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Division systems for the Gospels : The case of the Stowe st John (Dublin, Ria, D.II.3)O'LOUGHLIN, Thomas.Scriptorium. 2007, Vol 61, Num 1, pp 150-164, issn 0036-9772, 15 p.Article

The Campsey collection of Old French saints' lives: A re-examination of its structure and provenanceRUSSELL, Delbert.Scriptorium. 2003, Vol 57, Num 1, pp 51-83, issn 0036-9772, 33 p.Article

A forgotten medieval benedictine manuscript: The annals in British library cotton ms. vitellius D. IXLUXFORD, Julian M.Scriptorium. 2001, Vol 55, Num 2, pp 298-306, issn 0036-9772, 9 p.Article

Les portraits d'auteur de Hildegarde de Bingen : Une étude iconographique = Portraits of author of Hildegard of Bingen: an iconographic studyGRAF, Katrin.Scriptorium. 2001, Vol 55, Num 2, pp 179-196, issn 0036-9772, 18 p.Article

Les critères de datation et de localisation des écritures de l'époque gothiqueScriptorium. 2000, Vol 54, Num 1, issn 0036-9772, 86 p.Conference Proceedings

Une écriture cursive Grecque inconnue du Xe siècle dans le manuscrit de Munich GR. 331 = An unknown Greek cursive writing from the 10th century in the manuscript of Munich GR. 331MONDRAIN, Brigitte.Scriptorium. 2000, Vol 54, Num 2, pp 252-267, issn 0036-9772Article

Discovery of a manuscript of the Liber altarium and Liber sepulchrorum of ClairvauxCOLKER, M. L.Scriptorium. 1997, Vol 51, Num 1, pp 68-76, issn 0036-9772Article

Remarques sur les conditions de conservation des actes et des livres au Portugal (XIIe- XVe siècles) = Records and book preservation in Portugal (12th-15th century)DE AZEVEDO SANTOS, M. J.Scriptorium. 1996, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 397-406, issn 0036-9772Conference Paper

GENIZOT : Depositories of consumed books as disposing procedure in Jewish SocietyBEIT-ARIE, M.Scriptorium. 1996, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 407-414, issn 0036-9772Conference Paper

La bibliothèque commune des institutions religieuses = The common library of religious institutionsNEBBIAI-DALLA GUARDA, D.Scriptorium. 1996, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 254-268, issn 0036-9772Conference Paper

Source-identification and manuscript recovery : The British Library Wulfstan Ms. Cotton Nero A i, 131v-132rCROOS, J. E; HAMER, A.Scriptorium. 1996, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 132-137, issn 0036-9772Article

Un texte retrouvé : La «Cosmographia Moysi» d'Eustache de Lens = A Rediscovered Text: Eustache of Lens' Cosmographia MoysiBONDEELLE-SOUCHIER, A.Scriptorium. 1996, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 123-132, issn 0036-9772Article

Notes on the codicology of the Queen Mary PsalterRUDLOFF STANTON, A.Scriptorium. 1995, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 250-262, issn 0036-9772Article

Alfarabi, Aristote, Plutarque et Ptolémée à Reims vers 1479 = Alfarabi, Aristoteles, Plutarchus and Ptolemea about 1479RIOU, Y.-F.Scriptorium. 1995, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 106-133, issn 0036-9772Article

The Luxeuil prophets and the Gallican liturgyCOLKER, M. L; BABCOCK, R.Scriptorium. 1993, Vol 47, Num 1, pp 52-60, issn 0036-9772Article

Fremde Schriften in einem lateinischen Codex (Zu den Bamberger Hss. Patr. 130/1 und 130/2) = Les écritures étrangères dans un manuscrit latin (à propos des mss. de Bamberg Patr. 130/1 et 130/2)MARTI, R.Scriptorium. 1991, Vol 45, Num 1, pp 47-83, issn 0036-9772Article

A Geometer's Art : The Full-Page Illuminations in St. Gallen Stiftsbibliothek Cod. Sang. 51, an Insular Gospels Book of the VIIIth CenturySTEVICK, R. D.Scriptorium. 1990, Vol 44, Num 2, pp 161-192, issn 0036-9772Article

Hermann of Werden's Hortus Deliciarum Salomonis Discovered, Lost and RecoveredHAMBURGER, J. F.Scriptorium. 1989, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 120-129, issn 0036-9772Article

The Recovery of a Fifteenth-century Flemish Book of Hours (Univ. of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, HRC 2)GOULD, K.Scriptorium. 1989, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 76-100, issn 0036-9772Article

Un codice con note autografe di Gioacchino da Fiore (Vat. Barb. Lat. 627)TRONCARELLI, F.Scriptorium. 1989, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 3-34, issn 0036-9772Article

Le Valdebonum perdu et retrouvéOUY, G; STEINMANN, M.Scriptorium. 1988, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 198-203, issn 0036-9772Article

Der Codex Vat. Pal. lat. 289. Ein Beitrag zum Mainzer Skriptorium im 9. Jahrhundert (Le manuscrit Vat. Pal. lat. 289. Contribution à l'histoire du scriptorium de Mayence au IX siècle)HANSELMANN, J. F.Scriptorium. 1987, Vol 41, Num 1, pp 78-87, issn 0036-9772Article

Une liste des manuscrits du Speculum historiale de Vincent de BeauvaisDUCHENNE, M.-C; GUZMAN, G.-G; VOORBIJ, J. B et al.Scriptorium. 1987, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 286-294, issn 0036-9772Article

IndexScriptorium. 1986, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 173-193, issn 0036-9772Article

Pierpont Morgan Library Ms M. 938 : a newly discovered copy of Giovanni del Virgilio's prose paraphrase of the MetamorphosesCOULSON, F. T.Scriptorium. 1986, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 255-256, issn 0036-9772Article

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