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Proposition of a new classification of the cerebral veins based on their terminationNOWINSKI, Wieslaw L.Surgical and radiologic anatomy (Print). 2012, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 107-114, issn 0930-1038, 8 p.Article

Computed tomography of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection in adultsHARAMATI, Linda B; MOCHE, Ilana E; RIVERA, Vivian T et al.Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2003, Vol 27, Num 5, pp 743-749, issn 0363-8715, 7 p.Article

Mid-arm approach to basilic and cephalic vein cannulation using ultrasound guidanceSANDHU, N. P. S; SIDHU, D. S.British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2004, Vol 93, Num 2, pp 292-294, issn 0007-0912, 3 p.Article

A hypothesis of cerebral venous system regulation based on a study of the junction between the cortical bridging veins and the superior sagittal sinus : Laboratory investigationVIGNES, Jean-Rodolphe; DAGAIN, Arnaud; GUERIN, Jean et al.Journal of neurosurgery. 2007, Vol 107, Num 6, pp 1205-1210, issn 0022-3085, 6 p.Article

The plantar venous pump: Anatomy and physiological hypothesesUHL, Jean-François; GILLOT, Claude.Phlebolymphology. 2010, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 151-158, issn 1286-0107, 8 p.Article

Vein-types ore depositsHAYNES, S.J.Ore geology reviews. 1993, Vol 8, Num 3-4, issn 0169-1368, 180 p.Article

Orogenic gold deposits : a proposed classification in the context of their crustal distribution and relationship to other gold deposit typesGROVES, D. I; GOLDFARB, R. J; GEBRE-MARIAM, M et al.Ore geology reviews. 1998, Vol 13, Num 1-5, pp 7-27, issn 0169-1368Article

Extrajugular pathways of human cerebral venous blood drainage assessed by duplex ultrasoundSCHREIBER, Stephan J; LÜRTZING, Frank; GÖTZE, Rainer et al.Journal of applied physiology (1985). 2003, Vol 94, Num 5, pp 1802-1805, issn 8750-7587, 4 p.Article

Koefitsient na prekysnatost na rudnite telaVASILEV, P. A.Spisanie na B″lgarskoto geologičesko družestvo. 1984, Vol 45, Num 1, pp 96-103, issn 0007-3938Article

K otsenke granits malomoshchnykh rudnykh tel pri karotazhe skvazhin yaderno-geofizicheskimi metodamiGULIMOV, A. V; ZARAMENSKIKH, N. M.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1984, Num 4, issn 0016-7762, 144Article

Dostovernost okonturivaniya tonkikh zhil i ee zavisimost ot orientirovki razvedochnoj setiVIKENT'EV, V. A; VORONTSOV, V. A; KUSHNAREV, P. I et al.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1985, Num 7, pp 60-64, issn 0016-7762Article

The stoping of underground gold veins in ChinaYAO ZHIYUANMY; XU SHULANANMY; YAO BIHONGNMY et al.Symposium Brazil Gold'91. 1991, pp 805-810Conference Paper

Underground transmission tomography : Field casesGELBKE, C.International symposium Borehole geophysics : Petroleum, hydrogeology, mining and engineering applications. sd, 5 p.Conference Paper

Collateral pathways in thoracic central venous obstruction: Three-dimensional display using direct spiral computed tomography venographyKIM, Hyo-Cheol; JIN WOOK CHUNG; CHANG JIN YOON et al.Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2004, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 24-33, issn 0363-8715, 10 p.Article

Les gisements de Mindouli (ex-Congo français) et environs en 1931 = The deposits of Mindouli (ex-French Congo) and surrounding areas in 1931CUISINIER, L.Cahiers géologiques. 1996, Num 128, pp 1603-1609, issn 0008-0241Article

Tracheid analysis and modeling of the minor veins of the coleus and smilax leavesKORN, Robert.Planta. 2006, Vol 224, Num 4, pp 915-923, issn 0032-0935, 9 p.Article

Formation model and exploration of the Toyoha mine, Hokkaido, JapanYAJIMA, J; OHTA, E; KAMIKI, T et al.International geological congress. 1992, p.786Conference Paper

Fibrous gypsum and fibrous anhydrite in veins. Discussion and reply = Gypse fibreux et anhydrite fibreuse dans des filons. Discussion et réponseNICHOLSON, R; MACHEL, H.-G.Sedimentology. 1986, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 615-618, issn 0037-0746Article

Rodonit kak ob'ekt razvedki, razrabotki i okhranyMUKHIN, M. E; SNEGOVAYA, O. D; SNEGOVOJ, M. A et al.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1985, Num 9, pp 65-68, issn 0016-7762Article

Vliyanie razmagnichivaniya na magnitnye anomalii intruzivnykh ob'ektovBLOKH, YU. I.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1984, Num 3, pp 122-124, issn 0016-7762Article

Zinnerzlagerstätten vom Skarntyp und die Methodik ihrer Erkundung = Les gisements d'étain de type skarn et leur prospectionLUGOV, S. F; KRYLOVA, V. V; ROCEV, N. V et al.Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie. 1982, Vol 28, Num 5, pp 237-240, issn 0044-2259Article

Numerical models of mineral deposition for the Acupan vein system, PhilippinesCOOKE, D.R.International symposium on water-rock interaction. 1992, pp 1576-1582Conference Paper

Glubinnye razlomy i ikh rol v razmeshchenii olovorudnykh rajonov v severnoj chasti SRVVU SUAN DO.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1984, Num 4, pp 54-58, issn 0016-7762Article

O vozmozhnosti otkrytiya zon neftegazonakopleniya zhil'nogo tipaPALAMAR', V. P; POPKOV, V. I; RABINOVICH, A. A et al.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1981, Vol 257, Num 4, pp 968-970, issn 0002-3264Article

Subvulkanicheskie tela i rudoobrazovanieYAKOVLEV, G. F; YAKOVLEVA, E. B.Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka. 1985, Num 4, pp 32-37, issn 0016-7762Article

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