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Evidence for a hyporesponsive limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis following early-life repetitive hypoglycemia in adult male ratsLEHMANN, Ashton E; ENNIS, Kathleen; GEORGIEFF, Michael K et al.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 2011, Vol 70, Num 2, issn 0363-6119, R484-R490Article

Rôle endocrine et paracrine de la vasopressine dans la physiologie de la glande surrénale = Endocrine and paracrine roles of vasopressin in adrenal gland physiologyGrazzini, Eric; Guillon, G.1996, 100 p.Thesis

Biphasic forearm vascular responses to intraarterial arginine vasopressinSUZUKI, S; TAKESHITA, A; IMAIZUMI, T et al.The Journal of clinical investigation. 1989, Vol 84, Num 2, pp 427-434, issn 0021-9738Article

Epinephrine effect on arachidonic acid biosynthesis in isolated adrenocortical cellsMANDON, E. C; DE GOMEZ DUMM, I. N. T; GOMEZ DUMM, C. L. A et al.Molecular and cellular endocrinology. 1987, Vol 51, Num 1-2, pp 127-133, issn 0303-7207Article

Intact ability to lower urine pH in nonacidotic adrenalectomized ratsMUJAIS, S. K; NASCIMENTO, L; RADEMACHER, D. R et al.Mineral and electrolyte metabolism. 1986, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 107-112, issn 0378-0392Article

Parathyroid hormone-like effects of rainbow-trout stannius products on bone resorption of embryonic mouse calvaria in vitroLAFEBER, F. P. J. G; SCHAEFER, H. I. M. B; HERRMANN-ERLEE, M. P. M et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 1986, Vol 119, Num 5, pp 2249-2255, issn 0013-7227Article

Prolactin actions on casein and lipid biosynthesis in mouse and rabbit mammary gland explants are abolished by p-bromphenacyl bromide and quinacrine, phospholipase A2 inhibitorsRILLEMA, J. A; ETINDI, R. N; CAMERON, C. M et al.Hormone and metabolic research. 1986, Vol 18, Num 10, pp 672-674, issn 0018-5043Article

Plasma aldosterone, cortisol and electrolyte concentrations in physical exercise after magnesium supplementationGOLF, S. W; HAPPEL, O; GRAEF, V et al.Journal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry. 1984, Vol 22, Num 11, pp 717-721, issn 0340-076XArticle

Seasonal and biological variation of urinary epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol in healthy womenHANSEN, Ase Marie; GARDE, Anne Helene; SKOVGAARD, Lene Theil et al.Clinica chimica acta. 2001, Vol 309, Num 1, pp 25-35, issn 0009-8981Article

The blocking effects of ω-conotoxin on Ca current in bovine chromaffin cellsHANS, M; ILLES, P; TAKEDA, K et al.Neuroscience letters. 1990, Vol 114, Num 1, pp 63-68, issn 0304-3940Article

A protocol for estimation of cortisol plasma clearance in acid-exposed rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)BROWN, S. B; EALES, J. G; HARA, T. J et al.General and comparative endocrinology. 1986, Vol 62, Num 3, pp 493-502, issn 0016-6480Article

Characterization of a dopaminergic receptor that modulates adrenomedullary catecholamine releaseGONZALEZ, M. C; ARTALEJO, A. R; MONTIEL, C et al.Journal of neurochemistry. 1986, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 382-388, issn 0022-3042Article

Effects of castration and castration followed by sex steroid treatment on the interrenal gland and pars distalis of the Indian skipper frog, Rana cyanophlyctis SchneiderYAJURVEDI, H. N; HOOLI, M. A.Monitore zoologico italiano. 1985, Vol 19, Num 1-2, pp 1-15, issn 0026-9786Article

Sur les relations entre les réponses adrénocorticotropes et glucocorticoïde chez des chiensABDULLIN, G. Z.Fiziologičeskij žurnal SSSR im. I.M. Sečenova. 1985, Vol 71, Num 11, pp 1329-1337, issn 0015-329XArticle

N6-Phenylisopropyladenosine stimulates in normal and inhibits in adrenalectomized rats the low KM cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase in the brainDE MAZANCOURT, P; GIUDICELLI, Y.Brain research. 1984, Vol 300, Num 2, pp 211-217, issn 0006-8993Article

Inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced monocyte interleukin-1 receptor antagonist synthesis by cortisol : involvement of the mineralocorticoid receptorSAUER, J; CASTREN, M; HOPFNER, U et al.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 1996, Vol 81, Num 1, pp 73-79, issn 0021-972XArticle

Effects of prolonged sodium restriction on the morphology and function of rat adrenocortical autotransplantsBELLONI, A. S; NERI, G; ANDREIS, P. G et al.Cell and tissue research. 1991, Vol 265, Num 1, pp 35-41, issn 0302-766XArticle

Prolactin modulation of the maternal-like behavior displayed by juvenile ratsKINSLEY, C. H; BRIDGES, R. S.Hormones and behavior (Print). 1988, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 49-65, issn 0018-506XArticle

Circulating dihydrotestosterone may not reflect peripheral formationTOSCANO, V; HORTON, R.The Journal of clinical investigation. 1987, Vol 79, Num 6, pp 1653-1658, issn 0021-9738Article

Regulation of angiotensin II in rat adrenal glandAHSAN HUSAIN; DESILVA, P; SPETH, R. C et al.Circulation research. 1987, Vol 60, Num 5, pp 640-648, issn 0009-7330Article

Effets comparés de l'extrait de corpuscules de Stannius d'Anguille et du fragment actif de la parathyrine humaine (1-34 hPTH) chez un Batracien Anoure, Xenopus laevis = Comparative effect od Stannius corpuscles extracts and 1-34 hPTH in the Anura, Xenopus laevisMILET, C; BUSCAGLIA, M; CHARTIER, M.-M et al.Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la vie. 1983, Vol 297, Num 1, pp 33-36, issn 0249-6313Article

Studies on the role of platelet-activating factor in blood pressure regulationSAKAGUCHI, K; MORIMOTO, S; MASUGI, F et al.Lipids. 1991, Vol 26, Num 12, pp 1264-1268, issn 0024-4201Conference Paper

Comments on Weinbaum and Jiji's discussion of their proposed bioheat equationWISSLER, E. H.Journal of biomechanical engineering. 1987, Vol 109, Num 4, pp 355-356, issn 0148-0731Article

The human adrenal cortex: ultrastructure and base-line morphometric dataBELLONI, A. S; MAZZOCCHI, G; MANTERO, F et al.Journal of submicroscopic cytology. 1987, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 657-668, issn 0022-4782Article

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of pig adrenal glandsBEVINGTON, A; BRIGGS, R. W; RADDA, G. K et al.Neuroscience. 1984, Vol 11, Num 1, pp 281-286, issn 0306-4522Article

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