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On the elastic-plastic shrink fit with supercritical interferenceGAMER, U; MUÊFTUÊ, S.Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 1990, Vol 70, Num 11, pp 501-507, issn 0044-2267, 7 p.Article

A void ratio - water content - net stress model for environmentally stabilized expansive soilsGOULD, Scott J. F; KODIKARA, Jayantha; RAJEEV, Pathmanathan et al.Canadian geotechnical journal. 2011, Vol 48, Num 6, pp 867-877, issn 0008-3674, 11 p.Article

Mechanisms and critical properties in drying shrinkage of soils: experimental and numerical parametric studiesLIANG BO HU; PERON, Hervé; HUECKEL, Tomasz et al.Canadian geotechnical journal. 2013, Vol 50, Num 5, pp 536-549, issn 0008-3674, 14 p.Article

Application structurale d'un modèle THCM pour le béton au jeune âge = Structural application of a thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical model for the concrete at early ageBUFFO-LACARRIERE, Laurie.Revue européenne de génie civil. 2008, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 407-428, issn 1774-7120, 22 p.Article

The bar linear shrinkage test - More useful than we think !PAIGE-GREEN, P; VENTURA, D.Regional Conference for Africa on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineeringCongrès régional africain de la géotechnique au service du développement de l'Afrique. 1999, pp 379-387, isbn 90-5809-082-5Conference Paper

Mechanical effects of oxidation induced shrinkage on organic matrix compositesYOUSFI, A; FREOUR, S; RAHMANI, M et al.Matériaux et techniques. 2011, Vol 99, Num 3, pp 339-347, issn 0032-6895, 9 p.Article

Comportement différé des mortiers soumis au séchage et effet induit sur la perméabilité = Behavior differed of mortars subjected to drying and effect induced on the permeabilityYURTDAS, Ismail; BURLION, Nicolas; SKOCZYLAS, Frédéric et al.European journal of environmental and civil engineering. 2008, Vol 12, Num 6, pp 701-721, issn 1964-8189, 21 p.Article

Structural design properties of concrete for a bridge in AlbertaSOLEYMANI, Hamid R.Canadian journal of civil engineering (Print). 2006, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 199-205, issn 0315-1468, 7 p.Article

From likes to dislikes: conditioned taste aversion in the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis)ITO, E; KOJIMA, S; LUKOWIAK, K et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2013, Vol 91, Num 6, pp 405-412, issn 0008-4301, 8 p.Article

Experimental and numerical studies of the hydromechanical behaviour of a natural unsaturated swelling soilNOWAMOOZ, H; MRAD, M; ABDALLAH, A et al.Canadian geotechnical journal. 2009, Vol 46, Num 4, pp 393-410, issn 0008-3674, 18 p.Article

Modelling of curling in desiccating clayKODIKARA, J. K; NAHLAWI, H; BOUAZZA, A et al.Canadian geotechnical journal. 2004, Vol 41, Num 3, pp 560-566, issn 0008-3674, 7 p.Article

Sur les origines du retrait et du fluage du béton = On the concrete shrinkage and creep sourcesACKER, Paul.Revue française de génie civil. 2003, Vol 7, Num 6, pp 761-776, issn 1279-5119, 16 p.Article

Ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete mix design in central CanadaHABEL, Katrin; CHARRON, Jean-Philippe; BRAIKE, Shadi et al.Canadian journal of civil engineering (Print). 2008, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 217-224, issn 0315-1468, 8 p.Article

Measurement of free shrinkage at the tissue level using an optical microscope with an immersion objective : results obtained for Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and spruce (Picea abies)PERRE, Patrick; HUBER, Francoise.Annals of forest science. 2007, Vol 64, Num 3, pp 255-265, issn 1286-4560, 11 p.Article

Poromechanics of drying and freezing cement-based materialsCOUSSY, Olivier.Revue européenne de génie civil. 2005, Vol 9, Num 5-6, pp 725-746, issn 1774-7120, 22 p.Article

Comparison of prediction provisions for drying shrinkage and creep of normal-strength concretesGARDNER, N. J.Canadian journal of civil engineering (Print). 2004, Vol 31, Num 5, pp 767-775, issn 0315-1468, 9 p.Article

Is laboratory concrete representative of building site concrete? Consequence on the creep predictionCLEMENT, Jean-Luc; LE MAOU, Francois.Revue française de génie civil. 2002, Vol 6, Num 3, pp 373-382, issn 1279-5119, 10 p.Article

Etats et localisation de l'eau par des matériaux finement divisés. Mécanismes de l'hydratation et du gonflement-retrait = States and location of water devided materials. Hydratation and swelling mechanismsBenchara, Athmane; Quemada, Daniel.1991, 213 p.Thesis

Nos retraites, quelles solutions pour quel avenir ?Nos retraites, quelles solutions pour quel avenir ?. 1991, 115 p.Conference Proceedings

Quel prix pour les retraites ?QUESTIONS DE SECURITE SOCIALE. 1994, Vol 12, pp 8-10, issn 0223-5838Article

Modulations de la retraite selon l'âge de départ: principes directeurs et évolutions depuis les années 1980 : Les systèmes de retraite et leurs réformes: Evaluations et projections = Adjustments in Pensions by Retirement Age: Basic Guidelines and Changes Since the 1980s : Pension systems and their reforms: Estimates and projectionsBRIARD, Karine; MAHFOUZ, Selma.Economie et statistique (Ed. française). 2011, Num 441-442, issn 0336-1454, 15-38, 225, 229, 232, 236 [28 p.]Article

BREVET 2.114.404 (B) (7138814). A 28 OCTOBRE 1971. CIMENT A COMPENSATION DE RETRAITsdPatent

Quel prix pour les retraites ?QUESTIONS DE SECURITE SOCIALE. 1994, Vol 12, pp 8-10, issn 0223-5838Article

Expériences de retrait au Japon: Réflexions et regards croisés sur le phénomène HikikomoriPIONNIE-DAX, Nancy.L' Autre (Grenoble). 2014, Vol 15, Num 1, pp 64-74, issn 1626-5378, 11 p.Article

Coupled water retention and shrinkage properties of a compacted silt under isotropic and deviatoric stress pathsCHIU, C. F; NG, Charles W. W.Canadian geotechnical journal. 2012, Vol 49, Num 8, pp 928-938, issn 0008-3674, 11 p.Article

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