Résultats 1 à 25 sur 43078
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A Comparison of Microwave Window Channel Retrieved and Forward-Modeled Emissivities Over the U.S. Southern Great PlainsRINGERUD, Sarah; KUMMEROW, Christian; PETERS-LIDARD, Christa et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 5, pp 2395-2412, issn 0196-2892, 18 p., 1Article
A Local Contrast Method for Small Infrared Target DetectionCHEN, C. L. Philip; HONG LI; YANTAO WEI et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 574-581, issn 0196-2892, 8 p., 2Article
A New Algorithm to Retrieve Wave Parameters From Marine X-Band Radar Image SequencesZHONGBIAO CHEN; YIJUN HE; BIAO ZHANG et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 7, pp 4083-4091, issn 0196-2892, 9 p., 1Article
A Novel Coarse-to-Fine Scheme for Automatic Image Registration Based on SIFT and Mutual InformationMAOGUO GONG; SHENGMENG ZHAO; LICHENG JIAO et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 7, pp 4328-4338, issn 0196-2892, 11 p., 2Article
A Novel Model for Three-Dimensional Imaging Using Interferometric ISAR in Any Curved Target Flight PathNASIRIAN, Mahdi; BASTANI, Mohammad H.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 6, pp 3236-3245, issn 0196-2892, 10 p.Article
A Precise Lower Bound on Image Subpixel Registration AccuracyUSS, Mikhail L; VOZEL, Benoit; DUSHEPA, Vitaliy A et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 6, pp 3333-3345, issn 0196-2892, 13 p.Article
A Robust Coinversion Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval From Multisensor DataXIANFENG ZHANG; JIEPENG ZHAO; JIE TIAN et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 8, pp 5230-5237, issn 0196-2892, 8 p., 2Article
A SAR Interferometric Model for Soil MoistureDE ZAN, Francesco; PARIZZI, Alessandro; PRATS-IRAOLA, Pau et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 418-425, issn 0196-2892, 8 p., 2Article
AREA SAMPLING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLIED TO LAND-COVER AND LAND-USE. CASE STUDY: POST-COMMUNIST ROMANIANICULESCU, Simona; FOURNIER, Philippe; BADEA, Alexandru et al.Revue française de photogrammétrie et de télédétection. 2014, Num 205, pp 37-47, issn 1768-9791, 11 p.Article
Adaptive Subpixel Mapping Based on a Multiagent System for Remote-Sensing ImageryXIONG XU; YANFEI ZHONG; LIANGPEI ZHANG et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 787-804, issn 0196-2892, 18 p.Article
An Accurate Gravity Compensation Method for High-Precision Airborne POSJIANCHENG FANG; LINZHOUTING CHEN; JIFENG YAO et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 8, pp 4564-4573, issn 0196-2892, 10 p., 1Article
An Integrated Method for Urban Main-Road Centerline Extraction From Optical Remotely Sensed ImageryWENZHONG SHI; ZELANG MIAO; DEBAYLE, Johan et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 6, pp 3359-3372, issn 0196-2892, 14 p.Article
Assessing the Phenology of Southern Tropical Africa: A Comparison of Hemispherical Photography, Scatterometry, and Optical/NIR Remote SensingRYAN, Casey M; WILLIAMS, Mathew; HILL, Timothy C et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 519-528, issn 0196-2892, 10 p., 2Article
Assessment and Estimation of the RVoG Model in Polarimetric SAR InterferometryLOPEZ-MARTINEZ, Carlos; ALONSO-GONZALEZ, Alberto.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 6, pp 3091-3106, issn 0196-2892, 16 p.Article
Automatic Registration of Multisensor Images Using an Integrated Spatial and Mutual Information (SMI) MetricJIAYONG LIANG; XIAOPING LIU; KANGNING HUANG et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 603-615, issn 0196-2892, 13 p., 2Article
Azimuth Resampling Processing for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Several ModesMENGDAO XING; YUFENG WU; ZHANG, Yimin D et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 7, pp 4339-4352, issn 0196-2892, 14 p., 2Article
Bayesian Active Remote Sensing Image ClassificationRUIZ, Pablo; MATEOS, Javier; CAMPS-VALLS, Gustavo et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 4, pp 2186-2196, issn 0196-2892, 11 p.Article
Blind Speckle Decorrelation for SAR Image DespecklingLAPINI, Alessandro; BIANCHI, Tiziano; ARGENTI, Fabrizio et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 1044-1058, issn 0196-2892, 15 p.Article
Combination of optical and LiDAR satellite imagery with forest inventory data to improve wall-to-wall assessment of growing stock in ItalyMASELLI, F; CHIESI, M; MURA, M et al.International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation. 2014, Vol 26, pp 377-386, issn 1569-8432, 10 p.Article
DInSAR Pixel Selection Based on Sublook Spectral Correlation Along TimeIGLESIAS, Rubén; MALLORQUI, Jordi J; LOPEZ-DEKKER, Paco et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 7, pp 3788-3799, issn 0196-2892, 12 p., 1Article
Definition of Effective Training Sets for Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images by a Novel Cost-Sensitive Active Learning MethodDEMIR, Begüm; MINELLO, Luca; BRUZZONE, Lorenzo et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 1272-1284, issn 0196-2892, 13 p.Article
Deriving Predictive Relationships of Carotenoid Content at the Canopy Level in a Conifer Forest Using Hyperspectral Imagery and Model SimulationHERNANDEZ-CLEMENTE, Rocío; NAVARRO-CERRILLO, Rafael Maria; ZARCO-TEJADA, Pablo J et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 8, pp 5206-5217, issn 0196-2892, 12 p., 2Article
Deriving Vegetation Phenological Time and Trajectory Information Over Africa Using SEVIRI Daily LAIKAIYU GUAN; MEDVIGY, David; WOOD, Eric F et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 1113-1130, issn 0196-2892, 18 p.Article
Despeckling and Information Extraction From SLC SAR ImagesGLEICH, Dušan; DATCU, Mihai.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 8, pp 4633-4649, issn 0196-2892, 17 p., 1Article
Determination of Displacement From an Image Sequence Based on Time-Reversal InvarianceWEI CHEN.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2014, Vol 52, Num 5, pp 2575-2592, issn 0196-2892, 18 p., 1Article