinori; SUGIMOTO, Hikaru et al.International immunopharmacology. 2008, Vol 8, Num 6, pp 922-926, issn 1567-5769, 5 p.Article

Migration across the sinusoidal endothelium regulates neutrophil mobilization in response to ELR + CXC chemokinesBURDEN, Peter C. E; MARTIN, Coralie; RANKIN, Sara M et al.British journal of haematology. 2008, Vol 142, Num 1, pp 100-108, issn 0007-1048, 9 p.Article

Pharmacophore modeling of diverse classes of p38 MAP kinase inhibitorsSARMA, Rituparna; SINHA, Sharat; RAVIKUMAR, Muttineni et al.European journal of medicinal chemistry. 2008, Vol 43, Num 12, pp 2870-2876, issn 0223-5234, 7 p.Article

Contractile activity-induced gene expression in fast- and slow-twitch muscleNGUYEN, Linda M.-D; HOOD, David A.Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism. 2011, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 233-241, issn 1715-5312, 9 p.Article

HSP25 inhibits radiation-induced apoptosis through reduction of PKCδ-mediated ROS productionLEE, Yoon-Jin; LEE, Dae-Hoon; CHO, Chul-Koo et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 2005, Vol 24, Num 23, pp 3715-3725, issn 0950-9232, 11 p.Article

TCDD induces c-jun expression via a novel Ah (dioxin) receptor-mediated p38-MAPK-dependent pathwayWEISS, Carsten; FAUST, Dagmar; DÜRK, Heike et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 2005, Vol 24, Num 31, pp 4975-4983, issn 0950-9232, 9 p.Article

Dual effect of the novel peptide antagonist K-14585 on proteinase-activated receptor-2-mediated signallingFUI GOON GOH; PEI YUEN NG; NILSSON, Mary et al.British journal of pharmacology. 2009, Vol 158, Num 7, pp 1695-1704, issn 0007-1188, 10 p.Article

Requirement of p38 stress-activated MAP kinase for cell death in the developing retina depends on the stage of cell differentiationCAMPOS, Claudia B. L; BEDARD, Pierre-André; LINDEN, Rafael et al.Neurochemistry international. 2006, Vol 49, Num 5, pp 494-499, issn 0197-0186, 6 p.Article

Telomerase inhibition with a novel G-quadruplex-interactive agent, telomestatin : in vitro and in vivo studies in acute leukemiaTAUCHI, T; SHIN-YA, K; SASHIDA, G et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 2006, Vol 25, Num 42, pp 5719-5725, issn 0950-9232, 7 p.Article

Inhibition of RANTES expression by indirubin in influenza virus-infected human bronchial epithelial cellsMAK, Nai-Ki; LEUNG, Chung-Yee; WEI, Xiao-Yi et al.Biochemical pharmacology. 2004, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 167-174, issn 0006-2952, 8 p.Article

DICAM Inhibits Osteoclast Differentiation Through Attenuation of the Integrin αVβ3 PathwayJUNG, Youn-Kwan; HAN, Seung-Woo; KIM, Gun-Woo et al.Journal of bone and mineral research (Print). 2012, Vol 27, Num 9, pp 2024-2034, issn 0884-0431, 11 p.Article

Heat shock induces neurite outgrowth in PC12m3 cells via the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathwayKANO, Yoshio; NAKAGIRI, Sachiko; NOHNO, Tsutomu et al.Brain research. 2004, Vol 1026, Num 2, pp 302-306, issn 0006-8993, 5 p.Article

Burkholderia pseudomallei invasion and activation of epithelial cells requires activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinaseUTAISINCHAROEN, P; ARJCHAROEN, S; LENGWEHASATIT, I et al.Microbial pathogenesis. 2005, Vol 38, Num 2-3, pp 107-112, issn 0882-4010, 6 p.Article

A role for p38 MAP kinase in platelet activation by von Willebrand factorCANOBBIO, Ilaria; REINERI, Stefania; SINIGAGLIA, Fabiola et al.Thrombosis and haemostasis. 2004, Vol 91, Num 1, pp 102-110, issn 0340-6245, 9 p.Article

The role of p38 MAP kinase in the synergistic cytotoxic action of calcitriol and TNF-α in human breast cancer cellsWEITSMAN, Gregory E; RAVID, Amiram; LIBERMAN, Uri A et al.Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 2004, Vol 89-90, Num 1-5, pp 361-364, issn 0960-0760, 4 p.Conference Paper

p38 Mitogen-activated protein kinase regulates Bax translocation in cyanide-induced apoptosisSHOU, Y; LI, L; PRABHAKARAN, K et al.Toxicological sciences (Print). 2003, Vol 75, Num 1, pp 99-107, issn 1096-6080, 9 p.Article

Regulation by intracellular glutathione of TNF-α-induced p38 MAP kinase activation and RANTES production by human pulmonary vascular endothelial cellsHASHIMOTO, S; GON, Y; MATSUMOTO, K et al.Allergy (Copenhagen). 2000, Vol 55, Num 5, pp 463-469, issn 0105-4538Article

Rational Approaches Towards Lead Optimization of Kinase Inhibitors: The Issue of SpecificityBADRINARAYAN, Preethi; NARAHARI SASTRY, G.Current pharmaceutical design (Print). 2013, Vol 19, Num 26, pp 4714-4738, issn 1381-6128, 25 p.Article

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