Résultats 1 à 25 sur 4580
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Mössbauer spectroscopy of europium-doped fluorochlorozirconate glasses and glass ceramics: optimization of storage phosphors in computed radiographyPFAU, C; PASSLICK, C; GRAY, S. K et al.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 2013, Vol 25, Num 20, issn 0953-8984, 205402.1-205402.6Article
Changes in the hyperfine interactions in the Fe80Nb3Cu1B16 metallic glass under tensile loadingJIRASKOVA, Y; ZABRANSKY, K; VUJTEK, M et al.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 2010, Vol 322, Num 14, pp 1939-1946, issn 0304-8853, 8 p.Article
Electric field gradients in 111In-doped (Hf/Zr)3Al2 and (Hf/Zr)4Al3 mixed compounds: ab initio calculations, perturbed angular correlation measurements and site preferenceERRICO, L. A; PETRILLI, H. M; TERRAZOS, L. A et al.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 2010, Vol 22, Num 21, issn 0953-8984, 215501.1-215501.10Article
Alloy and lattice disorder in Hf implanted AlxGa1―xN (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)GERUSCHKE, Thomas; LORENZ, Katharina; VIANDEN, Reiner et al.Physica. B, Condensed matter. 2009, Vol 404, Num 23-24, pp 4882-4885, issn 0921-4526, 4 p.Conference Paper
Charge Transfer in the Ca1-xSrx HfO3 SystemLOPEZ-GARCIA, A; ALONSO, R. E; FALABELLA, M et al.Ferroelectrics (Print). 2008, Vol 363, pp 50-55, issn 0015-0193, 6 p.Article
Size dependence of the Mossbauer recoilless fraction in β-Sn nanocrystalsMANTOVAN, R; DEBERNARDI, A; FANCIULLI, M et al.Journal of physics. Condensed matter (Print). 2008, Vol 20, Num 38, issn 0953-8984, 385201.1-385201.5Article
Observation of Local Fields at 111Cd(←111In) Sites in Aluminum-Doped ZnOSATO, Wataru; KOMENO, Yasufumi; TANIGAKI, Minoru et al.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2008, Vol 77, Num 10, issn 0031-9015, 105001.1-105001.2Article
First experiments on the observation of gamma resonance of a long-lived 109m Ag isomer using a gravitational gamma spectrometerALPATOV, V. G; BAYUKOV, Yu. D; DAVYDOV, A. V et al.Laser physics. 2007, Vol 17, Num 8, pp 1067-1072, issn 1054-660X, 6 p.Article
Investigation of single-crystals of chromium implanted with 119Sn-ions of various energiesCIESLAK, J; DUBIE, S. M; EICHHORN, F et al.Journal of alloys and compounds. 2007, Vol 442, Num 1-2, pp 235-238, issn 0925-8388, 4 p.Conference Paper
The perturbed angular correlation studies of Ag-Zr compounds with 111Cd probesKULINSKA, A; WODNIECKA, B; WODNIECKI, P et al.Journal of alloys and compounds. 2006, Vol 426, Num 1-2, pp 76-82, issn 0925-8388, 7 p.Article
Coherent nuclear resonant scattering by 61Ni using the nuclear lighthouse effectROTH, T; LEUPOLD, O; WILLE, H.-C et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2005, Vol 71, Num 14, pp 140401.1-140401.4, issn 1098-0121Article
Hyperfine interactions studied by 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy in TbAuSn and TmAuSn compoundsŁATKA, K; GURGUL, J; KMIEC, R et al.Journal of alloys and compounds. 2005, Vol 400, Num 1-2, pp 16-22, issn 0925-8388, 7 p.Article
Emission Mössbauer spectroscopy in the Co-O system under high oxygen pressureRUEBENBAUER, K; WDOWIK, U. D.The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 2004, Vol 65, Num 11, pp 1917-1924, issn 0022-3697, 8 p.Article
Nucleogenic iron charge states in CoO studied by Mössbauer spectroscopyRUEBENBAUER, K; WDOWIK, U. D.The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 2004, Vol 65, Num 11, pp 1785-1792, issn 0022-3697, 8 p.Article
Oscillations of magnetic parameters and giant magnetization of Fe/Be superlatticesSTETSENKO, P. N; GORYUNOV, G. E; CHONG OH KIM et al.Physica status solidi. B. Basic research. 2004, Vol 241, Num 7, pp 1439-1443, issn 0370-1972, 5 p.Article
Mossbauer spectroscopic analyses of Mg0.9 Mn0.1 Inx Fe2-x O4 spinel ferritesLAKSHMAN, A; SUBBA RAO, P. S. V; RAO, K. H et al.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 2004, Vol 284, pp 352-357, issn 0304-8853, 6 p.Article
Mössbauer effect studies of Dy(Mn0.4-xAlxFe0,6)2 compoundsSTOCH, P; PSZCZOŁA, J; GUZDEK, P et al.Journal of alloys and compounds. 2004, Vol 384, pp 25-32, issn 0925-8388, 8 p.Article
Hyperfine field temperature dependence of Fe3Si from Mössbauer thermal scansPASQUEVICH, Gustavo A; MENDOZA ZELIS, Pedro; FERNANDEZ VAN RAAP, Marcela B et al.Physica. B, Condensed matter. 2004, Vol 354, Num 1-4, pp 369-372, issn 0921-4526, 4 p.Conference Paper
Application of Mössbauer effect spectroscopy to the study of quasicrystalline materialsDUNLAP, R. A; LAWTHER, D. W.Materials science & engineering. R, Reports. 1993, Vol 10, Num 4, pp 141-185, issn 0927-796XArticle
121-Sb Mössbauer study of insulating and ion-conducting antimony chalcogenide-based glassesBYCHKOV, E; WORTMANN, G.Journal of non-crystalline solids. 1993, Vol 159, Num 1-2, pp 162-172, issn 0022-3093Article
A 197Au Mössbauer study of some chlorogold derivatives of nitrogen-containing heterocyclesCALOGERO, S; WAGNER, F. E; PONTICELLI, G et al.Polyhedron. 1993, Vol 12, Num 12, pp 1459-1463, issn 0277-5387Article
Combined magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole hyperfine interactions in rare-earth orthoferrite ceramicsREARICK, T. M; CATCHEM, G. L; ADAMS, J. M et al.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1993, Vol 48, Num 1, pp 224-238, issn 0163-1829Article
Disorder and diffusional motion of cations in magnetite, Fe3-δO4, studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy at high temperaturesBECKER, K. D; VON WURMB, V; LITTERST, F. J et al.The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 1993, Vol 54, Num 8, pp 923-935, issn 0022-3697Article
Mössbauer study of surface magnetic properties of the antiferromagnet Fe3BO6 near the Néel temperatureKAMZIN, A. S; GRIGOR'EV, L. A; ALFERIEFF, M. E et al.JETP letters. 1993, Vol 57, Num 9, pp 552-556, issn 0021-3640Article
Mössbauer study on the distribution change and charge conversion of cations in CoFe2O4NA, J. G; LEE, T. D; KIM, E. C et al.Journal of materials science letters. 1993, Vol 12, Num 6, pp 361-362, issn 0261-8028Article