Résultats 1 à 25 sur 1307
Sélection :
The Future of Internet PolicyDECHERNEY, Peter; PICKARD, Victor.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 2, issn 1529-5036, 79 p.Serial Issue
The Media Policy Tower of Babble: A Case for Policy Literacy PedagogyLENTZ, Becky.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 134-140, issn 1529-5036, 7 p.Article
The Death and Life of a Great American AgencyWERBACH, Kevin.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 160-165, issn 1529-5036, 6 p.Article
Dealing with misuse of personal information online - Coping measures of children in the EU Kids Online III projectBARBOVSCHI, Monica.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2014, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 305-326, issn 0341-2059, 22 p.Article
I would never post that: Children, moral sensitivity and online disclosureMOSTMANS, Lien; BAUWENS, Joke; PIERSON, Jo et al.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2014, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 347-367, issn 0341-2059, 21 p.Article
Between Frame Setting and Frame Sending: How Journalists Contribute to News FramesBRÜGGEMANN, Michael.Communication theory. 2014, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 61-82, issn 1050-3293, 22 p.Article
Communication Infrastructure Theory and Entertainment-Education: An Integrative Model for Health CommunicationLITERAT, Ioana; CHEN, Nien-Tsu Nancy.Communication theory. 2014, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 83-103, issn 1050-3293, 21 p.Article
Culture Industries in a Postindustrial Age: Entertainment, Leisure, Creativity, DesignRODRIGUEZ-FERRANDIZ, Raúl.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 327-341, issn 1529-5036, 15 p.Article
Infrastructure in the Air: The Office of Education and the Development of Public Broadcasting in the United States, 1934-1944SHEPPERD, Josh.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 230-243, issn 1529-5036, 14 p.Article
Locating Whiteness in Journalism PedagogyALEMAN, Sonya M.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 72-88, issn 1529-5036, 17 p.Article
Lost in the Shuffle: Technology, History, and the Idea of Musical RandomnessPOWERS, Devon.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 244-264, issn 1529-5036, 21 p.Article
Military Orientalism at the Cineplex: A Postcolonial Reading of Zero Dark ThirtyHASIAN, Marouf A.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 5, pp 464-478, issn 1529-5036, 15 p.Article
Provincializing Hegemonic Histories of Media and Communication Studies: Toward a Genealogy of Epistemic Resistance in AfricaWILLEMS, Wendy.Communication theory. 2014, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 415-434, issn 1050-3293, 20 p.Article
Social media and the McDonaldization of friendshipBAKARDJIEVA, Maria.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2014, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 369-388, issn 0341-2059, 20 p.Article
Conceptualizing MediatizationCOULDRY, Nick; HEPP, Andreas.Communication theory. 2013, Vol 23, Num 3, issn 1050-3293, 126 p.Serial Issue
Media Logic, Social Control, and FearALTHEIDE, David L.Communication theory. 2013, Vol 23, Num 3, pp 223-238, issn 1050-3293, 16 p.Article
Logique de production et de partage d'écrits de travail. Pratiques d'informaticiens = Logic of production and sharing of work writings. Computer scientist's praticesDALLE-NAZEBI, Sophie; AGUERA, Dimitri.Sciences de la société (Toulouse). 2013, Num 89, pp 96-111, issn 1168-1446, 16 p.Article
Les directeurs départementaux sont-ils encore les « patrons » de l'État local ? = Departmental directors are they still gouerning/managing the local State?DEBAR, Anne.Sciences de la société (Toulouse). 2013, Num 90, pp 58-75, issn 1168-1446, 18 p.Article
Kindermedienwelten als Forschungsgegenstand: Projekte des Instituts für angewandte Kindermedienforschung der Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (HdM) = Children Media World as a research focus. The Institute for applied Children Media Research of the Stuttgart Media University and its projectsSTANG, Richard; NAGL, Manfred.Information Wissenschaft und Praxis. 2013, Vol 64, Num 5, pp 276-282, issn 1434-4653, 7 p.Article
Progress, Paradigms, and a Discipline Engaged: A Response to Lang and Reflections on Media Effects ResearchPERLOFF, Richard M.Communication theory. 2013, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 317-333, issn 1050-3293, 17 p.Article
'The life of a new generation': Content, values and mainstream media perception of transcultural ethnic media ― An Austrian caseBRANTNER, Cornelia; HERCZEG, Petra.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2013, Vol 38, Num 2, pp 211-235, issn 0341-2059, 25 p.Article
(De)personalization of campaign communication: Individualization and hierarchization in party press releases and media coverage in the 2008 Austrian parliamentary election campaignLENGAUER, Günther; WINDER, Georg.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2013, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 13-39, issn 0341-2059, 27 p.Article
A qualitative approach to the use of ICTs and its risks among socially disadvantaged early adolescents and adolescents in Madrid, SpainCABELLO CADIZ, Patricio.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2013, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 61-83, issn 0341-2059, 23 p.Article
Academic publications in the age of post- EnlightenmentKROTZ, Friedrich.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2013, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 1-12, issn 0341-2059, 12 p.Article
Assessing the tone of televised economic messages during economic recovery: Positive and negative, global and localHETSRONI, Amir; SHEAFFER, Zachary.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2013, Vol 38, Num 2, pp 147-165, issn 0341-2059, 19 p.Article