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Surface coil magnetic resonance imagingEDELSTEIN, W. A; SCHENCK, J. F; HART, H. R et al.JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association. 1985, Vol 253, Num 6, issn 0098-7484, 828Article
Agents de contraste en imagerie par résonance magnétique = Contrast agents in magnetic resonance imagingBONNET, P. A; FERNANDEZ, J. P; MILHAVET, J. C et al.Journal de radiologie (Paris). 1984, Vol 65, Num 12, pp 829-832, issn 0221-0363Article
NMR in medicineBOTTOMLEY, P. A.Computerized radiology. 1984, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 57-77, issn 0730-4862Article
Potential approaches to evaluating the cardiovascular system using NMRREEVES, R. C; EVANOCHKO, W. T; POHOST, G. M et al.Progress in cardiovascular diseases. 1986, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 53-64, issn 0033-0620Article
Die Bedeutung der Kernspintomographie in der heutigen Diagnostik = L'importance diagnostic actuelle de l'imagerie RMN = Significance of NMR imaging in diagnosis nowedaysHÜNERMANN, B.Nuclear-Medizin. 1984, Vol 23, Num 5, pp 213-220, issn 0029-5566Article
Thin-section definition in magnetic resonance imaging: technical concepts and their implementationCROOKS, L. E; WATTS, J; HOENNINGER, J et al.Radiology. 1985, Vol 154, Num 2, pp 463-467, issn 0033-8419Article
Magnetic resonance imaging of the musculoskeletal systemPETTERSSON, H; HAMLIN, D. J; MANCUSO, A et al.Acta radiologica. Diagnosis. 1985, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 225-234, issn 0567-8056Article
Bases de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique nucléaire = Bases of NMR imagingBRIGUET, A; LEFEVRE, J.-L.Onde électrique. 1985, Vol 65, Num 4, pp 70-83, issn 0030-2430Article
La résonance magnétique nucléaire: un nouveau procédé d'imagerie: ses applications en rhumatologie (bande video) = Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging in rheumatologyJOUVE, P; DALMAS, J; STANOYEVITCH, J. F et al.Rhumatologie (Aix-les-Bains). 1985, Vol 37, Num 8, pp 259-260, issn 0249-7581Article
Intérêt de la résonance magnétique nucléaire du proton dans l'étude pharmacologique de l'œdème cérébral = Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging in pharmacological study of cerebral edemaBENOIST, L; ALLAIN, H; LINEE, P et al.Journal de pharmacologie. 1984, Vol 15, Num 2, pp 143-156, issn 0021-793XArticle
Nuclear magnetic resonance: its clinical applicationSTEINER, R. E.Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume. 1983, Vol 65, Num 5, pp 533-535, issn 0301-620XArticle
Contrast-enhanced NMR imaging: animal studies using gadolinium-DTPA complexBRASCH, R. C; WEINMANN, H.-J; WESBEY, G. E et al.American journal of roentgenology. 1984, Vol 142, Num 3, pp 625-630, issn 0092-5381Article
An introduction to NMR imaging: from the bloch equation to the imaging equationHINSHAW, W. S; LENT, A. H.Proceedings of the IEEE. 1983, Vol 71, Num 3, pp 338-350, issn 0018-9219Article
Automatic denoising of functional MRI data: Combining independent component analysis and hierarchical fusion of classifiersSALIMI-KHORSHIDI, Gholamreza; DOUAUD, Gwenaëlle; BECKMANN, Christian F et al.NeuroImage (Orlando, Fla.). 2014, Vol 90, pp 449-468, issn 1053-8119, 20 p.Article
Bare area of the glenoid: Magnetic resonance appearance with arthroscopic correlationLY, Justin Q; BUI-MANSFIELD, Liem T; KLINE, Mitchell J et al.Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2004, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 229-232, issn 0363-8715, 4 p.Article
Fabry disease: Renal sonographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings in affected males and carrier females with the classic and cardiac variant phenotypesGLASS, Ronald B. J; ASTRIN, Kenneth H; NORTON, Karen I et al.Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2004, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 158-168, issn 0363-8715, 11 p.Article
Inter- and intratumoral variability in magnetic resonance imaging of pleomorphic adenoma: An attempt to interpret the variable magnetic resonance findingsMOTOORI, Ken; YAMAMOTO, Seiji; UEDA, Takuya et al.Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2004, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 233-246, issn 0363-8715, 14 p.Article
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (I.R.M.) = Imaging with magnetic resonance (MRI)LAMARQUE, J. L; ROUANET, J. P; PUJOL, J et al.Techniques hospitalières médico-sociales et sanitaires. 1986, Vol 41, Num 486, pp 25-38, issn 0040-1374Article
Diagnostik der Knochennekrose durch magnetische Resonanz-(MR-)Tomographie: Möglichkeiten der Früherkennung = Diagnostic de la nécrose osseuse par la tomographie RMN: possibilités du dépistage précoce = The diagnosis of bone necrosis by magnetic resonance (MR) tomography. Possible early diagnosisRUPP, N; REISER, M; HIPP, E et al.RöFo. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin. 1985, Vol 142, Num 2, pp 131-137, issn 0340-1618Article
Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart using image planes oriented to cardiac axes: experience with 100 casesDINSMORE, R. E; WISMER, G. L; MILLER, S. W et al.American journal of roentgenology. 1985, Vol 145, Num 6, pp 1177-1183, issn 0092-5381Article
«Echo planar imaging» en pédiatrie: résonance magnétique nucléaire en temps réel = Echo planar imaging in pediatrics: real time NMR imagingRZEDZIAN, R; DOYLE, M; MANSFIELD, P et al.Annales de radiologie (Paris). 1984, Vol 27, Num 2-3, pp 182-186, issn 0003-4185Article
Nongated cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: preliminary experience at 0.12 TCHOYKE, P. L; KRESSEL, H. Y; REICHEK, N et al.American journal of roentgenology. 1984, Vol 143, Num 6, pp 1143-1150, issn 0092-5381Conference Paper
NMR imaging of the spine = Imagerie en RMN du rachisHAN, J. S; KAUFMAN, B; EL YOUSEF, S. J et al.American journal of roentgenology. 1983, Vol 141, Num 6, pp 1137-1145, issn 0092-5381Article
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging in orthopaedics: principles and applicationsMOON, K. L. JR; GENANT, H. K; DAVIS, P. L et al.Journal of orthopaedic research. 1983, Vol 1, Num 1, pp 101-114, issn 0736-0266Article
Intracranial fluid dynamics in normal and hydrocephalic states: Systems analysis with phase-contrast magnetic resonance imagingDE MARCO, Giovanni; IDY-PERETTI, Ilana; DIDON-PONCELET, Anne et al.Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2004, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 247-254, issn 0363-8715, 8 p.Article