Résultats 1 à 25 sur 377
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Einfach - Optimal - Effizient (Bad Homburg, 16-17 Juni 1998)VDI-Berichte. 1998, issn 0083-5560, isbn 3-18-091396-7, 94 p., isbn 3-18-091396-7Conference Proceedings
Pulse width modulated reinforced piezo air jet actuatorsZHAO, Y; JONES, B.Mechatronics (Oxford). 1997, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 11-25, issn 0957-4158Article
Automatisches Hochregal- und Kleinteilelager = High rack and small part support automationNOACK, M.Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb. 1991, Vol 41, Num 7, pp 409-411, issn 0015-024XArticle
A different approach in assembly technologyAssembly automation. 1989, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 94-96, issn 0144-5154Article
Automated motor assembly sweeps Electrolux to successAssembly automation. 1989, Vol 9, Num 1, pp 29-32, issn 0144-5154Article
Knowledge-based computer-aided design of materials handling systemsGABBERT, P; BROWN, D. E.IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. 1989, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 188-196, issn 0018-9472, 9 p.Article
Automatisierte Montage von Schraubenverbindungen = Montage automatique d'assemblages vissés = Automatized assembling of bolted jointsTRINSINGER, K; MAI, H.-J; SALZMANN, B et al.Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb. 1988, Vol 38, Num 7, pp 401-404, issn 0015-024XArticle
Modelling the effects of learning and job enlargement on assembly systems with parallel linesCHAKRAVARTY, A. K; SHTUB, A.International journal of production research. 1988, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 267-281, issn 0020-7543Article
Transports: ne pas perdre de vue vos colis… = Transportation: following and identifying unit materialsLogistiques magazine. 1988, Num 28, pp 80-84, issn 0295-4192Article
A planning model for material flow synchronizationDAVIS, R. P; MILLER, W. A.Applied mathematical modelling. 1988, Vol 12, Num 1, pp 18-21, issn 0307-904XArticle
Equipment selection and task assignement for multiproduct assembly system designGRAVES, S. C; REDFIELD, C. H.International journal of flexible manufacturing systems. 1988, Vol 1, Num 1, pp 31-50Article
MATHES: an expert system for material handling equipment selectionFISHER, E. L; FARBER, J. B; KAY, M. G et al.Engineering costs and production economics. 1988, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 297-310, issn 0167-188XArticle
MULTIQ: a queueing model for FMSs with several Pallet typesSOLOT, P; BASTOS, J. M.The Journal of the Operational Research Society. 1988, Vol 39, Num 9, pp 811-821, issn 0160-5682Article
Méthode d'implantation de cellules flexibles d'assemblageElmoussily, Abderrezak; Duchamp, Robert.1988, 221 p.Thesis
Werkstückträgereinsatz in der Automobilindustrie = Utilisation des porte-pièces dans l'industrie automobile = Use of work holders in the automotive industrySCHMID, A.VDI-Berichte. 1988, Num 708, pp 71-94, issn 0083-5560Conference Paper
Strukturplanung automatisierter Montagesysteme: Clusteranalyse führt zu abgestimmten Flexibilitäts-anforderungen = Planning de la structure d'un système de montage automatisé. L'analyse par amas permet d'obtenir les exigences de flexibilité requises = Structure planning of automated assembly systems. The application of the cluster analysis leads to tuned flexibility requirementKETTNER, P; MERZ, K.-P.VDI-Z. 1987, Vol 129, Num 8, pp 87-95, issn 0042-1766Article
Automatic flexible assembly of an electromechanical timer groupSTEUDEL, M.Assembly automation. 1987, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 73-78, issn 0144-5154Article
Computer-aided planning of flexible automated assembly processesMILBERG, J; DIESS, H; WARNECKE, H. J et al.CIRP annals. 1987, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 1-4, issn 0007-8506Article
Bern 1 Schanzenpost ― Neue Forder- und Sortieranlagen im Sackpaketversand = Berne 1 Schanzenpost ― Nouvelle installation de manutention et de tri du service d'expédition des colis en sac = New conveying and sorting plant for sack dispatching in post office building at Bern 1 SchanzenpostKELLER, H.Technische Mitteilungen PTT. 1987, Num 4, pp 187-209, issn 0040-1471Article
Rechnerunterstützte Produktanalyse in der Montageplanung = Analyse de produits assistée par ordinateur pour l'organisation du montage = Computer-aided product analysis for assembly planningWEULE, H; FRIEDMANN, T.VDI-Z. 1987, Vol 129, Num 12, pp 59-63, issn 0042-1766Article
Bestimmung des Nutzungsgrades in Abhängigkeit von Störungspuffern und Systemparametern in Montagefliessreihen = Détermination du degré d'utilisation en fonction de la capacité des stocks tampons de sécurité et des paramètres d'une chaîne de montage = Determination of the degree of utilization in dependence of system parameters and failure bufferingMITTELSTAEDT, H.Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb. 1987, Vol 37, Num 3, pp 404-407, issn 0015-024XArticle
Die Rolle der Kommunikationstechnik in Materialflusssystemen = Le rôle de la technique des communications dans des systèmes à courant de manutention = Information technology in material flow systemsBÖRNECKE, G.VDI-Berichte. 1987, Num 660, pp 301-332, issn 0083-5560Conference Paper
Mechanized material handling systems design and routingRAVINDRAN, A; FOOTE, B. L; WILLIAMS, L et al.Computers & industrial engineering. 1987, Vol 13, pp 138-143, issn 0360-8352Conference Paper
Entwicklung und Einsatz flexibler Montagesysteme = Conception et utilisation des systèmes de montage flexibles = Design and application of flexible assembly systemsWARNECKE, H.-J; WALTHER, J.Maschinenbautechnik. 1986, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 114-116, issn 0025-4495Article
Montage- und Handhabungstechnik, Industrieroboter. Fachgebiete in Jahresübersichten = Montage et manutention, robots industriels. Revue annuelle de la technique = Assembly and handling technology, industrial robots. Annual surveyKREIS, W; SINDERN, W; HARKORT, R et al.VDI-Z. 1986, Vol 128, Num 7, pp 199-206, issn 0042-1766Article