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The evolving story of rice evolutionVAUGHAN, Duncan A; LU, Bao-Rong; TOMOOKA, Norihiko et al.Plant science (Limerick). 2008, Vol 174, Num 4, pp 394-408, issn 0168-9452, 15 p.Article

The pollination ecology of two species of Parkia (Mimosaceae) in southern ThailandBUMRUNGSRI, Sara; HARBIT, Andrew; BENZIE, Charles et al.Journal of tropical ecology. 2008, Vol 24, pp 467-475, issn 0266-4674, 9 p., 5Article

Cyanobacteria-bryophyte symbiosesADAMS, David G; DUGGAN, Paula S.Journal of experimental botany. 2008, Vol 59, Num 5, pp 1047-1058, issn 0022-0957, 12 p.Conference Paper

Embryological evidence for developmental lability during early angiosperm evolutionFRIEDMAN, William E.Nature (London). 2006, Vol 441, Num 7091, pp 337-340, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

Genetic changes associated with floral adaptation restrict future evolutionary potentialZUFALL, Rebecca A; RAUSHER, Mark D.Nature (London). 2004, Vol 428, Num 6985, pp 847-850, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

Geographic cohesion, chromosomal evolution, parallel adaptive radiations, and consequent floral adaptations in Calochortus (Calochortaceae): evidence from a cpDNA phylogenyPATTERSON, Thomas B; GIVNISH, Thomas J.New phytologist. 2004, Vol 161, Num 1, pp 253-264, issn 0028-646X, 12 p.Article

Les différents états d'un très vieil arbre = The different states of an old treeMS. Médecine sciences. 2003, Vol 19, Num 12, issn 0767-0974, p. 1204Article

Occurrence and phylogenetic significance of cytokinesis-related callose in green algae, bryophytes, ferns and seed plantsSCHERP, P; GROTHA, R; KUTSCHERA, U et al.Plant cell reports (Print). 2001, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 143-149, issn 0721-7714Article

Recent progress in reconstructing angiosperm phylogenyKUZOFF, R. K; GASSER, C. S.Trends in plant science. 2000, Vol 5, Num 8, pp 330-336, issn 1360-1385Article

Evolutionary and ecological perspectives on carbon acquisition in phytoplanktonTORTELL, P. D.Limnology and oceanography. 2000, Vol 45, Num 3, pp 744-750, issn 0024-3590Article

The C16:3/C18:3 fatty acid balance in photosynthetic tissues from 468 plant speciesMONGRAND, S; BESSOULE, J.-J; CABANTOUS, F et al.Phytochemistry. 1998, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 1049-1064, issn 0031-9422Article

The land flora : a phototroph-fungus partnership ?SELOSSE, M.-A; LE TACON, F.Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 15-20, issn 0169-5347Article

Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution in AnnonaceaeDOYLE, J. A; LE THOMAS, A.Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Section B, Adansonia. 1996, Vol 18, Num 3-4, pp 279-334, issn 0240-8937Article

Phylogeny of the Glomales : deciphering the past to understand the presentSIMON, L.New phytologist. 1996, Vol 133, Num 1, pp 95-101, issn 0028-646XConference Paper

Something borrowed, something green : lateral transfer of chloroplasts by secondary endosymbiosisMCFADDEN, G; GILSON, P.Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam). 1995, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 12-17, issn 0169-5347Article

A phylogenetic analysis of Epilobium (Onagraceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequencesBAUM, D. A; SYTSMA, K. J; HOCH, P. C et al.Systematic botany. 1994, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 363-388, issn 0363-6445Article

Adaptation to metal-contaminated soils in populations of the moss, Ceratodon pulpureus: Vegetative growth and reproductive expressionJULES, E. S; SHAW, A. J.American journal of botany. 1994, Vol 81, Num 6, pp 791-797, issn 0002-9122Article

A cladistic analysis of Dipsacaceae (Dipsacales)CAPUTO, P; COZZOLINO, S.Plant systematics and evolution. 1994, Vol 189, Num 1-2, pp 41-61, issn 0378-2697Article

Assessing the relationships of some coccoid green lichen algae and the microthamniales (Chlorophyta) with 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequence comparisonsFRIEDL, T; ZELTNER, C.Journal of phycology. 1994, Vol 30, Num 3, pp 500-506, issn 0022-3646Article

Evidence from chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis on the relationships of Scalesia (Asteraceae: Heliantheae)SCHILLING, E. E; PANERO, J. L; ELIASSON, U. H et al.American journal of botany. 1994, Vol 81, Num 2, pp 248-254, issn 0002-9122Article

Lignophyte phylogeny and the evolution of spermatophytes: a numerical cladistic analysisROTHWELL, G. W; SERBET, R.Systematic botany. 1994, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 443-482, issn 0363-6445Article

Plastid DNA, morphological variation, and the phylogenetic species concept: the Corallorhiza maculata (Orchidaceae) complexFREUDENSTEIN, L. H; DOYLE, J. J.Systematic botany. 1994, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 273-290, issn 0363-6445Article

Evolutionary trends in euglenoidsDAWSON, N. S; WALNE, P. L.Archiv für Protistenkunde. 1994, Vol 144, Num 3, pp 221-225, issn 0003-9365Article

Goniomonas: rRNA sequences indicate that this phagotrophic flagellate is a close relative of the host component of cryptomonadsMCFADDEN, G. I; GILSONQ, P. R; HILL, D. R. A et al.European journal of phycology (Print). 1994, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 29-32, issn 0967-0262Article

Molecular delineation of species and species relationships in the red algal agarophytes Gracilariopsis and Gracilaria (Gracilariales)GOFF, L. J; MOON, D. A; COLEMAN, A. W et al.Journal of phycology. 1994, Vol 30, Num 3, pp 521-537, issn 0022-3646Article

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