Résultats 1 à 25 sur 5303
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Bi-para-mechanical systems on the bi-Lagrangian manifoldTEKKOYUN, Mehmet; SARI, Murat.Physica. B, Condensed matter. 2010, Vol 405, Num 10, pp 2390-2393, issn 0921-4526, 4 p.Article
Minimal distance transformations between links and polymers : principles and examplesMOHAZAB, Ali R; PLOTKIN, Steven S.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 2008, Vol 20, Num 24, issn 0953-8984, 244133.1-244133.24Conference Paper
Adiabatic approximation for path integrals and geometrical potentialsOHNISHI, Takashi; NAGAOSA, Naoto.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2007, Vol 76, Num 1, issn 0031-9015, 015003.1-015003.2Article
The double-Kerr solutionBONNOR, W. B; STEADMAN, B. R.Classical and quantum gravity (Print). 2004, Vol 21, Num 11, pp 2723-2732, issn 0264-9381, 10 p.Article
Efficient sampling on coarse grids in tomographyDESBAT, L.Inverse problems. 1993, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 251-269, issn 0266-5611Article
The Yang-Mills-Higgs heat flow on R3HASSELL, A.Journal of functional analysis. 1993, Vol 111, Num 2, pp 431-448, issn 0022-1236Article
Global d-invariance in field theoryFERRARIS, M; FRANCAVIGLIA, M; TAPIA, V et al.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1993, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 433-442, issn 0305-4470Article
Non-local symmetries and a working algorithm to isolate integrable geometriesCIESLINSKI, J.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1993, Vol 26, Num 5, pp L267-L271, issn 0305-4470Article
On global gravitational instantons in superstring theoryBAADHIO, R. A.Journal of mathematical physics. 1993, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 358-368, issn 0022-2488Article
Poincaré coherent states : the two-dimensional massless caseANTOINE, J.-P; MOSCHELLA, U.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1993, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 591-607, issn 0305-4470Article
The Gauss-Codacci equation on a Regge spacetime. IIBREWIN, L.Classical and quantum gravity (Print). 1993, Vol 10, Num 5, pp 947-960, issn 0264-9381Article
The algebra of differential operators on the circle and WKP(q)FIGUEROA-O'FARRILL, J. M; RAMOS, E.letters in mathematical physics. 1993, Vol 27, Num 3, pp 223-233, issn 0377-9017Article
The general four-dimensional spherically symmetric Finsler spaceMCCARTHY, P. J; RUTZ, S. F.General relativity and gravitation. 1993, Vol 25, Num 6, pp 589-602, issn 0001-7701Article
The geometry of state espaceADELMAN, M; CORBETT, J. V; HURST, C. A et al.Foundations of physics. 1993, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 211-223, issn 0015-9018Article
The parametric manifold picture of space-timePERJES, Z.Nuclear physics. B. 1993, Vol 403, Num 3, pp 809-837, issn 0550-3213Article
Transgression and the Chern character of finite-dimensional K-cyclesCONNES, A; MOSCOVICI, H.Communications in mathematical physics. 1993, Vol 155, Num 1, pp 103-122, issn 0010-3616Article
p-Adic Heisenberg group and Maslov indexZELENOV, E. I.Communications in mathematical physics. 1993, Vol 155, Num 3, pp 489-502, issn 0010-3616Article
p-adic superanalysis. II: Supermanifolds and differential operatorsCIANCI, R; KHRENNIKOV, A.Journal of mathematical physics. 1993, Vol 34, Num 5, pp 1995-2003, issn 0022-2488Article
Application of topological methods to estimation of longitudinal wave number in crystalBORISOVICH, YU. G; DARINSKY, B. M; KUNAKOVSKAYA, O. V et al.Teoretičeskaâ i matematičeskaâ fizika. 1993, Vol 94, Num 1, pp 146-152, issn 0564-6162Article
A note on K-theoretical index theorems for orbifoldsFARSI, C.Proceedings - Royal Society. Mathematical and physical sciences. 1992, Vol 437, Num 1900, pp 429-431, issn 0962-8444Article
Derivative strings, differential strings and semi-holonomic jetsJUPP, P. E.Proceedings - Royal Society. Mathematical and physical sciences. 1992, Vol 436, Num 1896, pp 89-98, issn 0962-8444Article
A systematic method for parametrising periodic minimal surfaces : the F-RD surfaceFOGDEN, A.Journal de physique 1, General physics, statistical physics, condensed matter, cross-disciplinary physics. 1992, Vol 2, Num 3, pp 233-239Article
Coisotropic varieties and their generating familiesJANECZKO, S.Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique. 1992, Vol 56, Num 4, pp 429-441, issn 0246-0211Article
Constraints of the 2 + 1 dimensional integrable soliton systemsYI CHENG; YI-SHEN LI.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1992, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 419-431, issn 0305-4470Article
Extension of the fat-fractal exponent β to arbitrary sets in D dimensionsEYKHOLT, R; UMBERGER, D. K.Physics letters. A. 1992, Vol 163, Num 5-6, pp 409-414, issn 0375-9601Article